The New Order: Last Days of Europe - An Axis Victory Cold War Mod for HoIIV

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On a side note, I am also somewhat concerned about the fact that people seem to be whitewashing the English Collabs quite a bit here. No, not even the supposedly extremely sectarian and "undemocratic" communists taking power would be anywhere near as bad as the Nazi Collaborators remaining in power.
This is something i'd really like highlighted.

Even the best Collab routes are going to be horrible for a lot of people.
Doesn't go as far into the welfare state as all other democratic Englands and Mac, pretty much allows the bulk of the Collab oligarchy to get off without serious consequence, keeps people to the left of social democrats banned, no recompense for people unfortunate enough to have been abused by the government he was a part of, persecutes HMMLR sympathisers, as well as being a bit of a bastard.
Doesn't go as far into the welfare state as all other democratic Englands and Mac, pretty much allows the bulk of the Collab oligarchy to get off without serious consequence, keeps people to the left of social democrats banned, no recompense for people unfortunate enough to have been abused by the government he was a part of, persecutes HMMLR sympathisers, as well as being a bit of a bastard.
Doesn't go as far into the welfare state as all other democratic Englands and Mac, pretty much allows the bulk of the Collab oligarchy to get off without serious consequence, keeps people to the left of social democrats banned, no recompense for people unfortunate enough to have been abused by the government he was a part of, persecutes HMMLR sympathisers, as well as being a bit of a bastard.
You gonna love this

I once made a discussion on the reddit, now I bring to here

What happens to Vladimir if other warlords defeat him on the regional stage? The only ones that have interactions are Zhukov, Tukachevsky, and the ROA

Zhukov kills him while he's running, while Tuka goes full Lenin on his whole family, Zykov and Bunyachenko kills him after a trial, while Oktan kills him after parading him

Here what I think about the others, the AB probably does the same as Oktan, Libdem Komi probably exiles him, Socdem and Autdem Komi might exile or execute him (allowing his family to go free), Suslov execute him, Bukharina and Zhdanov might attempt the PuYi way to remove his nobility title and raise him as a "Model socialist"

Right Komi is tricky, I think that Shaf might allow him to remain and even have a irrelevant monarchist organization led by him as part of his controlled opposition, I don't know about Lev views on the royals, Serov probably kills him like Tuka or go for a cruel justice and turns him into a normal factory work having to work 14 hours a day, Taboritsky probably kills him by himself

Assuming Vladimir took control of Western Russia before being defeated, he has enought resources to flee and make a government in exile if he loses
I once made a discussion on the reddit, now I bring to here

What happens to Vladimir if other warlords defeat him on the regional stage? The only ones that have interactions are Zhukov, Tukachevsky, and the ROA

Zhukov kills him while he's running, while Tuka goes full Lenin on his whole family, Zykov and Bunyachenko kills him after a trial, while Oktan kills him after parading him

Here what I think about the others, the AB probably does the same as Oktan, Libdem Komi probably exiles him, Socdem and Autdem Komi might exile or execute him (allowing his family to go free), Suslov execute him, Bukharina and Zhdanov might attempt the PuYi way to remove his nobility title and raise him as a "Model socialist"

Right Komi is tricky, I think that Shaf might allow him to remain and even have a irrelevant monarchist organization led by him as part of his controlled opposition, I don't know about Lev views on the royals, Serov probably kills him like Tuka or go for a cruel justice and turns him into a normal factory work having to work 14 hours a day, Taboritsky probably kills him by himself

Assuming Vladimir took control of Western Russia before being defeated, he has enought resources to flee and make a government in exile if he loses
Slight correction there, but Zhukov doesn't kill Vladimir while he's running. What happens is that a group of soldiers stumble onto a half-dead Vladimir, and one of the soldiers, knowing that Vladimir isn't going to live to see trial, executes him after some quick declarations of justice.
Slight correction there, but Zhukov doesn't kill Vladimir while he's running. What happens is that a group of soldiers stumble onto a half-dead Vladimir, and one of the soldiers, knowing that Vladimir isn't going to live to see trial, executes him after some quick declarations of justice.

Spasibo, comrade Matryoshka!


Just.... what? Ignoring the fact that Communists have been able to work within various liberal democracies just fine (see the PCI in Italy), I don't even think Stalinist factionalism and anti-liberalism is a factor here. As it happens, in a world without Stalin ever becoming a person of much prominence, his doctrine of "social fascism" never comes to be. In fact, Bukharin was actually quite open to collaborating with liberals and moderate socialists, and I would assume his platform would spread to the mindsets of other socialists around the world.
Pollitt doesn’t strike me as a Berlinguer type of guy, though.

Stalin doesn’t have to be invoked either. We may hark back to Lenin. The CPGB, like many other Communist parties was born from the inspiration of the October Revolution. The revolution itself was a Coup d’etat against the Provisional government, within the capital. To achieve some measure of legitimacy for themselves, the Bolsheviks allowed the scheduled 1917 Constituent Assembly elections to go ahead. Yet when they achieved only a quarter of the votes. They were quick to just ignore it altogether. Did not take long then for them to clamp down on the Liberal political opposition and eventually other rivalling Socialist orgs as well. By then, you got a one-party state, to say nothing of the atrocities done along the way and afterwards.

My point is, even absent Stalin there is still the precedent of how Lenin had progressively moved to establish and consolidate a Communist dictatorship, with all the bloodshed that entailed. If Pollitt’s stunt in London had met success and the CPGM finds itself with a monopoly on political capital, it would be reasonable to suspect that he would feel emboldened to go down a similar road, thereby refusing to come to the table with other resistance movements.

Then there is also the fact that one of the main pillars that the Soviet Union justified their system of oppression and the brutal excesses thereof, was on the basis of having to guard themselves against an antagonistic outside world (which was in large part because of all the cackling cries they were making about “world revolution” during the early post-war period of revolutionary upsurge, because other nations don’t like it when you openly cry for their usurpation). So too could a similar system in Britain i.e. Red Terror, Secret police apparatus, prohibition of political opposition etc be excused with paranoia regarding the existence of Nazi Europe.

Who knows? Maybe when they persecute Auchinleck alongside the other pro-Elizabeth loyalists, they'd claim he was a secret SS agent looking to spread the Burgundian System to the British Isles “because HMMLR reads just like Himmler when you don’t read it as an acronym, you see” X ).
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@Baron Steakpuncher here a question I have, assuming Thatcher joins the OFN, what happens to the Winsdor schism? I mean, Britain has Henry IX and the rest of the commonwealth have Elizabeth, do the british royalty recognize the canadian one?
Considering they are able to integrate his generals, I imagine that they allow him to live out the rest of his life as a normal citizen.
Imagine him in Vyatka drinking some tea on a new mansion just after the conflict, then he looks at his wife and say
"Well, that went better than expected"
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