
  1. Odinson

    AHC/What If: End the Atlantic Slave Trade earlier

    The Atlantic Slave trade was a particularly brutal event in world history that saw millions of Africans displaced from their home to the Americas where many would die in bondage. The event lasted from the early 1500s after Spain decided to turn to Portuguese slavers to keep up with the labor...
  2. GameBawesome

    Views on the Founding Fathers after a CSA victory.

    The Founding Fathers were the leaders for the Thirteen Colonies during the American Revolutionary War, breaking off from Britain and forming the United States or America, and later on form the Constitution. The seven commonly famous members included are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John...
  3. From Cape Tiburon to Cape Samaná - A United Hispaniola Timeline
    Threadmarks: 1. Background, Saint-Domingue Before the Revolution

    From Cape Tiburon to Cape Samaná - A United Hispaniola Timeline Foreword From a young age, the story of Haiti fascinated me, a republic of slaves who broke the shackles of the French Empire, and seized their freedom. Unfortunately, such idyllic romanticized scenarios of a republic of...
  4. No Islam - What about Slavery?

    Big Question regarding a long period affected by a swarm of butterflies. But it's something I've pondered about before. The first type of slavery in the Islamic world that comes to popular imagination would be that of harems/concubines full of women from many places. Whether something like this...
  5. Manufacturing in the South=earlier abolition of slavery?

    If the South, more specifically Georgia, had a thriving manufacturing sector, would it still have become such a vehement defender of slavery? Georgia is home to Washington county which has some of the largest Kaolinite deposits which is needed to produce porcelain. If these deposits had been...

    How would African Americans fare in an earlier, peaceful abolition of slavery?

    Slavery. One of the darkest marks on American history. In the years leading up to the American Civil War, there were multiple efforts by abolitionists - and even African Americans themselves - to abolish slavery. However, the abolition of slavery was way too late for many African Americans - and...
  7. Northeast secedes from Brazil

    During the 2000s, I read Late Victorian Holocausts by Mike Davis, which said that Northeastern Brazil’s development was seriously affected during the nineteenth century by a coffee-dominated exchange rate that priced large portions of its sugar and cotton out of the world market. Whilst whether...
  8. Imperial Brazilian WI: The Dantas Project passes?

    With the abolitionist movement in Brazil growing ever more vigorous after the end of slavery in the provinces of Ceará and Amazonas, newly inaugurated prime minister Manuel Pinto de Sousa Dantas, a member of the Liberal Party, presented to the Chamber of Deputies a bill which proposed to...
  9. WI: George Washington Speaks Out Against Slavery While President

    Okay, so as an American, I have always considered our country's greatest foundational hypocrisy to be slavery. I consider the Native American Genocide to be the greater crime, but slavery is our greatest hypocrisy. Now, I don't want to go into a rant about it, but I don't really feel like I...
  10. WI: Eunus and Cleon win the first Servile War?

    In all of history, there has only ever been one succesful slave rebellion, in Haiti. What would the effects of a succesful slave rebellino 2000 years earlier be? Could the slaves have ever succesfully kicked the Romans out of Sicily? If they had, what would happen? What sort of society would...
  11. Was Trans Atlantic Slave Trade inevitable with European Colonization of Americas?

    Is there any plausible alternate history scenario where the European colonization of Americas could happen WITHOUT African slavery? What would have to happen in Europe's history to prevent it? Or is there something that could of happened in Africa's development that could of prevented it? Since...
  12. Oba Cahokia

    What is life like for American Indian, Freedman, Indian Freedman and Enslaved African Americans in a Confederate Oklahoma?

    What would life look like for these for groups what would be present day Oklahoma? Do American Indians get a seat in the national legislature? Do Freedman and Indian Freedman get left alone and stay in their own little corner of the state? Do enslaved people revolt in these areas? What happens...
  13. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The Founding Fathers created the Confederate Constitution without the Slavery part and the addition of a Supreme Court?

    How different would American History would be if the Founding Fathers somehow ended up with the creation of the Confederate Constitution but without the unable to ban slavery and a Supreme Court?
  14. Oba Cahokia

    Industrial Slavery in the CSA

    Industrial slavery was thing in the South before, during and even after the war. How far could this take the South in terms of industry? How would this impact life of enslaved people. Would they become a minor or regional superpower?
  15. Oba Cahokia

    WI: the US followed through with it's threats againist Japan and Spain in the early 1850s?

    Map by u/KolonelJoe on Reddit. Can the United States actually win againist both nations in the 1850s and take these territories? What would be the impact of slavery? Would this begin American colonization of Japan?
  16. AHC: make at least one country pay reperations for slavery upon abolishing it

    some people make a nonesense claim about reperations for slavery being "too late"; but this overlooks the fact that the victims of serious injustice are rarely in the position to demand reperations sucesfully right afterwards. so your challenge; it can be ASB; but only do that if you cannot...
  17. WI: earlier abolition of slavery in Brazil.

    Greetings, fellow forum members! Today I learned there was a plan to abolish slavery in Brazil a lot earlier than how it happened in our timeline. The plan was made by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, one of the main "architects" of the brazilian independence and who helped to create the...
  18. When his country calls.
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Election of 1856.

    "No Democrat has a right to refuse his services when his country calls" David Allen Smalley, delegate from Vermont to the 1856 Democratic National Convention. The Candidates. On February 22nd 1856...
  19. Gabingston

    AHC: United States Abolishes Slavery Peacefully Before 1861

    With a POD in 1794 or later (that date in particular chosen because it was the year after the Cotton Gin was invented), have the United States abolish slavery peacefully before the start of OTL's American Civil War, which ultimately ended the practice. The United States much also hold all of...
  20. A more industrialized American South?

    With a POD after 1800, how can large industrial complexes like the Tredegar Iron Works become a more common sight in the south of the United States? IIRC there was a plan to establish a similar (if smaller) factory in Birmingham, Alabama, but AFAIK the project never went ahead. How would a South...