
  1. Sargon

    Napoléon III doesn’t get into power

    The premise of this is that Louis Napoléon doesn't get into any position of power. Maybe he has an accident or never gets out of Ham. Whatever the reason, what sort of affects could this have on France and the wider world? Paris may well be different without his sponsorship of Haussmann and the...
  2. WI: Charles de Gaulle reinstated the monarchy

    Charles de Gaulle was a general in World War 2 who later became President of France. In OTL he established the 5th republic in 1958 but he was thinking of reinstating the Monarchy with the House of Orleans ruling France since he was close to Henri, Count of Paris. He even considered it after...
  3. Henri, Count of Chambord, Becomes King of France and Spain

    First of all, I urge everyone to familiarise themselves with the terms Legitimist, Orleanist, and Bonapartist on the chart. Henri, Count of Chambord (Henri V on chart) was the last male line descendant of the French branch of the House of Bourbon. He almost became King of France in 1871, but...
  4. WI: House of Orléans Goes Extinct

    Originally I wanted to have a scenario in which the Spanish Bourbons go extinct, meaning that the Legitimist faction is forced to support the Orléanist candidate. Realising that the Spanish Bourbons were quite fruitful and had multiple cadet branches, I opted for messing with the Orléanist...
  5. Orleanist France vs Bonapartiste France

    What would be the major differences between an Orleanist France and a Bonapartiste France. Both are more liberal alternatives to the legalist succession, with the Orleans having conservative middle-class support while the Bonapartes had revolutionary populism. Assuming both dynasties are able to...
  6. What would the lack of a July Monarchy have meant for the Belgian Revolution?

    The summer of 1830 was a doozy. The French monarchy fell in July, to be replaced by the more liberal Orleanist kingdom, and not long after, the Catholic provinces of the Netherlands were in rebellion. Assuming the former being avoided does not prevent the latter, what becomes of Belgium? Does it...
  7. WI: Successful June 1832 Rebellion of Paris

    The June Rebellion of 1832 was the event in France that radical republicans attempted to overthrow the Louis-Philippe and establish a republic. So here's my question, What If the June Rebellion succeeded? Would the republicans establish a republic similar to the Second Republic established in...
  8. GameBawesome

    AHC: Orleanist Monarchy outside of France

    With a POD between 1790s to 1890s, have a candidate from the House of Orleans become a monarch of a country in the world, outside of France. The House of Orleans can still become The French King, but have to have a Orleans candidate become a Monarch of a different country.
  9. AvatarOfKhaine

    AHC/WI : Citizen-King as PM

    So I was wondering, would the appointment of OTL's citizen king as PM do anything to help reduce the unrest that OTL led to him being made king? You can have him as PM when he OTL became king or earlier. Also, ignoring butterflies would having no split in the House of Bourbon help a potential...