sassanid empire

  1. Gokturks conquer Sassanid Empire

    The Göktürk Khagan Istämi formed an alliance with the Sassanid ruler Khosrow I to defeat the Hephthalite Empire. After the Hephthalites had been conquered Istämi sent an embassy to the Sassanid Shah requesting permission for the privilege of traveling through Persian territories in order to...
  2. Kurd Gossemer

    King of Kings by the Grace of God: A Christian Persia TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Dreams are Made, Winding Through My Head

    “Shapur… Shapur my son, I ask of thee to once again free my flock.” It was that same ethereal voice again that Shapur had been hearing louder and louder in his dreams, it was a powerful but still very gentle voice and it reminded the monarch of the archery lessons with his father Ardashir...
  3. Collondi

    The Two Eyes of the World: A bigger Sassanid Persia
    Threadmarks: 1. the (re)birth of the Persian Empire (part 1)

    Hi, welcome to my first alt-history fic. This will be primarily focused on Persia, but for those of you Rome fans there will be plenty of focus on the Roman Empire too. This TL is partially inspired by this thread which I recommend you read. You may notice me in that thread, arguing that Rome...
  4. A Sassanid rump state in Khorasan?

    With the beginning of the Arab conquest of the Sasanian Empire from 632 AD onward, shah Yazdegerd III spent the rest of his reign constantly fleeing further and further east: first to Hulwan, then Isfahan, Istakhr and finally Merv, in Khorasan, where he was eventually murdered. Suppose the...
  5. Kurd Gossemer

    Persia and Rome don't weaken each other too much and manage to resist the Arab Invasions.

    The POD is that for one reason or another(different emperor or Shah, quicker end to the war, the war never starts to begin with) the last Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 doesn't happen or it could even end earlier, the important is that while both empires end up battered they don't have the...
  6. Effect on other religions in a "Christian Sassanids conquer Levant in 3rd Century" Scenario

    Before I get into the details of the question, let me set out the scenario. At some point in the 3rd Century, Persia converts to Christianity in a "Light shines East" style scenario, where Christianity is largely merged with Zoroastrianism and Ahura Mazda is conflated with the Christian God. The...
  7. Blue Heaven Encompassing Earth: A Late Antiquity Timeline

    With thanks to @Practical Lobster and Chris Stewart of the History of China podcast and Chehrazad and Zam from Inelid Qaghanate § Background In the year 628, Khusro II was overthrown and killed by various factions of the Eranian nobility, including his son Sheroe...
  8. Khosrow II doesn't flee to Syria?

    Khosrow II, the last of the "great" Sassanid shahs (the quotes are because he was actually pretty terrible), began his reign under very inauspicious circumstances: his father, the destructively paranoid Hormizd IV, had been murdered, the empire was locked in a long, bloody and fruitless war with...
  9. A Sassanid victory at Jalula?

    After its disastrous defeat at al-Qadisiyyah and the fall of Ctesiphon to the Arab invaders, the Sassanid Empire had only one army of note west of the Zagros Mountains by 637 AD. Said army was stationed at Jalula, along a narrow strip of land flanked by a river on one side and impassable terrain...
  10. TheDoofusUser

    No 602-628 Roman-Sassanid War, how do the Arab invasions go?

    In OTL, the Romans and Sassanid Persia fought a bloody 26 year war between one another that severely weakened both powers to the Rashidun Caliphate's invasion a decade or so later. What if this OTL War doesn't happen? How does this occur and what would be the ramifications of it for all three...
  11. MAZDAK’S FLIGHT – A Sassanid TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter One - The Prophet & The Kings

    MAZDAK’S FLIGHT – A Sassanid TL Chapter One - The Prophet & The Kings “If those forces arrayed against it – the orthodox Zoroastrians, the rich Mobeds, and the aristocracy – had acted in unison, the one truth could have been suppressed. The Mazdakites might have been no more than a footnote...
  12. Plausibility check: Manichean Sassanids?

    The activites of Mani, founder of Manichaeism, were initially tolerated by the Sasanian authorities until the reign of Bahram I, during which he was imprisoned and was either executed or died beforehand. How plausible could it be for one of the early Sassanid shahs to not only tolerate...
  13. sassanids at Yarmuk battle

    what if sassanids reinforced Byzantines in the middle of battle of Yarmuk as a friendly gesture to form an alliance will this surprise attack win the battle? will this cement an allaince and stop arabs ?
  14. Maurice conquers Persia

    pls answer follow up questions what if Maurice conquers Persia or atleast Mesopotamia and persian gulf coast using Sasanian civil war of 589-591 since in OTL it was with his army Khosrow II reconquered iran He does this by having Khosrow II killed secret after he is exiled to Byzantine empire...
  15. Sarthak

    626 - Constantinople falls, what next?

    Through whatever PoD you wish to use - sheer luck, traitor, low morale, lucky shot, etc, the Siege of Constantinople 626 ends in a Avar-Persian Victory and the city falls. What would be the consequences of the fall and how would that affect the Byzantine-Persian War of 602-626?
  16. Fate of the Sassanid Empire in a World without Islam

    IIRC the Sassanids were pretty weak after decades of war with the Romans. Because of this, they were quickly conquered by the newly Islamized Arabs. This leads me to believe that even without Islam, the Sassanids might not last that much longer. I'm thinking that maybe some nomadic group...
  17. Lady Visenya

    WI: Peter, brother of Maurice, becomes emperor I know it's unlikely, but say that the whole revolt ends with Peter not dead, and instead placed on the throne by the army after his brother is ousted. Would that be better or worse than Phocas becoming emperor?
  18. Peroz I defeated the Hephthalites in 484 A.D.?

    Peroz I was Shah of the Sasanian Empire from 459 to 484. He fought three wars against the Hephthalites during his reign, and while they were all defeats, the last one was especially catastrophic since it ended with his death and that of several prominent nobles in a battle near Herat, after...
  19. WI: The Karens take over Persia

    The House of Karen was one of the Seven Great Houses of Iran during the Parthian and Sasanian Empires. What if they had formed a Persian Empire of their own at some point?
  20. WI: The Hephthalites destroy the Sasanian Empire

    The Hunnic people known as the Hephthalites, also known as the White Huns, spent over a century intermittently warring with the Sasanian Empire. While the two powers were briefly allied following the rise of Peroz I to the Sasanian throne, even working together to defeat the Kidarites, they went...