kennedy 1980

  1. The Cause Endures: The Presidency of Edward M. Kennedy

    The Cause Endures: The Presidency of Edward M. Kennedy
  2. WI: Kennedy Primaries Carter in 1980

    The POD is Carter never allows the Shah of Iran to enter the U.S. for medical treatment. As a result the Iran Hostage Crisis doesn't break out, meaning that Carter never experiences the massive surge in his popularity that carried him to victory over Kennedy in the early 1980 Democratic...
  3. LLR

    Revolution 1980

    TED KENNEDY WINS IOWA: CARTER CAMPAIGN IN PANIC Nobody thought it could happen. But when the last precinct reported in Iowa, it showed Kennedy 44.7%, Carter 44.3%. Carter couldn't figure it out. The pundits couldn't figure it out. But the Democratic party was disappointed with President Carter...