qing dynasty

  1. Yang Xiuqing takes control of the Taiping Rebellion?

    Yang Xiuqing was one of the most important leaders of the Taiping Rebellion in its early stages. He rose rapidly through the rebel ranks, eventually becoming one of the five "kings" who were second only to Hong Xiuquan himself. With Hong becoming increasingly withdrawn from worldly affairs after...
  2. A Chinese victory in the First Sino-Japanese War?

    The First Sino-Japanese War was Japan's first foreign entanglement after the Meiji Restoration, and it ended with a decisive victory for the nascent empire, whose power and influence would only grow in the years to come. The Qing dynasty, besides being once again humiliated on the international...
  3. TheWitheredStriker

    Independent Manchuria which speaks Manchu and is inhabited by Manchus

    An independent Manchuria is not an uncommon idea in althistory, but (admittedly) to my frustration, whenever someone takes a stab at the idea, whatever country they create is in no possible way, shape, or form "Manchuria": Manchukuo, ignoring the fact that it never would've survived, was an...
  4. Britain sacks Beijing in Second Opium War

    Initially the Qing Dynasty only accepted silver in trade. To bypass this the British East India Company smuggled Opium into China. In 1839 China burned the company's Opium store house. The Company retailed with the world' first Iron steam-warship Nemesis. It captured Nanjing in 1842 and...
  5. WI Tokugawa conquered China

    The POD is instead of turning isolationist Tokugawa develop a navy on par with Korea and launches amphibious invasion of later Jin. Later they vasalize Korea. The finally invade China after Shun dynasty collapses the Ming Dynasty and divide it among the clans of Japan How will this affect the...
  6. Eastern Oriented Russia

    what if Russia fashioned itself towards the Qing & Joseon, perhaps if they won against the Qing during their border skirmishes, and successfully Russified the entirety of the Amur Basin / Manchuria
  7. A Modernized Qing Dynasty and How It Would Affect Asia

    Lately, I've been reconsidering some worldbuilding I've done for a project I've been working on since last year. At first, I was solely focusing on how China under the Qing Dynasty could have modernized earlier. However, I noticed that after comparing notes with my creative consultant in which...
  8. JaguarCD

    Altering the Qing dynasty so the Chinese Civil War would be less of a bloody slog?

    What events would need to be changed during the late Qing era so the future warring factions would fight for a shorter time and without killing nearly as many civilians?
  9. Another “cosmopolitan” Chinese dynasty?

    The Tang dynasty is often called “cosmopolitan” due to its openness to trade, new ideas, expansionism, embrace of Buddhism, etc. The Song dynasty was also another period where trade was a major focus in Chinese civilization. During the Yongle Emperor’s reign, this too was obviously an applicable...
  10. The Qing dynasty legalizes opium?

    In the years leading up to the First Opium War, a debate occurred within the Qing government over how the opium problem should be addressed, with one side arguing for its legalization (so that the state could tax it and thus give some much needed cash to the treasury) and another for harsher...
  11. Hong Xiuquan is a more generic rebel?

    The main leader of the Taiping Rebellion, which led to the death of at least twenty million people, Hong Xiuquan was a very unorthodox Christian who believed himself to be the younger brother of Jesus Christ. This belief came from a vision he had while suffering a nervous breakdown after his...
  12. What would a Taiping China look like?

    Like it says on the tin. Suppose that Hong Xiuquan passes the imperial Chinese examinations the first time (instead of trying four times and failing), and becomes a scholar-bureaucrat who holds an administrative post somewhere in Guangdong. This means he's not insane (or is at least less so than...
  13. Restoration of the Great Ming: A Tianqi Timeline
    Threadmarks: 1626

    Zhu Youjiao, the Tianqi Emperor 朱由校 天啓帝 In May 1626, a series of incidents took place whose details even today remain obscure. It is important to note that few people in the imperial court of Beijing were fond of Wei Zhongxian. A eunuch, apparently of dissolute background, he had clawed his way...
  14. What might a post-Qing Chinese dynasty have looked like?

    The Qing dynasty was one of the most iconic in Chinese history, and also the last. While there was a short-lived attempt by Yuan Shikai to make himself emperor and an even shorter-lived attempt to restore the Qing to power, China has been a republic for the past century, and even if the People's...
  15. What if the Qing Empire was smaller?

    The Qing dynasty held the largest empire of any Chinese dynasty, and not even modern China has equaled its territorial extent. However, it didn't necessarily have to be that way. For a significant amount of its lifetime, the Qing empire consisted of Greater Manchuria, China Proper, Taiwan and...
  16. WW1: Industrized China Central Power

    how would an Industrialized China Industrialized per unit as Germany fight WW1 allied with central powers if it already conquered Japan, Korea, Philippines and never gave up outer Manchuria to Russia WW1 and 19th century European wars happen similary because far east didn't effect wars in...
  17. Qing Dynasty China Becomes the Home of the World's Second Airline

    This is an idea that came to mind when working on a personal project. Basically, in my timeline where Empress Dowager Cixi dies in 1875, resulting in the Qing Dynasty modernizing and ultimately becoming a constitutional monarchy in the mid 1890s, China ends ups becoming the home of the world's...
  18. GameBawesome

    No Manchu Invasions, who Unifies China?

    In OTL, the Ming to Qing Transition was a whole mess. It first started off with the Jurchen Tribes uniting into the Later Jin (Future Qing) and invaded Liaodong Peninsula, with natural disasters and then famine, while previously natural disasters then famine occurred, which caused a peasant...
  19. AHC: Russo-Sino-Japanese War

    This is something that came to my mind as I was looking for ideas. I realized that rather than create a full fledge timeline just to see how long the Qing Dynasty would last, I just wanted to find a conflict for a potential short story. And this was something I thought of seeing as there have...
  20. AHC: A significantly smaller Qing empire

    Nothing says the territory controlled by the Qing dynasty necessarily had to get extensive as it did, at least AFAIK. Your challenge is to have the Qing empire consist solely of Manchuria, China proper, and Inner Mongolia.