Recent content by Milvus

  1. Map Thread XIII

    That is a very good question xD That's because I wanted to maintain the former borders as they evolved during the centuries. If you look at a map of the Holy Roman Empire at the time of the French Revolution, you can see the parallels. I also didnt want to make Bavaria too small. It already is...
  2. Map Thread XIII

    In that special timeline the German population took the opportunity to rise up against their monarchs and to form a nation state (with a democratic system, but also with a Kaiser as head of state). Parts of the former German states Prussia and Austria, that lay beyond the boundaries of the Holy...
  3. Map Thread XIII

    I have made a new map, this time it is just digital. It shows how the German Empire after the Congress of Vienna could have looked like in terms of administration.
  4. Map Thread XIII

    Thats a very interesting map. I like it. How did you make it?
  5. Map Thread XIII

    That is a very interesting and elaborate map. I like the shape of Austria. But how comes that southern Transylvania belongs to Romania?
  6. Map Thread XIII

    Yes, I have a bigger resolution, but it is saved on another pc than the one I am using right now. Same is true for my other maps. I will upload them later. I didnt really focus on alternate history. I just like drawing maps that are different from what you can find in an atlas. For example I...
  7. Map Thread XIII

    Thank you :-) I used drawing ink and pastel. Yes, it is hand drawn. And yes, I drew further maps. It is one of my hobbies. I would like to draw more of them, but each map takes a lot of time...
  8. Map Thread XIII

    Europe in 1815 after Napoleon This map shows Europe in 1815 right after the Congress of Vienna. Instead of a German Confederation, Germany was restored as a nation state with Prague as capital (Vienna would have been too close to the border and Berlin didnt seem adequate as a capital, so...
  9. Map Thread XIII

    Question I assume this thread is for just any kind of alternate history map? How can I upload my map?