arab world

  1. Fatimids and Buyids convert Arab world and Iran to Shia Islam

    What if, after seizing power in Iran and the Arab world, the Buyids and Famitids began a campaign of forced conversion against the public ? In an effort to alter the demographic landscape such that Shia Islam would eventually overtake Sunni Islam as the predominant religion in the Middle East...
  2. Fatimids and Buyids convert Arab world and Iran to Shia Islam

    Following their rise to power in Iran in the 16th century, the Safavid dynasty initiated a campaign of forced conversion against the Iranian populace, seeking to create a new demographic environment in which Shia Islam would replace Sunni Islam as the nation's religious majority. Over the course...
  3. Taunay

    Nasser assassinated in 1954. Impact on Egypt?

    On October 26, 1954, during a political rally in Alexandria, Gamal Abdel Nasser suffered an assassination attempt by a Muslim Brotherhood member. Had the assassination gone through, and Nasser died, what would be the short, medium and long-term impacts on Egyptian and Middle Eastern history...
  4. Al-Za’im

    Arab Industrial Revolution?

    Regardless of the various perspectives and debates over the supposed ‘decline’ of the MENA region, it is indisputable that the eventual subjugation of the Arab world under colonialist polities can be attributed to the latter’s economic and technological supremacy, a factor directly linked...
  5. Turn the countries involved in the Arab spring into either democracies or theocracies

    The Arab spring ravaged the Arab world during the early 2010s, which of the countries involved were more likely to become more democratic and which countries had a real possibility of descending into theocratic rules? The aim of this thread should be to have the least amount of Baathist...
  6. AHC/WI: Stronger Pan-Arabist nation

    Arab World In the OTL, the idea of Pan-Arabism is essentially the unity of the Arab World as one nation. Some tried to formed into greater entities like the Federation of Arab Republic but didn't ended up as success. But in this scenario, most of Arab countries decided to voluntarily form into...
  7. [Retired...For Now] Of Swords and Sand: A Hashemite Arabia Scenario
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Hello, everyone. I’m new to the AH community and this is my first post. The scenario will reach from 1908 to present, a large project for me. The end result will be a Hashemite-led Arab state, an independent Kurdistan, and a Megali Greece. The Second World War and Cold War section of this...
  8. [Ottoman AH] - Stronger Turkic plantation across the Middle East?

    See above. Could the Ottomans have managed a greater settling into the likes of the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Cyprus, Mesopotamia and Yemen than OTL, enough to subsume or outnumber "native" Arab, Aramean, Assyrian and Jewish communities by the 1900s? Would it at all have been to their...
  9. Sand and Steel: The Story of the Modern Middle East (TL)
    Threadmarks: The Carlton Hotel

    (Preface: I am new to the forum, and I thought it would be fun to join because I've recently been becoming a major alternate history nerd. I love the idea of world-building, and especially building a world based off of an alternate timeline of our own. I've been coming up with this timeline for...
  10. Incanian

    The Bedouins Dream of Allah (A Saudi Arabian Axis discussion)

    I don't know if this is ASB, but seeing as there aren't many Saudi Arabian alternate histories, I thought I'd mix it up. So, After the Ottoman empire fell, and Ataturk reformed Turkey, it became fully Turkish, and never expanded into the Balkans, or down south. That left a power vacuum, that...
  11. Al-Andalus Ethnography

    This is part of an alternative historical ethnography of a village in the Alpujarras in contemporary times as if the reconquista had happened but was reconquered instead of the inquisition and expulsions happening. It details the lives of 'Latino' speaking villages of mixed Muslim and Catholic...