Map Thread IV

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Didn't know. Hadn't really thought about it. Feel stupid.:eek::eek::(

Tis okay, you're not obligated to know jack about Central America, let alone care. ;)

Just a brief explanation: Belize was commonly called British Honduras befor independence, which is odd considering that it was actually carved out of Guatemala, and had little actual correllation to the original Honduras...:rolleyes:
Toussaint Louverture dies and Napoleon creates his French Empire in North America under the leadership of his brother-in-law Charles Leclerc.
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France fell under a Radical Leftist Revolution after The End of Napolean. This France is Anti - British, thus Britain is in some paranoia and turmoil. In 1861, it hears about The CSA wanting independence, it funds and supports The South to make it an ally. America after The CSA wins becomes for socialist, but not near as much as France. Spain still goes to a semi-war with America, but with British and Confederate Support, Spain is able to keep The Phillipines from America's grasp. The CSA, Britain, and Spain form The Order of Nations (TON).

America and France get together and propose an alliance. They call this Leftists Unions United (LUU). They fail to get Mexico on their side, who instead joins TON. The American helped in a Central American Revolution and from The Central American Federation, which joins LUU. China sees this LUU as a way to break free from Europe and joins the alliance, France automatically pulls all troops out of China. Japan is feeling slight paranoia about China now.

WWI begins with The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (his wife survives in this TL), his wife orders war on Serbia. Germany and Italy join with Austria-Hungary against Serbia, Bulgaria and Ottomania follow later. France, The US, The CAF, and Russia all help Serbia. The CSA, Britain, Spain, and Mexico fight along with Austria to keep France and America from dominating them again. The Austrians and her allies make The Central Powers, and The Serbians and her allies make The Entente.

1914, Welcome To The Show.PNG


WWI begins with The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (his wife survives in this TL), his wife orders war on Serbia. Germany and Italy join with Austria-Hungary against Serbia, Bulgaria and Ottomania follow later. France, The US, The CAF, and Russia all help Serbia. The CSA, Britain, Spain, and Mexico fight along with Austria to keep France and America from dominating them again. The Austrians and her allies make The Central Powers, and The Serbians and her allies make The Entente.

Why are all these nations allying with one another? It appears to make no sense.

Also, Franz's wife can't order war, she's the wife of the Archduke, she has no power at all.
WWI begins with The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (his wife survives in this TL), his wife orders war on Serbia. Germany and Italy join with Austria-Hungary against Serbia, Bulgaria and Ottomania follow later. France, The US, The CAF, and Russia all help Serbia. The CSA, Britain, Spain, and Mexico fight along with Austria to keep France and America from dominating them again. The Austrians and her allies make The Central Powers, and The Serbians and her allies make The Entente.

I'm pretty sure that the wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand wasn't exactly loved by the Habsburg family, so it's highly unlikely she would have garnered up the influence to be the one ordering around the kingdom. Though Austria-Hungary would still probably go to war with Serbia anyways, to be honest, the fact is that the map has a POD in the mid-1800's, which would have large butterflies.
I'm pretty sure that the wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand wasn't exactly loved by the Habsburg family, so it's highly unlikely she would have garnered up the influence to be the one ordering around the kingdom. Though Austria-Hungary would still probably go to war with Serbia anyways, to be honest, the fact is that the map has a POD in the mid-1800's, which would have large butterflies.
large yellow butterflies!


Lithuanians would want to hang out with the Estonians and Latvians...

This was an option considered just after WW1, but ultimately rejected. If all three Baltic nations are put into one state by the Soviets, it might be possible that in those 50 years (unless we consider butterflies, such a change would not change the time of USSR's dissolution dramatically) the people would start identifying with the new state rather than the three separate ones.
I'm pretty sure that the wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand wasn't exactly loved by the Habsburg family, so it's highly unlikely she would have garnered up the influence to be the one ordering around the kingdom. Though Austria-Hungary would still probably go to war with Serbia anyways, to be honest, the fact is that the map has a POD in the mid-1800's, which would have large butterflies.
Theres still the little problem of FJ being Emperor....
eh..I don't buy least from the native ethnics...Only way the identifying with a united Baltic state might happen would be if there was a complete massive influx of Russians in the the Baltic SSR..look at all the trouble the Russian immigrants caused in Estonia and Latvia....Even with a Russian majority in the Baltic SSR you'd have trouble with the indigineous know how long the Lithuanians maintained a guerilla war against the Soviets AFTER WW2....
I just don't see any of the groups going away quietly into the night..

This was an option considered just after WW1, but ultimately rejected. If all three Baltic nations are put into one state by the Soviets, it might be possible that in those 50 years (unless we consider butterflies, such a change would not change the time of USSR's dissolution dramatically) the people would start identifying with the new state rather than the three separate ones.
Map of Russian and American troop deployments over Beringia. The year is 1979. Simple, but yeah, I like to make maps for what I write.

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