2010 US Presidential Election

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China is looking at Seaborn and Hollis and being very concerned about what they see.

In simplest terms the PRC views this election as this as two possible future options for them awful and horrible. They don't know who will be worse for them Shallick or Seaborn. In the end the Chinese will plan for a "long, cold, harsh winter."

Following the announcement of the result (finally!!) in Indiana, here is the state of the Republican Presidential race.
1,281 Delegates are required for the Republican Presidential Nomination
  1. Henry Shallick 13,705,559 42.59% 1,241 Delegates (Note Shallick is only 40 delegates from the nomination)
  2. Peter Gault 11,710,020 36.39% 988 Delegates
  3. William Durham 6,670,613 20.73% 164 Delegates
  4. Elizabeth Clark 96,228 0.38% 0 Delegates (Dropped out of the race on Sunday Jan 14th)
Total Votes: 32, 182,420
Pop Vote Margin:1,995,539
% Margin: 6.2%

Shallick (also won American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianian Islands, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands)

Dates of Remaining States & Delegates
April 24th Pennsylvania (Primary) 74 Delegates
May 15th Nebraska (Caucus) 36 Delegates & Oregon (Primary)28 Delegates
May 29th South Dakota (Primary) 29 Delegates

I hardly imagine Gault is going to win Pennsylvania! Shallick has won New York and New Jersey so far, it's very improbable that Gault wins there, when he failed in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, all Shallick States. If Shallick wins Pennsylvania, the math gives him 1,314 delegates, 33 more than is required. Its a very similar scenario to 12 years before, when the President (Bartlet) see's a personal friend and former White House Chief of Staff & Labor Secretary (McGarry) placed on the national ticket and the outsider challenger is (Vinick) who also happens to be the Senior Senator from California. Walken now has a personal friend (Shallick) who was Labor Secretary and then White House Chief of Staff as the party's presidential nominee. If it does energe that it is Shallick, then he will need to think outside the box as far as a Veep goes, Durham might be an interesting pick, could cause Sam Seaborn no end of headaches in California, not that Seaborn will lose the Golden State, just saying it might spice up the contest
Will Laura Shallick resign her Senate seat should her husband win? Also is Helen Santos going to win the nod?
Laura Shallick is already on record saying that she will not resign her Senate seat if Henry Shallick wins the Presidency.
Also Helen Santos is the Democratic Senate nominee.
I hardly imagine Gault is going to win Pennsylvania! Shallick has won New York and New Jersey so far, it's very improbable that Gault wins there, when he failed in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, all Shallick States. If Shallick wins Pennsylvania, the math gives him 1,314 delegates, 33 more than is required. Its a very similar scenario to 12 years before, when the President (Bartlet) see's a personal friend and former White House Chief of Staff & Labor Secretary (McGarry) placed on the national ticket and the outsider challenger is (Vinick) who also happens to be the Senior Senator from California. Walken now has a personal friend (Shallick) who was Labor Secretary and then White House Chief of Staff as the party's presidential nominee. If it does energe that it is Shallick, then he will need to think outside the box as far as a Veep goes, Durham might be an interesting pick, could cause Sam Seaborn no end of headaches in California, not that Seaborn will lose the Golden State, just saying it might spice up the contest
Correct if Shallick wins Pennsylvania he is over the top, although I would point out that the state does have lots of "Conservative" voters, so it is not a forgone conclusion that Shallick wins.
nbs.com, Wednesday March 28th

BREAKING NEWS: Gault Gains Stay on Indiana Result; SCOTUS Challenge initiated; GOP Primary Chaos

In a dramatic twist in the last few minutes the Supreme Court of the United States has agreed that it will hear an appeal by Kansas Governor Peter Gault following an Indiana Supreme Court ruling that decided to void the remaining uncounted votes and effectively hand the primary to former White House Chief of Staff Henry Shallick.

The news is a significant blow to Shallick, with any ruling potentially stretching beyond the convention in July and quite possibly excluding Indiana from the final delegate total – a move that dramatically increases the chances of a contested convention. RNC Chair Jeff Haffley said in the last few moments that he was “bitterly disappointed” by the decision of the Gault campaign to challenge the ruling and with the latest result. “I think this creates a very difficult situation, we need to think long and hard about what this may mean for our nominee.”

After Monday’s ruling the Shallick campaign has started to put the final touches to their strategy that would conclude the nomination in Pennsylvania on April 24th but this ruling may put that on hold, even if they prevail in the Keystone State.

Neither campaign has, as yet, offered any comment.
What are the chances that Helen Santos emerges as the victor in the Texas Senate election? The Supreme Court will need to address the Indiana issue as quickly as possible, as we all know that the issue of the Republican contest will need resolution as early as possible. Walken must be as frustrated over the issue as Bartlet was 12 years ago. As most of us can recall that Bartlet called in Russell and Santos for a White House meeting in an effort to bring about party unity. Is history not being repeated itself again with Gault as with Santos and Shallick as with Russell end up in a convention floor fight? I am sure there will be enough drama in the general between the two party nominee's. What might make the thread interesting if you have the matter of Hollis's taxes emerging as an issue and that Hollis has to withdraw, and Seaborn turns towards a more conventional choice, why not Michael Jack of Minnesota? Just a thought. Maybe it's too unrealistic.
Two insiders on the same ticket? Shallick has the support of Walkenites as it is, was Labor Secretary and then WHCOS, is Midwestern (Missouri), so there is really no mileage in going for a Midwestern Republican, who happens to be Secretary of Transportation.
He needs a Coastal Republican (Western, Oregon, Washington or even California) or someone from the East Coast. Any thoughts?
Jack is also a moderate former two term Governor from a battleground state that Walken carried twice in the last two elections, plus has served in the cabinet. Not saying he will be the nominee, but he would clearly be on the short-list.
Governor Boone from Washington state is running for the Senate (and he would probably piss off the Christian right), so he would be out, Governor Walter Collins of Oregon is a probable candidate as is Oregon Junior Senator Curtis Ryan (he is a former Congressman as well).
I would, if I were Shallick go with Curtis Ryan, but Walter Collins would be just as plausible, so we could have Seaborn-Hollis vs. Shallick-Collins or Shallick-Ryan, we will have to wait. What is Oregon law regarding a replacement Governor, if it's Collins? or a replacement Senator, if it were Ryan?
In Oregon, if the Governor leaves office for any reason, he is replace by the State Secretary of State. However, in this universe, Oregon has a Lieutenant Governor. the Current Lt. Gov. is Cliff Connell, a moderate democrat who joined Collins on a unity ticket in 2015.
I would, if I were Shallick go with Curtis Ryan, but Walter Collins would be just as plausible, so we could have Seaborn-Hollis vs. Shallick-Collins or Shallick-Ryan, we will have to wait. What is Oregon law regarding a replacement Governor, if it's Collins? or a replacement Senator, if it were Ryan?
Why assume it's Shallick?
I assume it's gonna be Shallick, unless the Republican's are hell bent on being Goldwaterized, Gault hasn't won any of the big electoral prizes in the primaries, the way I see it, Gault is not going anywhere, the Republicans know this, not if he wants a future shot! Shallick has the support of Walken and the establishment; also the Republican party and Gault needs to wake up to the fact, that Seaborn will demonize the party and Gault as well, if he is the nominee. Curtis Ryan seems to be a better option for Shallick, he will win the south, so no worries there as Seaborn will not make much headway south of the Mason-Dixon line.
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