Reds fanfic

Sailor Moon :closedtongue: as socialist magic girl
I hope they will stop turning a schoolgirl into a fairy for the sake of an awkward transformation process and make the main character ... smarter ... more responsible ... braver.

Fact - At us at localization the moment with lesbians have kept. So my and a little older and younger generation found out what happens and such. Now in our country is prohibited "propaganda" of homosexuality - development in a spiral however!
I hope they will stop turning a schoolgirl into a fairy for the sake of an awkward transformation process and make the main character ... smarter ... more responsible ... braver.

Is the trend of the main character of shoujo anime being a whiner and dumb as a brick less prevalent in TTL? I Still don't get why we're supposed to be sympathetic to OTL Usagi Tsukino as a person during the first several episodes.

Is the trend of the main character of shoujo anime being a whiner and dumb as a brick less prevalent in TTL? I Still don't get why we're supposed to be sympathetic to OTL Usagi Tsukino as a person during the first several episodes.
In fact, I do not think that this is specifically a Japanese trait - scenarios for TV series about children are written by those who are no longer a child. And attempts to depict their specific character traits turn out to be too grotesque .... For example, one can see this in Soviet works about boys-pranksters. I think this is just an unsuccessful attempt to prescribe an ordinary schoolgirl ...

And yes - climbed into Wikipedia and noticed - "Ray Hino - is a servant in the Shinto shrine ... Engaged in a private Catholic school." How so ?! A natural pagan to learn from Catholics! No, I can assume that she respects the Christian God as one more kami. But where do the teachers look?
The trouble is that you don't really have a conflict then and they can't be antagonists. They aren't fighting against anyone and few people would be actively resisting without some sort of contrivance.

I personally think that the most interesting thing they could have done, and what I'm thinking of doing for a post on Korra ITTL, is make the scary antagonistic political movement be benders who argue that they are being exploited and oppressed by non-bending parasites.

The argument could have gone that they contribute the most to building and running Republic City and therefore they should be entitled the full benefits of that labour. Instead they would point to wealthy non-benders like Sato who live lives of wealth and luxury off the backs of working-class benders. As the show progresses and this movement becomes more powerful the reactionary implications in this worldview, ableism, scapegoating and coded anti-Semitism, would become more apparent as they begin to implement eugenics and ethnic cleansing.

Unlike the IOTL show, where the movement comes across as petty and disconnected from reality, ITTL the movement, whilst categorically in the wrong, would be grounded in the world and the lived experiences of the people living in it and would have some truth to it. Republic City is a capitalist society where social relations are determined by capital and either your ownership over it or the value of your labour. In such a society benders would still face exploitation despite their superior skills just as IOTL skilled labourers are still exploited, in the Marxist sense, by their employers. There is a legitimate grievance but instead of attacking the social system that causes their exploitation their focus is directed at a scapegoat minority and the superficial manifestations of that social system.

That way you could have a nuanced discussion of complicated political ideas where you can disagree with the antagonists but can still understand and even empathise with their point of view instead of the confused mess they came up with IOTL.

I've come to the conclusion that the writers of the Legend of Korra weren't actually very happy with Season 1 in the long run given that the 3rd season comes across as a rehash/deconstruction of the first season. Or at least it gets across the idea that Zaheer has a point* and is generally sincere in his political views far better than in season 1 while also showing the extremity of his views as objectionable. So a Reds version of Korra season 1 might look like a lot like season 3, which I'm perfectly okay with.


*As in the Earth Kingdom was legitimately a hell hole at that point and it became a fascist dictatorship in season 4.
I've come to the conclusion that the writers of the Legend of Korra weren't actually very happy with Season 1 in the long run given that the 3rd season comes across as a rehash/deconstruction of the first season. Or at least it gets across the idea that Zaheer has a point* and is generally sincere in his political views far better than in season 1 while also showing the extremity of his views as objectionable. So a Reds version of Korra season 1 might look like a lot like season 3, which I'm perfectly okay with.


*As in the Earth Kingdom was legitimately a hell hole at that point and it became a fascist dictatorship in season 4.
Season 3 was one of the better seasons.
I've come to the conclusion that the writers of the Legend of Korra weren't actually very happy with Season 1 in the long run given that the 3rd season comes across as a rehash/deconstruction of the first season. Or at least it gets across the idea that Zaheer has a point* and is generally sincere in his political views far better than in season 1 while also showing the extremity of his views as objectionable. So a Reds version of Korra season 1 might look like a lot like season 3, which I'm perfectly okay with.


*As in the Earth Kingdom was legitimately a hell hole at that point and it became a fascist dictatorship in season 4.
This comment chain sums up a lot of what troubled me about LoK. Because otherwise, I loved the show and the characters, but so much of the world-building seemed troubled. Like, they start with something so cool (East Asian dieselpunk) and then flub the plot related details.

I attempted to square the circle between what was depicted and what the writers thought they were achieving with a fanfic, but it'll be a long time before I get around to finishing it. My take was that Amon and the S1 Equalists were the kind of Blanquist national revolutionaries who in all actuality didn't know what they wanted but by god they knew how to get it. And the Red Lotus I recast as a sort of Bakunin-style conspiratorial anarchists approaching the problem from the wrong direction but getting oh so close to figuring out the riddle behind the social system they oppose.
My take was that Amon and the S1 Equalists were the kind of Blanquist national revolutionaries who in all actuality didn't know what they wanted but by god they knew how to get it.

Damn, Amon as Blanqui is a good comparison.

I would definitely read that fanfic if you ever write it!
The show also suffered from the fact that the writers seemed to have trouble focusing on the story they were trying to focus on. They got better in the later seasons but Season One tried to cram a love-triangle and a sports tournament arc into the, fairly convoluted, main story of political intrigue and revolution despite the limited runtime they had whilst Season Two starts off with a civil war and what looks like a discussion on the conflict between modernity and tradition, then takes a detour to explain the origins of the Avatar and dump some lore, before revealing that the civil war is actually a front for a cosmic battle between the forces of good and evil and finally ends with Korra deciding to bring back the spirits for reasons that aren't really explained (especially given that the Avatar origin story indicated that there was a pretty good reason the link to the spirit world was sealed in the first place). The show could have befitted from some more clarity and focus.
I made a stylized version of the UASR's emblem as described:

Nice Compass in the middle, jk. I really like this flag!

BP Booker

Much of the conditions of post 70s culture is shrouded under a veil of mystery, which is part of why I'm not super enthusiastic about people speculating about it because we're going to crush a lot of headcanons when the time comes.

Theres nothing sadder in the whole world of fiction than getting your headcanon shot through, well, a canon

How different is education handled un the Redsverse? I still have nightmares about the 7th Grade, and how they would publish all our tests results on the announcement board and read our grades out-loud to the entire class to, I guess, promote competition. Because I guess if children are not going to be motivated by the joys of learning, they will be at the thought of lording over everyone how better their grades are. And God forgive you if you’re that kid that gets a D- in Mathematics so the whole class average goes down just enough for the class not to win the “Smartest Class” trophy at the end of the year. It was ruthless

Always hated that sort of forced competitiveness
Theres nothing sadder in the whole world of fiction than getting your headcanon shot through, well, a canon

How different is education handled un the Redsverse? I still have nightmares about the 7th Grade, and how they would publish all our tests results on the announcement board and read our grades out-loud to the entire class to, I guess, promote competition. Because I guess if children are not going to be motivated by the joys of learning, they will be at the thought of lording over everyone how better their grades are. And God forgive you if you’re that kid that gets a D- in Mathematics so the whole class average goes down just enough for the class not to win the “Smartest Class” trophy at the end of the year. It was ruthless

Always hated that sort of forced competitiveness
Progressive education theorists have always been skeptics about grading's utility at the very least. The most common form of grading post revolution would be Pass/Fail.