
  1. Meshakhad

    Judea Rising
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Sultan

    Chapter 1: The Sultan Istanbul, Ottoman Empire August 12, 1896 Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, considered the map before him. On this map, the Ottoman Empire was displayed in dark green. He noted with dismay how small it had become. Egypt was striped in red, indicating British...
  2. Meshakhad

    AHC: Israel Founded A Decade Earlier

    The challenge here is to create a Jewish state in Palestine earlier than IOTL. The rules: 1. There must be a Jewish state in Palestine by July 1, 1939. That state must rule a territory that is majority Jewish. A partition agreement a la the UN 1947 plan is acceptable, if you can make it work...
  3. Meshakhad

    AHC/WI: No Diaspora

    What if there had simply never been any Jewish diaspora? The specific challenge is, with a POD no earlier than 73 CE (fall of Masada), for Israel to remain the home of the majority of the Jewish people. The easiest solution is probably no Bar Kokhba Revolt. Perhaps the Romans take a more...
  4. Meshakhad

    AH Discussion: Jewish Vikings

    So I'd heard a suggestion - and read the start of a story - about Jewish Mongols, and that got me thinking: what other pagans could it be fun to turn Jewish? The answer, of course, is Vikings. Obviously, plausibility is going to be a little thin, but to that I say unto you: JEWISH VIKINGS! A...
  5. Meshakhad

    A Jewish Colony In The New World (TL Discussion)

    OK, I think I actually have a semi-plausible method for creating a Jewish colony in the New World. Our POD is that Christopher Columbus is Jewish. Basically, I took the "Columbus was a Converso" theory and ran with it. This has no impact until 1492, when Columbus is trying to convince Ferdinand...