new deal

  1. TheMasterAltHistorian

    Smash Every Last One of Them! A Buisness Plot Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Boiling Tensions under the Helmet

    Smash Every Last One of Them! The Development of the USA By TheMasterAltHistorian Authors note: This is my first Alternate History TL. After lurking for quite a bit and getting inspired by many great authors, I thought it was time to put in my share for what I have in my mind. I hope you enjoy...
  2. King(Henry)George

    The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Foreword The Premise In Paris on May 7th, 1919, Herbert Hoover would discuss the Treaty of Versailles with his friends John Maynard Keynes and Jan Smuts. They would agree that "The economic consequences alone would pull down all Europe" if it were unaltered. In 1931, Hoover would listen to the...
  3. FDR killed as president elect in 1933 and his VP is a Keynesian southerner who’s also interventionist on foreign policy (not Huey Long), what changes?

    I’m very curious on this because I’ve wondered about how having a liberal southerner being the one to implement the new deal without caring of budget deficits would change how US politics would look like. How much support would he have in congress? if he tried to court pack would southern dems...
  4. Who would the 1932 Democratic presidential nominee be if FDR had lost his bid for governor of New York?

    FDR's efforts as governor of New York to address the Depression were crucial in establishing him as the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1932. But his first election to that office in 1928 was extremely narrow, he defeated the Republican nominee by just 25,000...
  5. The Century of the Common Man
    Threadmarks: The War Ends

    The War Ends Henry Wallace was, for the First American Republic an unusual President, a progressive New Dealer he was to the left of much of the political establishment and easily the second most popular politician in the country, second only to his President; Franklin Roosevelt. When Roosevelt...
  6. TheDoofusUser

    What if Upton Sinclair became President?

    In 1926, Upton Sinclair ran for Governor of California as a Socialist, winning 4.02% while Businessman Justus Wardell won 24.69% and Lieutenant Governor C. C. Young, a progressive who primaried the more conservative governor Friend Richardson (a victory of 1.99%), would win the election itself...
  7. AlfLandonFan

    Right Time, Right Place: An Alf Landon Presidency Without Huey Long
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Election of 1940

    This will be a timeline I work on alongside another timeline, Deadlocked. I am not a buff on the Great Depression or WWII, so any corrections are greatly appreciated. The timeline will also be updated less frequently than Deadlocked for the same reason. One more notice, as you can tell by my...
  8. "Don't shoot! We're Republicans!" A Henry Wallace Presidency TL
    Threadmarks: 1943

    William D. Porter (DD-579) William D. Porter (DD-579) is a Fletcher-class destroyer, a ship of the US Navy. Currently, a museum. The ship is predominately known for the series of unfortunate events and accidents she took part in. The first happened just months after commissioning when she...
  9. If a conservative was nominated instead of Harlan Stone, and Edward Sanford did not die suddenly, does the New Deal get completely derailed?

    A couple of days ago, when reading ‘Why Liberals and Conservatives Flipped on Judicial Restraint: Judicial Review in the Cycles of Constitutional Time’, I saw that author Jack M. Balkin had given some valuable counterfactuals, which you can read by clicking on the link. However, he makes an...
  10. WI: Republican New Deal

    Here's the premise: Hughes win 1916 election. Democrats win 1920 and dominate for the rest of the decade until the great depression hits. Dems get blamed for the economic mess and elect a Rep into the white house in 1932. What would a GOP style New Deal look like? How would it work? Bonus...
  11. Zyobot

    Post-WW2 Election: Dwight Eisenhower Vs. Franklin Roosevelt

    Having guided the nation through the Great Depression and led it to the cusp of victory during World War Two, Franklin D. Roosevelt had--time and again--proven himself as an insurmountable candidate, having won all four times that he ran for office and building a legacy as one of America's most...
  12. Effects of a Successful Reconstruction on the New Deal

    I didn't know where to post this as this scenario is connected to both before and after 1900, but since all of this starts during post Civil War Reconstruction, I've figured to just post it here. I've read this book a few years back called: 'Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our...
  13. Avoiding the Great Depression Challenge
    Threadmarks: Great Depression

    Challenge: Avoid the Great Depression (POD of 1918 onward). Is this even possible?
  14. WI: Roosevelt vs Taft in 1940

    In 1940, conservative darling Robert Taft was a strong contender for President - but he was ultimately passed over as the GOP nominee by dark horse Wendell Willkie. What if Taft had been nominated by the GOP in 1940?
  15. DBWI: Henry Wallace Dumped in 1944

    In 1944, Democratic Party bosses were insistent that Vice-President Henry Wallace be dumped from the presidential ticket. But FDR stuck to his guns, and pushed through Wallace's renomination and pelated party bosses via federal patronage. But what if FDR had left the bosses to their own devices...
  16. AHC: Dewey vs Roosevelt in 1940

    The frontrunner for the 1940 GOP presidential nomination was Thomas Dewey, but he was upset at the convention by dark horse Wendell Willkie. What if Dewey had won the nomination and gone on to face Roosevelt in November? Does Dewey do any better than Willkie? At the time Dewey was an...
  17. WotanArgead

    AHC: With the "New Deal" without Reaganism.

    Good day, dear ladies and gentlemen. I am working on one project, and it wouldn't hurt me if I could get help with a couple of points. 1) How to discredit Democrats who are not supporters of the "New Deal"? 2) Is it possible to preserve the influence of evangelism, while not allowing the...
  18. El_Presidente

    AHC/WI: FDR Dictatorship

    So, faced with more opposition to New Deal from industry and the Supreme Court (thr details are up to you) FDR decides that soft authoritarianism is what America needs, and through dubiously legal and democrstic methods pass legislation like the NIRA. What would happen?
  19. WI: More Tennessee Valley Authority-like federally owned corporations in the US

    What if more regionally-focused, federally owned corporations like the Tennessee Valley Authority had been established? Probably during FDR's administration and the New Deal, although not necessarily limited to that time period.
  20. WI: Roosevelt Enacts Universal Health Care

    In 1938, the Senate formed a committee to examine health policy with the ultimate objective of creating universal health care. This policy was a major domestic goal of President Roosevelt who tried and failed on multiple occasions to enact UHC. But by the time the finished bill was proposed as...