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  1. Two Steps to Victory: A timeline from 1910

    The POD is that the Conservatives and Liberal Unionists did significantly better in the UK general election of January and February 1910 than in OTL. The number of seats in the House of Commons won by each party were as follows (OTL general election)...
  2. Could be a Conservative Government or a Labour Government: A Timeline from November 1922

    When all the votes had been counted and all the constituency results declared in the UK general election on 15 November 1922, the number of seats in the House of Commons won by each party and by Independents were as follows: Conservative: 300 Labour...
  3. A Son For Mary I of England: A timeline from 1555
    Threadmarks: Mary I of England, her son, Princess Elizabeth

    Queen Mary was delighted as her pregnancy advanced in the winter of 1554/1555 and the spring of 1555. Her half sister, Princess Elizabeth, was living in Hampton Court Palace, and forbidden to see anyone apart from a small retinue of servants. In the...
  4. What if Ernest Bevin's heart attack in late July 1946 had been fatal?

    Bevin was Foreign Secretary. He collapsed with a heart attack just after leaving the House of Commons. In OTL he recovered, but what if he had died? Would Clement Attlee have moved Hugh Dalton from Chancellor of the Exchequer to Foreign Secretary...
  5. Scraping a Very Narrow Conservative Party Victory: A timeline from 1929
    Threadmarks: UK general election May 1929, government changes

    Polling stations closed at 8 pm in the general election in the UK on 30 May 1929. The first result declared was Oxford. The percentage votes for each party were (1924 general election): Conservative: 55.2 (57.3) Liberal: 29.4 (32.1) Labour: 15.4 (10.6)...
  6. The death of Herbert Henry Asquith and the subsequent course of events: A timeline from April 1911

    Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, collapsed and died on Sunday 2 April 1911 in 10 Downing Street. (1) The cause of death was hypertension caused by high alcohol consumption. He was 58 years old and was survived by his...
  7. Shuffling the pack of Henry VII's children: A timeline from September 1486
    Threadmarks: Henry VII, Elizabeth of York. first Prince Arthur, Prince Henry, Princess Mary, Princess Margaret, Catherine of Aragon, Queen Joanna, James IV, Ferdinand II

    Elizabeth of York gave birth to a baby girl on 14 September 1486. She and King Henry VII, her husband, named her Margaret after his mother. Three years later, on 29 November 1489, their much hoped for son was born. They named him Arthur. In May...
  8. What if different birth order for Henry VII's children?

    So Margaret would be born on 19 September 1486, Arthur on 29 November 1489, Mary on 28 June 1491, and Henry on 18 March 1496. Assuming that Prince Arthur was still betrothed to Catherine of Aragon, and he died in April 1502 as in OTL, they would not...
  9. First joy, then sadness, for Henry VIII: A timeline from 1516
    Threadmarks: Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII, Eleanor of Castile, Princess Mary, Prince Henry

    Queen Catherine gave birth to a baby daughter on 19 February 1516, after a long and difficult labour. (1) But she died three days later. She was only thirty years old. Henry was pleased that he had a daughter, whom he named Mary, but sad that his...
  10. Choosing the Autumn Option: A timeline from 1978

    Opinion polls which gave the Conservatives a four percent lead over Labour in August 1978, showed a Labour lead of 7 percent in October. On 9 October, the Prime Minister, James Callaghan, issued a statement to the media that parliament would be...
  11. A fire in a castle and the tragic death of the Queen of Scots: A timeline from 1561

    In September 1561, a month after she returned to Scotland from France, Mary, Queen of Scots, died as she slept in Stirling Castle when her bed and its hangings caught fire. She suffocated. She was only 18 years old. The marriage agreement between Mary...
  12. A son, not a daughter for the King of Scots. A timeline from 1542
    Threadmarks: James VI, Elizabeth Tudor, Mary Tudor

    Mary of Guise gave birth to a healthy baby boy at Linlithgow Palace in Scotland, on 8 December 1542. She and her husband, James V, named their son, James. Five days later, James V died and baby James became James VI, King of Scots. James Hamilton...
  13. Riding the swings and roundabouts of fortune: A timeline from 1885

    In our timeline the Liberal government was defeated in the House of Commons on 8 June 1885 on the Customs and Revenue Bill by 364 votes to 352 votes. William Gladstone resigned as Prime Minister and Lord Salisbury took office as Prime Minister at the...
  14. WI: Joseph Chamberlain did not go into politics?

    Instead he continues in his career as an industrialist, so he does not become a major figure in late 19th and early 20th century British politics. Or he was born a girl. Other men would be Mayor of Birmingham, President of the Board of Trade...
  15. Scotland, Callaghan, Thatcher and others. A timeline from March 1979

    The POD is that in the referendum on Scottish devolution on 1 March 1979, the Yes vote received the votes of 40.9% of the registered electorate. In OTL it was 32.9% of the electorate. The Yes vote and the turnout were higher than in OTL. Because...
  16. A Riot in Birmingham and the Death of David Lloyd George: A Timeline from December 1901

    David Lloyd George tried to speak at an anti Boer War meeting in Birmingham Town Hall on 18 December 1901. A pro-war demonstration of 7,000 people degenerated into a riot. In a pitched battle a policeman and a rioter were killed. In OTL LLoyd George escaped disguised as a...
  17. One Queen of England After Another, Now For a Third: A Time Line from 1562.

    Queen Elizabeth I of England died of smallpox on 30 October 1562. She was twenty-nine years old, and had been queen for two and a half weeks short of four weeks. She was the third consecutive English monarch who had reigned for less than seven years...
  18. If Elizabeth I of England died of smallpox in October 1562, who would succeed her.

    Elizabeth nearly died. I am looking at a family tree of the children of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. There is Mary Queen of Scots; Margaret Stewart, Countess of Lennox; Henry Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, the widower of Eleanor Brandon, a...
  19. A Murder in the Royal Palace in Edinburgh - a Timeline from 1566
    Threadmarks: Mary Queen of Scots, Henry Darnley, Princess Margaret

    Saturday 9 March 1566 Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. Mary Queen of Scots, her secretary and rumoured lover, David Rizzio, and a few other people, were enjoying an evening together in a private room in the palace. Armed men burst into the room, intent on killing Rizzio. He...
  20. AHC: Lloyd George does not become Prime Minister

    The POD is after the formation of the coalition government on 25 May 1915, when Lloyd George became Minister of Munitions in the cabinet. A condition of this challenge is that he cannot die or resign from the government because of illness. Asquith can continue in office from...