
  1. WI: Hirohito was assassinated in the immediate aftermath of WW2 by a disgruntled US solider

    Scenario: A US soldier is among the manyy grounds troops fighting in the Pacific Theatre. This soldier, like many of his comrades, holds a natural dislike towards the Japanese government that they are fighting. For him, however, things become personal to him when several of his friends, also...
  2. What if the 1930s-40s Japan was less brutal

    So, I know that the Japanese of the 1930s and 40s often floated the idea of Asian decolonization around backed up by catchy slogans like “Asia for the Asiatics” and even creating the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (Dai Toa Kyoeiken) but it was all, of course, a farce. In reality the...
  3. 33k7

    Japanese Emperor preventing his country's entry into World War II

    Japanese emperor commits suicide on November 5 1941 to prevent a war with the United States let's say it's leaked to the public the reason why he committed suicide was that the government was not listening to his wishes and out of Sorrow for what was to come he committed suicide. what do you...
  4. WI Hirohito the koreaphile

    This was partially inspired by Akihito's remarks that the Japanese imperial family has Korean ancestry. So what if we had an ATL Hirohito who has certain respect towards Korea and its culture and people and perhaps some brotherly nationalistic idealism and genuine pan-asianism, with a desire to...
  5. Gukpard

    Could Hirohito have stopped the military takeover of Japan?

    Japan didn't turned from a militarized constitutional monarchy into the one party state that caused the pacific war and comitted all the atrocities we know from a day to another, it was a fast process of twenty years with the military grabbing more and more power, making the political...
  6. AltoRegnant

    DBWI Hitler Allied Japan, Not China?

    OTL, Cheng Kai Shek, in order to devastate the communists and rebellions in China, became far more autocratic than he already was and singed the Triangle Alliance with Hitler and Mussolini. Japan, wary of this revitalizing china and the fact the Hirohito Purges had killed many valuable, if...
  7. Tripledot

    WI: Hirohito Successfully Assassinated in 1932?

    On January 9 of 1932, Korean nationalist Lee Bong-chang threw a grenade in the direction of Hirohito's carriage when he was on his way to a military parade. The grenade missed, instead exploding near the carriage of Imperial Household Minister Ichiki Kitoko. There was little fallout from this...