
  1. PolishMagnet

    AHC: Buddhist Poland

    So I'm guessing the Mongols would be the easiest way to get there, but how would you successfully spread and maintain a Buddhist population in Poland, let alone a Buddhist state? I would love to hear about a Buddhist Polish state surviving at least 100 years.
  2. Whiteshore

    AHC: Have Pan-Arabism succeed

    Your challenge, with a POD after 1945, is for Pan-Arabism to become a successful political movement with a single united Arab nation controlling at least a majority of the Arab World by 2019.
  3. WI/AHC: No Pronoia

    What if the Byzantine Empire never developed the semi-feudal Pronoia system? And how would you prevent the system from becoming an institution?
  4. AHC: Gran Colombia survives

    Your challenge is to have Gran Colombia survive until at least 1900.
  5. Calcaterra

    AHC: Post-1900 Royal Personal Union Between Two Major Powers

    Just as the tin says, your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to create a long-term personal union between two major royal powers, with your POD occurring on or after 00:00 1 January 1900.
  6. AHC: Romansh Wank

    Switzerland is generally thought of as having three ethnic groups: the French, the Italians, and the Germans. While these are the three main ones, there are other ethnicities in Switzerland as well. One of these is the Romansh. Despite being the Romansh language being one of Switzerland's four...