
  1. JCC the Alt Historian

    Of Mice and Swans: An Alternate Timeline of the Animation Industry from the late 1980s and beyond
    Threadmarks: Intruduction

    Hello, this is @JCC the Alt Historian here starting my first ever timeline. Over the past four years I've been on alternatehistory.com, I've encountered and read many timelines. Some of the ones I have been the most interested with are the pop culture timelines. Various alternate timelines...
  2. KPyall

    A Man Can Dream: Yet Another Indrema TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    A Man Can Dream: Yet Another Collaborative Timeline About Indrema from an underdog to a big dog Introduction Oh, hello. KP here. This is the third Indrema Revolution thing I’ve posted. I’ve retconned many things by this point. I’ll start from scratch, with an earlier Indrema getting some...
  3. WI: Kazakhstan never left the Soviet Union

    IOTL Kazakhstan was the last Soviet Republic to declare independence from the USSR. So what would happen if they simply decide to continue the legacy of the Soviet Union, but in Kazakhstan ? And maybe integrate Kyrgyzstan back as an autonomous province. How will this change Central Asia and the...
  4. ParasaurEwan

    AHC: A plausible timeline to leave all post-1985 Anglophone Pop culture unrecognizable

    Basically, the challenge is, without Political Dystopia or Nuclear war, have a timeline which, by an alternate 2023, most American Pop Culture in the last 35 years we know doesn't exist, with a POD after the year 1985. The doesn't need to be from pop culture.
  5. Petike

    The Mathieson Years - A (Short) Post-Capaldi Doctor Who Timeline
    Threadmarks: 1

    The Mathieson Years A (Short) Post-Capaldi Doctor Who Timeline The year 2016 was a demanding time for the United Kingdom and Europe. It had also been a transitional year for Doctor Who as a television series and an overall media brand. The only Doctor Who production to air that whole year...
  6. An Alternative Doctor Who Timeline - The Whithouse Era
    Threadmarks: The new showrunner

    BBC News - 24th January 2016 It was announced last night that, after five series at the helm, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat's next series will be his last as lead writer and executive producer. He has confirmed that his successor will be his close friend Toby Whithouse, creator of the BBC...
  7. KPyall

    (OLD) The Indrema Revolution - An Alternate History of Indrema
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    NOTE: This version of the TL is no longer being worked on. Check out the new version here: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-indrema-revolution-revamped-an-alternate-history-of-indrema.547990/ The Indrema Revolution by KPyall Howdy, the name's KP! This is my first timeline...
  8. Button_Revenge

    Just Like Starting Over: An Alternate Beatles Timeline

    Welcome to Just Like Starting Over! A new pop culture timeline that asks, “What if John and Paul just couldn’t resist $3,000?” I joke, but I truly hope I can bring a great pop culture timeline to you all, starting right here, right now. Some information before we begin: If you have an idea...
  9. aakwalllas

    The world of the Alt-Future of my novel "American Guerilla" set during a 2nd American civil war.

    (The flag of the United States of America under "The New System") Introduction: As of writing this, the year is 2026, we live in the ashes of a brutal civil war in a piebald society when it comes to race, freedom, and other issues that pertain to cultural and civil issues, we stand on the brink...
  10. What We Do Here is Go Back!: An Open and Collaborative Throwback Timeline (Version Two)

    The title of this timeline, based on this song, follows the outline of my post on the List Alternate Presidents and PMs Thread. The roles are as follows: John McCain=Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush=George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton=Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush=George W. Bush, Barack Obama=himself, etc...
  11. What We Do Here is Go Back!: An Open and Collaborative Throwback Timeline

    The title of this timeline, based on this song, follows the outline of my post on the List Alternate Presidents and PMs Thread. The roles are as follows: John McCain=Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush=George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton=Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush=George W. Bush, Barack Obama=himself, etc...