Map Thread VI

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A Magyar Wank:

Magyar Wank 20091024.PNG
Is everyone getting into the act on witty captions now? ;)

Nice map.
Witty captions just seemed appropriate for a map with a socialist Ottoman Empire.
Sorry, is that a socialising Ottoman Empire in the middle of all that?

It's a better alternative than the usual fate of the Ottomans in most maps.
Very interesting indeed.
But august Bebel for Reichskanzler? Now how awesome is that! :eek:

Much win indeed.

*shits self in awe*
Anyways yes this is badass in every way possible.;)
I honestly don't know much about August Bebel-- just looked up the history of the SPD on the Polish-Armenian Genocide, saw his name, briefly scanned over his entry and confirmed that, yes, he would be alive at the time of the map, and then smacked him in there. Is he particularly famous, or is it just that it's a socialist chancellor?

Valdemar II

Altermative Vienna treaty, Napoleon win at Waterloo, and instead beaten by a Russian-Austrian coalition army. Archduke Charles of Teschen
are made king of Switzerland and Badens southen "arm" are given to the house of Fürstenberg, and are raised to a Duchy. While Breisgau are
made part of Switzerland (together with Sundgau). Baden receive Northen Elsass for the loss of the south. Beside that at Austrian insistens
Prussia receive nothing of Saxony, instead they get Westphalen, most of the Rhineland Luxembourg and Posen (the difference from OTL is
that they also gain Luxembourg). Netherland receive the Austrian Netherlands (minus Luxembourg), Liege and department Nord.

Altermative Vienna treaty, Napoleon win at Waterloo, and instead beaten by a Russian-Austrian coalition army. Archduke Charles of Teschen
are made king of Switzerland and Badens southen "arm" are given to the house of Fürstenberg, and are raised to a Duchy. While Breisgau are
made part of Switzerland (together with Sundgau). Baden receive Northen Elsass for the loss of the south. Beside that at Austrian insistens
Prussia receive nothing of Saxony, instead they get Westphalen, most of the Rhineland Luxembourg and Posen (the difference from OTL is
that they also gain Luxembourg). Netherland receive the Austrian Netherlands (minus Luxembourg), Liege and department Nord.

Thank you for saving this page of being a wank map's page. I didn't understood a thing in your map, why does Netheland recieve the Austrian Nethelands?

Valdemar II

Thank you for saving this page of being a wank map's page. I didn't understood a thing in your map, why does Netheland recieve the Austrian Nethelands?

Mostly because the British insist on a stronger Netherland, and try to keep the Prussian out of it, while Austria really don't care about the former Austrian Netherland and see it as more trouble than it's worth. It had been a money drain while they owned it, and it has been under French control for two decades. So they trade it for possesion in Italy.
The Bourbon Union would already be bankrupt and a minor colonial power by the Scramble for Africa.

Even with half of India and the majority of the new world? France recovered quite wellwithout any base, so I don't see why they should be weakened by having done better.
And what's wrong with Bristol-Southington?

In my Politics and Government Class last year we were discussing consolidation. Especially in Connecticut which doesn't bother with the county system like most states do. What we began discussing was Southington-Bristol-New Britain under a single government.

Eventually we came to the conclusion that population differences would prevent the situation from ever happening. Southington has just over 40,000 people. Bristol has 60,000, but since they're both relatively upper-middle class, they can survive consolidation.

Had you done Southington-New Britain, it wouldn't have worked. New Britain has 70,000 and is more or less lower-middle class to lower class. That was basically the consensus we came to. (I lived in Southington)


A Magyar Wank:
Following Orel's lead.


EDIT: Danish Empire, if you're wondering.

Following the trend, the Bourbon Union.

Please don't do this. Don't start some sort of meme or fad which entices people into copying it, resulting in a deluge of badly thought out and aesthetically unappealing maps.

Generally there are two types of maps: maps made to look good, and maps made to convey information. These maps are just simple variations on a basemap with a few borders and fills of colour accompanied by no more information than the name of the country or colonial empire that it is showing. They neither look good nor convey information.


In my Politics and Government Class last year we were discussing consolidation. Especially in Connecticut which doesn't bother with the county system like most states do. What we began discussing was Southington-Bristol-New Britain under a single government.

Eventually we came to the conclusion that population differences would prevent the situation from ever happening. Southington has just over 40,000 people. Bristol has 60,000, but since they're both relatively upper-middle class, they can survive consolidation.

Had you done Southington-New Britain, it wouldn't have worked. New Britain has 70,000 and is more or less lower-middle class to lower class. That was basically the consensus we came to. (I lived in Southington)

I'm not actually consolidating them into a single government. I'm putting them together into a single voting district. So, Bristol and Southington together vote for a single MP.

As for Connecticut not bothering with counties, no need to tell me twice. I'm from Massachusetts.
I'm not actually consolidating them into a single government. I'm putting them together into a single voting district. So, Bristol and Southington together vote for a single MP.

Right. Still for some reason I perceive the cultural difference in New Britain and Southington as being different enough to make them not vote together.

Like New York and Pennsylvania being one state. Sure the population may even out but they're so culturally different it's not workable.

As for Connecticut not bothering with counties, no need to tell me twice. I'm from Massachusetts.

Ah New England!


Right. Still for some reason I perceive the cultural difference in New Britain and Southington as being different enough to make them not vote together.

Like New York and Pennsylvania being one state. Sure the population may even out but they're so culturally different it's not workable.

Ah New England!

It might be interesting to see how that district would vote. As for deciding on how they would vote, what I'm thinking of doing is creating a scale, and putting all the municipal politicians on it, weighting it for population. Averaging them together, I'll be able to sort them into a party to vote for. And don't worry, I've got at least five major political parties.
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