
  1. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Mao dies in the 1950s but Stalin survives another Decade, what happens to China and the USSR

    so I've been reading a few threads on what if Mao died and if Stalin lived another decade and so, I've come to ask everyone here this question - What if it was Mao, not Stalin, who died on that day in 1953. Who is his immediate successor? Is there a possible way for China to leap slowly but...
  2. Marklin

    North Korea without the Kims

    Basic POD is that the Soviets put someone else other than Kim in charge of North Korea. What other options are there and how would their leadership affect the development of North Korea compared to OTL?
  3. AHC: Higher population for DPRK?

    Like the title says, the challenge is to make a higher population for Democratic People's Republic of Korea or known simply as North Korea, a country with population of over 25 million. The POD is set after the Korean War. How would this impact on the Korean peninsula and perhaps the world as...
  4. Whiteshore

    No Kim il-Sung: How does North Korea develop?

    In a scenario where Kim il-Sung died before he could take over North Korea, how does North Korea/the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" develop? Who takes over North Korea in lieu of Kim il-Sung? What does North Korea look under his rule?
  5. WI: Honecker accepted the asylum offer from North Korea?

    In OTL, during the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent German reunification in 1991, Erich Honecker, the General Secretary of East Germany, sought refuge in the Chilean Embassy in Moscow, trying to apply for political asylum in the USSR, but he ended up being expelled from the country...
  6. Whiteshore

    What would a united Communist Korea look like?

    In a scenario where the North Koreans won the Korean War, what would a Korea united under their leadership look like? Would a DPRK which encompasses the entire Korean Peninsula still be the totalitarian nightmare which it is IOTL? Or would it mellow out over time? What becomes of Kim il-Sung in...
  7. AHC/WI North Korea wins the korean war and unifies the peninsula?

    What could happen in order for the DPRK to win the war? What ramifications could this cause? Japanese rearment? Non juche Korea? Would this Korea be more like Vietnam rather than the Kim's memeland? How would this impact on China and the USSR? Effects on USA?
  8. WI: North Korea wasn't hit by floods and droughts during the mid-1990s?

    There were many underlining causes that led to the infamous famine that hit North Korea (The Arduous March) from 1994-98, which killed upwards of 3 millions people in the country. With factors such as the loss of Soviet support and oil shipments with the fall of the USSR, poor government...
  9. AHC/WI: East Germany became the North Korea of Europe?

    What if East Germany became the North Korea of Europe? That is, what if they were ruled by a political dynasty of "supreme leaders", the latter of which seek to create their own nuclear program? The DDR survives years after the fall of the USSR, clinging to its territory at all costs against...