Return of Horrible Educational Maps

Ah jeez, who left the Habsburg empire out in the sun, it’s starting to melt!

But molten Habsburg is awesome on a pizza.

So let's go to a rooftop restaurant.


Especially good with the Adria extending almost as far as Belgium.

What, you’ve never been to the Belgian Adriatic ports? Also, the harbor in Munich is wonderful too.

I guess that's why Germany had to invade France through Belgium: they had to avoid the Adria.

Speaking of maps with enlarged bodies of water, have here one not with the Danube, but with the Danuber instead:


(found on reddit)
Speaking of maps with enlarged bodies of water, have here one not with the Danube, but with the Danuber instead:

(found on reddit)
Also, the famous and beautiful Lake Moldova.
Also, Kaliningrad as part of Lithuania, independent Corsica/Sardinia, Sicily & Crete, and random green blobs along the Danuber.
(I think that east-to-west they're meant to be Ukranian Dobruja, North Macedonia, independent Vojvodina, Bosnia & Slovenia, but I have no idea what the one north of Italy could be unless it's uber-Liechtenstein)
Also, the famous and beautiful Lake Moldova.
Also, Kaliningrad as part of Lithuania, independent Corsica/Sardinia, Sicily & Crete, and random green blobs along the Danuber.
(I think that east-to-west they're meant to be Ukranian Dobruja, North Macedonia, independent Vojvodina, Bosnia & Slovenia, but I have no idea what the one north of Italy could be unless it's uber-Liechtenstein)
Free Vorarlberg, of course! :D
Technically this map does suggest a solution to the current Ukraine-russia conflict (although plate tectonics probably refuse to help out)

Go to 0:57 and you would see a terrible map of Eurasia and Africa.
Other than a few shifted borders caused by the stylized straight lines (for example, the map has Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Israel meeting a point), the two most obvious issues are the fact that Sri Lanka is missing and Finland still has an outlet to the Arctic. The only other thing that jumps out is that the Wakkan Corridor is missing, so Pakistan borders Tajikistan rather than Afghanistan bordering China. I'll give it "Stylized" and maybe "Problematic" but we've seen far, *far* worse here. (I'm not saying that every map with a recognizeable Lake Victoria should get a pass, but it would have to screw up *many* other places)

I guess Torch just went straight for Tunisia? Also, Army Group North's push to Leningrad seems to have completely failed at the border and Sevastopol is still holding out.

No idea what is going on in the Baltics. Slovakia seemingly doesn't exist, or is a lot smaller, and Turkey seems to have lost the Kars region as well. Also the Italians have ceded part of Istria to Yugoslavia.
I'm making a Worlda of this.

I guess Torch just went straight for Tunisia? Also, Army Group North's push to Leningrad seems to have completely failed at the border and Sevastopol is still holding out.

No idea what is going on in the Baltics. Slovakia seemingly doesn't exist, or is a lot smaller, and Turkey seems to have lost the Kars region as well. Also the Italians have ceded part of Istria to Yugoslavia.

Worlda version.
I see Pol Pot was rather less successful with one of his projects here. Unless the situation happened earlier, in which case my, how interesting the Vietnam War and Vietnam-China Wars must have been.
Cambodia doesn't exist anymore; it gradually transitioned into becoming the new home of Taiwan following the island's occupation in 1949.