Map Thread VII

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I also said it's not that close as geneticists back in, say 2008 thought. This paper might explain things a tad - even though the research group there is ambigous on the timing of when R1b arrived in Europe - it's very clear that it didn't originate in the Iberian Glacial Refuge, which is basically what the old theory stated.
No I was trying to explain why I thought their was an Irish-Basque genetic connection. I wasn't trying to say you agree with me.

Now I'm under the impression you're mixing things up big time. Genetically, the Hungarians look pretty similar to their neighbours around them. The Finnish OTOH look mostly like a mix between what may be the original "Uralic" peoples (presumably the Comb Ceramic Pottery Culture, but there's no proof of this yet) and a mix of the Scandinavian Aboriginals (of whom, in part, the Germanic peoples are also descended). Neither are closely related with the Basques.
Ummm, talking about strange languages. Hungarian and Finnish are languages with little connection to other known ones.
Not talking genetics anymore.
No, you're thinking of the Galician language, the Irish are thought to have migrated from Galicia.

Basque is usually considered to be unrelated to any other known language, hence why it sounds like Martian.

But modern galician is a romance language with only very few celtic elements, so Irish is actually related to whatever was spoken in Galicia prior to the roman conquest.
But modern galician is a romance language with only very few celtic elements, so Irish is actually related to whatever was spoken in Galicia prior to the roman conquest.

Both the Celts of Hispania and of Ireland spoke so-called Q-Celtic languages, as opposed to the P-Celtic languages that were spoken in Gaul and Britain.


No it was definately the Basques, I watched a documentry called "Blood of the Irish", it was basically as Emperor Qianlong said, there's genetic similarities between the two people.

Yes, along with Hungarian and Finnish I think.

No, Hungarian, Finnish (and Estonian) are part of the Finno-Ugric group. Basque is completely unique, aside from some theories that have attempted to connect it to one language group or another.

There may be a genetic connection between Basques and Irish but there is no linguistic connection.
A little map I whipped up from an ATL where Upton Sinclair wins the 1934 gubernatorial election and Robert Heinlein wins his campaign for the CA state assembly in 1938.

Some notes. The Progressive Party has co-opted Sinclair's campaign as their own, and retroactively made Hiram Johnson part of the EPIC movement after he supported Sinclair from his senate seat.
Any comments on my map here?
No, Hungarian, Finnish (and Estonian) are part of the Finno-Ugric group. Basque is completely unique, aside from some theories that have attempted to connect it to one language group or another.

There may be a genetic connection between Basques and Irish but there is no linguistic connection.

Oh, I thought they were unique too.
Learn something new everyday on here.

Yeah that's established now I think :p
No, Hungarian, Finnish (and Estonian) are part of the Finno-Ugric group. Basque is completely unique, aside from some theories that have attempted to connect it to one language group or another.

There may be a genetic connection between Basques and Irish but there is no linguistic connection.

Well, as I stated earlier, there *may* have been a connection between the Basque language and Iberian, but evidence is too scarce to say for a certain what kind of relationship that really was. It may have been that these were merely Basque loans from Iberian (or vice versa), but it's impossible to tell since Iberian is rather poorly attested.
The year is 2011 and Elizabeth II, the Queen and Empress of Britain, reigns over half the world.

Imperialism never ended in this TL and Great Powers continued to conquer and pry each other apart in an unending contest that went on through the 20th, and now the 21st centuries. The most powerful nation is Britain, a British Hegemony stretches accross Asia having absorbed warlord-ridden China and the ruined Empire of the Turks. The Indian Ocean is a British lake, ringed by either Britain or Britain's Princely States.

The second greatest power is the United States, having succesfully vassalized or annexed all of Latin America except for Brazil, they have a navy capable of rivaling the RN and the second largest army on the planet. Hispanics are mostly second class citizens but with the first Mexican territories finally being admitted as states as well as the Phillipines there is hope for eventual equality. Desegregation is a major political issue, made even more major by the President's insistence that if blacks want equality they should just move to Haiti or Liberia and stop botherng the Anglo-Saxon race.

Power number three is the Empire of Germany. There's still a Kaiser on the throne who continues to wield limited power in parliment. Germany holds some of the few remaining African colonies that Britain has yet to appropriate, but their real power comes from dominion in Europe. Multiple wars with the British and the Russians have allowed them to carve out a significant base of power with massive industrial strength and a cutting edge technological advantage. The Kingdom of Italy is lesser partner within the German led European Union (it was German pressure that let Italy preserve its last colonies), as is Spain. The United Kingdom of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland (most people just call it Scandinavia) is another German ally, although their military (particularly the airforce, Sweden invented jets ITTL) means they can relate on nearly equal terms.

Next on the list, and the only soverign state in the southern hemisphere, is the Empire of Brazil. British aid in exchange for Mozambique got Pedro III on the throne of Portugal but it is still very much a Brazilian empire ruled from Rio. Portugal is a Kingdom in personal union with Brazil that elects representatives to parliment as is Angola. Currently the most liberal country on earth, socially and politically, it is very determined to keep its soverignty and remain independent of any of the other major powers. Pedro V is a well-beloved titular Monarch who has no problem with the constitutionally mandated authority possesed by the Prime Minister and Parliment. Freedom of Speech is strictly protected, as is Freedom of Assembly and the elections are about as free as they can be in any democracy. Race is a factor, but given how dark skinned the average Brazilian (or Brazilian MP) is its about as much a problem as in the OTL US.

The Russian Empire is technically a Great Power but regular coups and rebellions keep them unstable and they long ago fell behind the rest of the world militarily. One of the only reasons they're still around is because the rest of the world can't yet agree how to divide them up.

The only other country in the world that still has independent soverignty is Switzerland.

Technology is a bit behind OTL but only a bit. Germany only landed a man on the moon in 1982, but ironically already has a scientific base there as do Britain and the United States (since no one wants to fall behind technologically the Space Race has been very serious). Computers aren't as fast as OTL, nor do they posses as much memory but laptops exist and cellphones are a twenty-year old invention. Nuclear weapons have been developed independently in the utmost secrecy by the US, Britain, and Gemany (Brazil has its own thus far unsuccesful program) but they are crude fission bombs designed to be dropped from aircraft and have yet to be used in war.

I really do like this map, but how did Britain manage to conquer most of Asia and Africa? And the U.S.? Wow............and 'Decades of Darkness' was already pushing the envelope{especially since no other nation existed in Central America by 1910, it seems} but this is a bit extreme even for 2011........also, I'd like to advise that you fix the borders of Montana, Idaho, Wash., and whatever replaced Brit. Col. :)
I like it. Austria all the way! However, there are some minor difficulties with the map. Maria Theresa was an immensely capble leader, some say she was the reason the Austrian Empire lasted all the way to 1918. It's gonna be hard to improve on that.

I see your point, but the fact that she was a woman made her SEEM weaker, which is part of why Austria got pounced on by Prussia and the other powers. In my opinion, having a strong emperor who is respected and even feared by other heads of state at this juncture would do wonders for Austria.

Austria also owned Lombardy and Venetia OTL, did they get butterflied away?
Yes. A more German-centred Austria is less likely to want territory in Italy, especially since the Spanish Habsburgs have an ally in Savoy, who was "given" Milan in exchange for Corsica once they had conquered Genoa.

Also, you can't really have the French revolutions "peter out". These people were MAD, and the best we can hope for is that they stay in France and don't inspire revolution elsewhere, as they did OTL.
Well, it didn't just "peter out" exactly. TTL's French Revolution was managed even more poorly than OTL's, and the Republic's hold on power deteriorated once they found out the German states weren't pushovers and the Germans started making gains, along with the combined pressure of basically every other country that had something to gain from beating France.

Lastly, one aesthetic thing. I would change the color of the Ottomans to something less black, its hard on the eye. Otherwise, cool map.
Yeah, people always tell me about that, and I always forget. I'm going to post another map from later in this TL and I'll make some changes. I should have mentioned, your map was great too.
Hey all, this is a different Central Powers win story. Basically Germany is too busy managing all of its newly aquired overseas territories to care much about the Ottomans or Austria. In the attempted Federalisation of the Empire, the Hungarians seccede from the Empire. A war is fought to a standstill, and two seperate yet closely linked states Emerge, the Kingdom of Hungary and the United States of Greater Austria. Bosnia-Hergozovina is freed, and is subsequently protected by naval and military power when Serbia invaded in 1923. This means that the Bosnians don't mind the Austrians owning Dalmatia, as it provides support. After the war, Serbia lost some land on the western border to Bosnia. Earlier, it had warred with Bulgaria, winning some of the lands it lost in WW1 back. The Ottomans have deteriorated, but still control Iraq, Turkey, and the Holy Land. The borders between the German colonies in Russia is bolded. Maybe slightly ASB, but so is OTL, remember. :D

Alternate Butterfly Century Europe Map 1925.png
My first map made using Illustrator. Enjoy :)

P.S. anyone know how I could become a contributor in the Alternate Worlds group on Deviantart?

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My first map made using Illustrator. Enjoy :)

EDIT: P.S. anyone know how I could become a contributor in the Alternate Worlds group on Deviantart?

I'm a contributor. If you tell me your DeviantArt name I could message the founder to add you. That map alone proves that you deserve entry!

Or you could message him/her. Neethis.
Nice map! One of the better looking ones to come up in a while, IMO.
Ah, I have to start using Illustrator again.
That map is beautiful and chilling.

Thank you. :)

I'm a contributor. If you tell me your DeviantArt name I could message the founder to add you. That map alone proves that you deserve entry!

Or you could message him/her. Neethis.

I'm SemmiS on deviantart. Thank you! :)

Wow that is one nice map there Semmi!! Could you maybe tell more of the background?

Thanks. :) I probably should have included that in the original post but I'm too sick to write up something formal like that. Long story short, Germany loses WWI but a less harsh peace treaty is imposed on it which allows the monarchy to stay in power. The Nazis, albeit less radical/genocidal, still come to power and turn Imperial Germany into Imperial Germany on steroids.
I'm SemmiS on deviantart. Thank you! :)

No problem. I'm a contributor and tried to see if I could add you. Couldn't figure it out so I messaged the founder. If Neethis doesn't get to you in a week or so PM and I will try and figure it out again.

A good German-wank always deserves recognition.
Thanks. :) I probably should have included that in the original post but I'm too sick to write up something formal like that. Long story short, Germany loses WWI but a less harsh peace treaty is imposed on it which allows the monarchy to stay in power. The Nazis, albeit less radical/genocidal, still come to power and turn Imperial Germany into Imperial Germany on steroids.

Shouldn't that be *Nazis then? :)

Nice-looking map BTW.

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