2001: A Space Time Odyssey (Version 2)

What about the development of advanced spaceplanes in the 80s up to 1990?

Advanced "spaceplanes"? What nonsense, rockets will take off and land vertically as God and Heinlien intended them to! What do you think this is? "2001 A Spac...." Oh, wait... Sorry wrong universe :)

What about the development of advanced spaceplanes in the 80s up to 1990?

A more seriousl answer... You mean something like say this:
Orion III Based Shuttle Orbiter ET and Boosters.jpg
SSTOs are good, but orbital elevators are the Holy Grail of travelling to space. And fusion torches, of course, for practical interplanetary travel.

You think to small! Ground-launched nuclear salt water rockets is the wave of the future. Forget SSTO, think single stage to Pluto!

(Actually, I am not sure that even a nuclear salt water rocket could go all the way to Pluto from the Earth's surface to Pluto without a staging event or two. Also, trying would be terrible for health insurance premiums.)

What more can we expect to see in the early 80s? What about manned programs for Canada, the UK, France/Germany, or even Japan? How are the Chinese coming along by 1981?
What more can we expect to see in the early 80s? What about manned programs for Canada, the UK, France/Germany, or even Japan? How are the Chinese coming along by 1981?

let see
The USSR will expand there "intercosmo" program on Non Communist states like Socialist France
For Moment Canada, British, French, German Astronaut was regular visitor on US space station in low orbit by Shuttle (Europeans under ESRO Agreement with NASA)
But also will be British, German and French effort under Italian manned Program who visit the US space station with there spacecraft build by ASI
China is experiment and testing there Space station module in Orbit to build later there space station.
Japanese Astronaut are regular visitor on US space station in low orbit by Shuttle, study for manned spacecraft on there way.
Pure science fiction! When are people going to design a practical space transportation system darnit!?


When people finally realize that 'space' isn't like most of the terrestrial transportation problems we've deal with in the past and design accordingly. Of course that predicates our developing an actual requirement and justification for regular space access from the surface of Earth which is another of those 'chicken/egg' situations all in itself :)

Jaenera Targaryen is actually pretty spot on in that at some point what will matter more is getting a certain amount of cargo/passengers into orbit on a regular basis as cheaply as possible rather than piecemeal or in huge chunks less often.

Pound for pound, (kilo-for-kilo for you folks who haven't realized where future measurements are going... no really, I used to note all the time in 'golden age' sci-fi that they used miles and gallons so we have PROOF who comes out on top :D ) trains are better and cheaper for moving stuff from one node to another and that's more like what 'space travel' is than destination to destination. Of course getting THERE is expensive and difficult up front, which is an issue when you're just starting out :)

Jaenera Targaryen is actually pretty spot on in that at some point what will matter more is getting a certain amount of cargo/passengers into orbit on a regular basis as cheaply as possible rather than piecemeal or in huge chunks less often.

To me, successful development of a Human presence beyond the Earth (technological barriers aside) require two things. One, the willingness to make a large, initial investment. And two, the willingness to wait for said investment to start making returns.
But also will be British, German and French effort under Italian manned Program who visit the US space station with there spacecraft build by ASI

Going to go with being relevant to this post and also these, (https://www.alternatehistory.com/fo...dyssey-version-2.347087/page-23#post-20342821, https://www.alternatehistory.com/fo...dyssey-version-2.347087/page-23#post-20351358) in that there was an update to "Atomic Rockets of the Space Patrol" website I'd missed. (Not hard to do as the content just keeps getting deeper and better)

Nyrath had a picture of Archipeppe's "EAGLE" on his lander page so I sent him a note giving credit and citing the sources we'd found.. And the single illustration has now turned into this:

With direct assistance from Archipeppe and even more depth and goodness :)

in context though it might be unrealistic to hope the Spacecraft from ASI is anything like the ARIES or EAGLE since Dr. Giuseppe De Chiara didn't articulate them till the mid-90s but I refuse to not hold out a lot of hope that it does and ASI hires him out of collage :)

Oh and I'll add that it can also be said that "inspiration" for ARIES is pretty easy to find... Widen the body out a bit, extend and point the nose, make the windows a bit bigger and ... well there was a certain OTHER late-1960s sci-fi movie that has inspired many people over the decades... I'd avoid adding any of THAT backstory though...

in context though it might be unrealistic to hope the Spacecraft from ASI is anything like the ARIES or EAGLE since Dr. Giuseppe De Chiara didn't articulate them till the mid-90s but I refuse to not hold out a lot of hope that it does and ASI hires him out of collage :)

in context though it might be unrealistic to hope the Spacecraft from ASI is anything like the ARIES or EAGLE since Dr. Giuseppe De Chiara didn't articulate them till the mid-90s but I refuse to not hold out a lot of hope that it does and ASI hires him out of collage :)

"Знамя Ленина над нами,
Строить счастье мы пришли (мы пришли).
Пишем юными руками

The youthful Russian voice bellowed out through radio waves across the silence of the lunar surface. Like a child eager to build a sand-castle on the beach, he dug away at regolith that had sat undisturbed for billions of years, to build his sand-castle on the Moon (though perhaps a bunker would have been a more apt description). It might not have matched the fantastical complex envisioned by the Ministry of Culture's propaganda posters, but looking more akin to a big pile of snow in the Siberian winter, but it was a start. A humble beginning that would surely be followed by the gleaming lunar cities of the future. Humanity's first permanent outpost on another world, was taking shape barely a decade and a half after Komarov had first planted the hammer and sickle on the lunar surface Despite this, the phrase "Per aspera, ad astra" had proven its truth. For all advanced technology it took to get them there, from heavy-lift vehicles to the new Gerkules ion thrusters, the base's construction still required an old-fashioned touch. To protect the base against both cosmic rays from interstellar rays and solar flares, several meters of regolith was required, and that meant digging. Alas, even the motherland's best excavators were no match against the Moon dust it sought to displace. With gears jammed and electronics fried, the crew had taken to working by hand and shovel. All the better as far as Vladimir was concerned since it meant an excuse for more EVA time.

Not all was well, the economic boom of the 1970s, buoyed as it was by the rapid liberalization of the Kosygin years and high oil prices, has moderated considerably. The youth were dissatisfied and demanding ever more say in the affairs of government. Proxy wars in Nicaragua and Afghanistan raged. The race to militarize space had already begun. Relations with the United States had soured, while European states on both sides of the Iron Curtain seemed intent on sticking it to the superpowers. The whole world sat uncomfortably on the edge of all-out nuclear war.

Pausing, he looked up at his homeworld once more as he sang.
"Биографию Земли (Земли)

But for Vladimir, cynicism could not be sustained. Not when the stubborn optimism of his unrealistic childhood dreams had finally been realized. He was from the second generation of cosmonauts, being just five years old when Sputnik and Laika first flew, seven when Luna-1 first crashed on the lunar surface, nine when Gagarin ushered in the Space Age, and seventeen when Komarov planted his motherland's flag on another world. Now, here he was. He couldn't help but dream of the future.

"Слава вперёдсмотрящему,
Слава вперёд идущему,
Путь наш - из настоящего
К звёздному грядущему!
Путь наш - из настоящего
В грядущее зовёт!

Юность звёздною ракетой
Ввысь стремится с каждым днём (с каждым днём).
Сами ясные рассветы
Мы над Родиной зажжём (зажжём)!

His singing interrupted as he lost his balance and awkwardly tumbled to the ground in the Moon's comparatively light gravity.
"Путь героев, путь тревожный,"
He sang, as he appropriately staggered to his feet once more.

"Ввысь стремится с каждым днём (с каждым днём).
Сами ясные рассветы
Мы над Родиной зажжём (зажжём)!

Путь героев, путь тревожный,
Верю, мы пройдём с тобой (мы с тобой) -
Зыбкой тропкою таёжной,
Звонкой лунною тропой (тропой)!

Будет путь наш легендарен
В марше завтрашних годов (да, годов).
Каждый станет - как Гагарин,
Каждый станет - как Титов (Титов)!

Слава вперёдсмотрящему,
Слава вперёд идущему,
Путь наш - из настоящего
К звёздному грядущему!
Путь наш - из настоящего
В грядущее зовёт!

Finishing the song, the Vladimir paused once more and turning towards the darkening sky as the two-week-long lunar night approached. In the distance, twinkling dimmly
the cosmonaut eyed a faint red dot in the distance and began...

"Жить и верить - это замечательно.
Перед нами - небывалые пути:
Утверждают космонавты и мечтатели,
Что на Марсе будут яблони цвести.

Хорошо, когда с тобой товарищи,
Всю вселенную проехать и пройти.
Звёзды встретятся с Землёю расцветающей,
И на Марсе будут яблони цвести.

Я со звёздами сдружился дальними,
Не волнуйся обо мне и не грусти.
Покидая нашу Землю, обещали мы,
Что на Марсе будут яблони цвести!"
