hungarian revolution

  1. The Next King of Hungary

    I've been reading into Hungarian history. I been fascinated with Matthias Corvinus's conquest of Archduchy of Austria, and the Bohemian Crown Lands and Louis the Great's empire with him being King of Hungary and Croatia, Duke of Bosina, King of Naples, and elected King of Poland. One thing that...
  2. What if the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia revolted against Moscow in 1956 in solidarity with Hungary?

    Let's say right around the time the revolutionaries had basically succeeded and international moral support was highest, the governments and/or people of East Germany, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia revolted against Moscow, with at minimum similar demands to the Hungarian revolutionaries. What...
  3. What if Decembrist Succeeded

    Decembrist won and became constitutional monarchy, liberal and westernized Lajos Kossuth helps against Austria Hungary Became Independence Probably Russia won Crimean War, Turkish War 1877-1878 and Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Alexander II Survived
  4. West234

    Hungarian war for independence?

    I was reading up on Hungarian history recently and apparently at the end of the First World War Hungary had nearly 1.4 million troops at there disposal they however got rid of these troops due to the demands of the allies and especially Woodrow Wilson. By getting rid of there entire army it...
  5. Austria loses its Italian territories in 1848?

    Suppose that the Sardinian army adopts a different strategy in the First Italian War of Independence: instead of trying to besiege and take the Austrian fortresses in the Quadrilateral directly (and, among other things, wasting a precious amount of time at the siege of Peschiera), they cross the...
  6. No De-Stalinization: Effects in the Warsaw Pact?

    Suppose that the USSR, rather than exposing and condemning Stalin's monstrous deeds wholesale, instead only undoes the worst parts of the terror (shutting down the gulags, for example) and shifts most of the blame to someone else (such as Beria) while the late dictator gets the Mao treatment...
  7. SealTheRealDeal

    DBWI: Franz Joseph seeks Russian aid in 1849

    So I read recently that Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria had nearly requested for Russia (then the "Gendarmerie of Europe") to intervene in the Hungarian War. IOTL Haynau was able to convince the Emperor that the cost to the Empire's prestige would be too great and that Austria had the means to...
  8. Greater Austria, the Seventy-million Reich or the Schwarzenberg Plan

    On this forum, I have seen vividly that ‘Greater Germany’ is discussed a lot. However, what has not been covered is the literal ‘process’ and ‘how’ it is united. What is fully clear to me now that I have studied this topic to its full extent; is what would have been required to create all the...
  9. Azule

    The People's Co-operative of Hungary
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Rhetoric to Revolution

    As promised in the more libertarian socialist countries thread, here is my first timeline. It's not the one I thought I'd tell, but it's a good one nonetheless. Chp. 1: From Rhetoric to Revolution In the immediate aftermath of the death of Stalin, throughout the Eastern Bloc there were...
  10. GauchoBadger

    Fate of the Ottoman Balkans if the 1848 Hungarian Revolution succeeds?

    Inspired by a recent thread. So, basically, assume that Hungary’s attempted breakaway from the Austrian Empire in 1848-49 is successful. Hungary becomes an independent state, but the Habsburgs in Austria get to keep most of Croatia, primarily due to the Ban’s loyalty. How does this affect the...
  11. WI: Goulash communist USSR?

    According to Wikipedia, Goulash communism (AKA Kadarism) is a style of communism practiced by post-1956 Hungary, which advocated for more human rights and a more open market (atleast from what I believe). So, the question is how could the USSR adopt this kind of socialism before its collapse in...
  12. Mr_Fanboy

    President Richard Nixon in 1953

    Let's say that within a few days or weeks of Eisenhower being inaugurated as POTUS in 1953, the man drops dead from a heart attack or freak accident, leaving Richard Nixon in charge for nearly a full term before the 1956 presidential election. How does he handle things, both in foreign policy...
  13. El_Presidente

    Russia intervenes on behalf of Hungary in 1848... and betrays the revolutionaries

    So, the idea is that the Tsar decides to intervene against Austria in 1848, snatching Galicia and sending troops into Hungary. Then, after the war is won, the Russians basically coup Hungary, installing a conservative government and a trusted noble as King (or a russian prince, but I think that...
  14. WI: Non-aligned, capitalist Hungary after 1956

    Disclaimer: This is not a plasibility check thread, so please don't focus on that that much. Thanks. So What if Hungary breaks off from the Eastern Bloc in 1956, after the Soviets decide not to intervene in Hungary during its revolution? Who could come to power after the elections? How would...
  15. AHC/WI: The West intervenes pro-Nagy or pro-Dubcek?

    What would be the consequences of the West intervening on the side of the democratic (or democratic socialist) forces of Imre Nagy in 1956 and/or of Alexander Dubček in 1968? I don't think this would inevitably cause World War III. Also, why did the West not intervene in OTL at all and let...