Map Thread IV

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:eek:The Reds are coming!:eek:
:eek:The Reds are coming!:eek:

and only one man can stop them...


This was an option considered just after WW1, but ultimately rejected. If all three Baltic nations are put into one state by the Soviets, it might be possible that in those 50 years (unless we consider butterflies, such a change would not change the time of USSR's dissolution dramatically) the people would start identifying with the new state rather than the three separate ones.

Don't you think that the three nations would still want to stress their national identities and differences ?

+ Indeed Lithuania had a great kingdom in the past.
+ Latvia is from same baltic language group but is lutheran I believe.
+ Estonia is not from baltic language goup and I believe would try to have ties with the Finns.

Maybe a Baltic Economic union would be doable though... Or a confederation.
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Map of Russian and American troop deployments over Beringia. The year is 1979. Simple, but yeah, I like to make maps for what I write.

Is that land in black ?
I'm wondering if the Tsars would have gained more then Alaska if they could have gone by foot from Siberia to North America... Imagine not only soviet Alaska but Soviet Canada !!!
eh..I don't buy least from the native ethnics...Only way the identifying with a united Baltic state might happen would be if there was a complete massive influx of Russians in the the Baltic SSR..look at all the trouble the Russian immigrants caused in Estonia and Latvia....Even with a Russian majority in the Baltic SSR you'd have trouble with the indigineous know how long the Lithuanians maintained a guerilla war against the Soviets AFTER WW2....
I just don't see any of the groups going away quietly into the night..

I'm not saying the Baltic peoples would submit to Russian cultural dominance. However a fusion of the three cultures may (note the "may") happen to some extent. Not completely, of course, but there may be a sentiment that "United we stand, divided we fall", applied to the three Baltic States. After the independence (which would probably come separately for each state) a confederation may be created. The difference of this case to the Yugoslavian one of OTL is mostly that none of the three countries held dominance over the other (at least I assume as such), and the three countries have a historical precedent of friendship. Besides, the cultures are less different than those in Yugoslavia.

Don't you think that the three nations would still want to stress there national identities and differences ?

+ Indeed Lithuania had a great kingdom in the past.
+ Latvia is from same baltic language group but is letherian I believe.
+ Estonia is not from baltic language goup and I believe would try to have ties with the Finns.

Maybe a Baltic Economic union would be doable though... Or a confederation.

All good points, but then again, it depends on whether idealist romantic or rationalist arguments prevailed.

By the way, what do you mean by "letherian"?


Agreed, euio, it is a wonderful map.
After the independence (which would probably come separately for each state) a confederation may be created.
Er... if the USSR's fall goes more-or-less as OTL, wouldn't it come together for each state, what with SSRs having the right to secede written into the Soviet Constitution, while ASSRs didn't?
Er... if the USSR's fall goes more-or-less as OTL, wouldn't it come together for each state, what with SSRs having the right to secede written into the Soviet Constitution, while ASSRs didn't?

My bad, I hadn't thought of that (my view of Lithuania's independence struggle being too romanticized probably doesn't help).


Superb, Euio, though it seems a bit overblown (that few atomic strikes would not 'sterilise' Britain or require the capital to be moved to Iceland of all places...)
The Algiers War, since it was sparked by the sea-borne French invasion of that city, ended by 1848. Longer than before, the French were still overpowered by the industrial might of Prussia and the Turk. The Turk proved his worth by single-handedly defeating the French and puppetising Algeria, but the French showed that they were not going to be defeated in mere weeks. However, the Prussians entered the war and soon France was defeated. They saw France as an enemy that could not be allowed to rise.
With this, however, they utterly destroyed the remains of the French Empire and practically prevented them from foreign adventures. The puppet Dutch were given the bulk of the French colonies and also Calais. A new puppet states formed in Western France.
The Piedmontese joined in late and got some French territory.
In America, despite some success in invading Colombia (later being beaten back) the rebel movements grew larger, especially as Prussia yet again turned it's eye to the area.
Buenos Aires, however, fell to the Spanish Navy. Their pocket was being overwhelmed, however.

Superb, Euio, though it seems a bit overblown (that few atomic strikes would not 'sterilise' Britain or require the capital to be moved to Iceland of all places...)

Why does it say that the Russians moved their capital to Strasbourg, of all places, after the destruction of Moscow?
Bah. Realism is overated. (and it's an RoN game ;))

And this is the RoN AI, which is not exactly knowledgabke of such things as "when you are Russia, don't move your capital to Strasbourg", and Big Huge Games, who cannot fit more than London and Edinburgh on Britian, making it indeed possible to sterilise Britain with just two nukes.

Or I could justify it by saying I only showed the really major strikes, and the Isles were peppered by gazillions of little nukes.

On another note, anyone want screenshots?
eh..I don't buy least from the native ethnics...Only way the identifying with a united Baltic state might happen would be if there was a complete massive influx of Russians in the the Baltic SSR..look at all the trouble the Russian immigrants caused in Estonia and Latvia....Even with a Russian majority in the Baltic SSR you'd have trouble with the indigineous know how long the Lithuanians maintained a guerilla war against the Soviets AFTER WW2....
I just don't see any of the groups going away quietly into the night..

interestingly, if the baltic states are taken as a whole then russians are pretty are the majority, because the make (or made at the fall of the USSR) nearly 50% of the population in each of the SSRs
:eek:The Reds are coming!:eek:
:eek:The Reds are coming!:eek:

and only one man can stop them...


Sounds like 1984, except britain gets wiped out, with the limited nuclear war and the soviet conquest of europe. And that many nuclear strikes in Britain would probably make it uninhabitable: just think, agriculture wiped out, industry covered in radiation, a move to iceland as a last resort seems feasible
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future USA

Teal: Democratic Republic of New England
Purple: Republic of Texas
Red: USA
Blue: CSA
Pink: New Christian League
Sky Blue: Conch Federation
Brown: FISA (Free and Independent State of Alaska)
Gray: Anasazi
Orange: New Deseret
Yellow: Union of Californian City-States
Green: Empire of Cascadia
Ligh Purple: Kingdom of Hawaii

What do ya think?

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