
  1. Mossadegh stays on the US' good side?

    Fair warning, my knowledge of this subject is fairly limited. While the overthrow of Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh is seen primarily as an American operation, the country whose government was most invested in his demise was actually Great Britain - the main target of Mossadegh's...
  2. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI A more religious Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran?

    Alternate outcomes relating to a person's character are entirely dependent on the internal disposition of a person at any given time and as we know this is always prone to butterflies no matter who that person is. The smallest tweak may result in the same person having vastly different...
  3. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Afghan and Persian Monarchies intermarry – Afghan King Zahir Shah marries a Pahlavi in the 1930s

    What if something like this had come about? A senior-ish Pahlavi (Persian) royal princess who could obviously not become Shah of Iran (being female) nor his wife setting her eyes on becoming Queen Consort of the Afghan king instead? Could be a love marriage or political, doesn’t matter, but...
  4. Balkanized Iran after ww2?

    How much could Iran get balkanized after the second world War? I have read that the Soviets and the British occupied different zones of the country in that war. Could this have formed the basis of a "north Iran" and "south Iran"? What about when/if the Revolution happens? Could there be a...
  5. A Constitutional Iran
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: A Royal Upbringing

    A Constitutional Iran Point of Departure Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was known for believing in mysticism and that he was ordained by fate to lead Iran into modernity. This was fuelled by his mother who nurtured this side to his personality from a young age. What if Mohammad Reza grew up more...
  6. T-Mag 3004

    WI: The Iranian Revolution was instead a Qajar restoration?

    Since my last thread in almost 3 years was a complete and utter failure, I've decided to try a subject I don't know a lot about, but very much intrigued me. For those who don't know, the Qajar dynasty ruled Persia from 1795 (having overthrown the Zand dynasty) until they were overthrown...
  7. GauchoBadger

    WI: No 1979 Iranian Revolution; Effects on the world?

    According to an article by Business Insider, the death knell of the Pahlavi monarchy in Iran was Shah Mohammed Reza's lymphatic cancer, which he acquired in 1973. As his health got worse, Reza became more paranoid and feared that his regime wouldn't outlive him. His modernization program was...