
  1. What if marijuana never got criminalized?

    Marijuana, a drug derived from the cannabis plant, has a long and complicated history. While there had been anti-marijuana legislation before the 20th century, it was generally isolated cases. That changed in the 1920s, when opposition to marijuana began to snowball worldwide. In 1961, the...
  2. AHC/WI: Marijuana and Coca Leaves Become Major Cash Crops (alongside other drugs)

    Is it possible for marijuana, coca, and other psychedelic and recreational drugs to become major cash crops after the start of the Age of Exploration? I know there was some knowledge of them in Europe back them but is there a way for their popularity to become more widespread to the point that...
  3. Alternate US marijuana policy: effects on Mexico?

    I have two scenarios today regarding US drug policy. 1) If marijuana and some other drugs were decriminalized--but NOT legalized--would that have any effects on the economic situation in Mexico or affect Mexican immigration to the U.S.? 2) If marijuana and some other drugs were LEGALIZED, in...
  4. AHC/WI: Shafer Commission taken seriously

    What would it have taken for the Shafer Commission to convince Nixon to consider decriminalizing cannabis? Would it have even been politically possible? Would the subsequent Ford and Carter administrations have had more impetus to soften drug policy?