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  1. Aces California

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    There may need be more to change in the timeline for RoosterTeeth to have not had it's 2020s decline until closure this year, especially surroundind everything regarding it's later year production climate ; but if online videos aren't centralized through YouTube in this TL, I could see...
  2. Aces California

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    I don't know, there seems to still be some sprinkling of discontent in Sudan at lower levels, so while there wasn't a full on power-vacuum situation, with some resistence in eastern Sudan and the quote "first sign of things to come" of sheik Musa Hilal, I think we'd be expecting some low-level...
  3. Aces California

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    I wonder what the progression of space-flight would be in this timeline now, if NASA is still otherwise going strong with the shuttle programme. Are we not going to see millionaire-funded private initiatives in this timeline? Or would NASA be contracting them? Though fair to say, I don't know...
  4. Aces California

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    That was an outstanding chapter! I had a feeling it was gonna be along the lines of "trouble means we cannot re-enter normally", but have to admit, I did not expect it to be a happy ending! The amount of detail you packed into this chapter, and how believable it all feels scientifically, is...
  5. Aces California

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    You entered the Monument Mythos universe right there!
  6. Aces California

    And The Academy Award Goes To... - A Shuffled Oscar Best Picture Winners Timeline

    God damn somebody beat me to this! I jest only in part! I had the idea but I know I'm not gonna touch it, I'm not a writer x3 Can't wait to see where you take all of this :)
  7. Aces California

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    Interesting thought about the Boston Bombings, because the brothers were Chechen right? I can't exactly remember what events have transpired in this story so far, but after Al-Qaeda split between those focusing domestically and those focusing abroad, I don't believe the group that chose to...
  8. Aces California

    Thanks for your words ^^ Honestly, it's less vast knowledge and more that I do a SHIT ton of...

    Thanks for your words ^^ Honestly, it's less vast knowledge and more that I do a SHIT ton of research! Plus I'm a modern warfare guy, I do have some knowledge in like...Post-WW2 warfare I do suppose! But it is mostly research ;P I'll have a look but I can't promise I can write anything! I can...
  9. Aces California

    Everything that occurs in these timelines is Current Politics. Ask to get it moved to Shared...

    Everything that occurs in these timelines is Current Politics. Ask to get it moved to Shared Games, it won't be closed then. Sorry but Cal has strict rules we must go by :P
  10. Aces California

    Hey POTUS, awesome you did that, but you need to move it elsewhere dude. It was closed down...

    Hey POTUS, awesome you did that, but you need to move it elsewhere dude. It was closed down because it's not Future History as that chat is made for. That chat is made for the Sci-Fi stuff, like space colonies and settlements, robots, AI, future wars decades away.
  11. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5 - End of a Leader

    Hello again and thank you for your patience! I would have had the Friday and Monday uploads ready but I'm afraid I was away from home from Friday to Monday exactly, so didn't have any spare time to post the two chapters. Plus I haven't have the time recently to continue writing chapters ahead...
  12. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline

    The big plot-point for the PoD just happened, with a competitor being established for the BBC far back as early in their radio days. There were a few smaller PoDs that were either for flavour or to line up the timeline to the PoD of Competition, like for the former Alfred Milner being tipped as...
  13. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4 - The Media vs Radio

    Thank you again @historybuff, and yeah, the newspaper won't be everything, I'm hoping that the deeper into the timeline I go, the more the events of OTL would change just enough to create more to write about. But first, I got another update on the newspaper! Thank you to @MatthewFirth and...
  14. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3 - Beginning of the End

    I can see how the concept could be confused for that sort of format. And stick with me on this time, they'll be more than covering a newspaper! This is just the first moments of this timeline! I hope you all enjoy Chapter 3! And I'm going to be trying my best to actually come up with names for...
  15. Aces California

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    Oh my god that was awful D: D: Nearly teared up reading that update, great update as usual though! No Trudeaus in the timeline would give some really interesting consequences, plus I imagine when time comes around for Quebecois nationalism to appear, with Trudeau not in charge, and this to...
  16. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline

    Thanks Historybuff, I'm tentatively looking at a Monday - Thursday release schedule :)
  17. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2 - Split of Politicians

    Thanks to everybody who read my first chapter, and to @CrazyGeorge and @historybuff for their contributions. I hope you all like how I am setting up the bulk of the story to come, there is 1 more prologue as is before it reaches the POD, but there may be small changes unrelated to the main story...
  18. Aces California

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    Mmmm great update, haven't read the comments yet, but I can say I'm glad that the space project continued after everything that happened in the US and Russia!
  19. Aces California

    Breaking News - A News Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Prologue

    Prologue Hello and welcome! This is my first proper timeline covering an actual narrative, and it is my first timeline in general in 3 or 4 years. I'm highly confident that I've matured and improved over those years to make a riveting, and diverse story. The narrative of this timeline comes...
  20. Aces California

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    Another awesome update, I agree with King_Arthur actually, probably best of Act II so far, though I fully expect you got some real bangers coming up, you said you had a stockpile already ;) Happy to hear that everything went better ITTL concerning the car crash, though I don't know too much of...