If you could change One event post 1900..?

Taking an idea from the pre-1900 forum:

Basically the question is if you could change one event pre 1900 and make whatever alternate events of that timeline true what would you change? Basically you could create a real alternate history timeline.

For me post 1900, I would change Titanic's sinking- I have always be fascinated what those 1500 people could have done with their lives, and how they might have influenced events.

What's yours?
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There's gonna be a bunch of dead Hitlers in this thread. Me personally, I want the the Tsarists to beat the reds in the Russian Revolution and for Soviet style Communism to be crushed and to never see the light of day.
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There's gonna be a bunch of dead Hitlers in this thread. Me personally, I want the the Tsarists to beat the reds in the Russian Revolution and for Soviet style Communism to be crushed and to never see the light of day.
Might butterfly Hitler.

He hated Jews, he hated Communism and Slavs. Take one of those away and he might not get into power.
Get people to talk in July 1914.

Powers agree that Serbia should still exist but should be treated as a pariah state.

no WW1, no Bolshevic coup, no HITLER
There's gonna be a bunch of dead Hitlers in this thread. Me personally, I want the the Tsarists to beat the reds in the Russian Revolution and for Soviet style Communism to be crushed and to never see the light of day.
Nah, i'd want the Russian Republic to beat the reds. F*ck the Czar.
I'd also go for the obvious choice, i.e. somehow prevent WW1. If you look at the major conflicts and ideologies throughout the last 100 ýears, a good chunk of them had their roots there: the militarisation, jingoism and the experience of war led to the rise of fascism, and partially also to authoritarian communism (and thus, to the Cold War). Plus it also led to a new era of genocides and "population exchanges", and several regional conflicts which are not solved to this day. Even the current war in Syria can be traced back to decisions made during WW1. That would still leave imperialism as an ideology intact, but there's a good chance that decolonialisation might have been happening anyway. Of course, the tricky bit here is how to avoid a general war - you'd probably need to go back earlier than 1900.
Counter-argument I: the First World War created the modern world. Without it, you have the imperial powers cheerfully going about their business for the foreseeable future. The British working class, never mind women, still can't vote. A whole bunch of reactionary ideologies that lost their viability during 1914-1945 remain viable.

Counter-argument II: Something like the First World War was coming, even if not in the form it took. July 1914 was the excuse, not the cause.

My change? Carter defeats Reagan in the 1980 US Presidential election.


Counter-argument I: the First World War created the modern world. Without it, you have the imperial powers cheerfully going about their business for the foreseeable future. The British working class, never mind women, still can't vote. A whole bunch of reactionary ideologies that lost their viability during 1914-1945 remain viable.
The war turned Britain into a true democracy.

For me, as a centrist, I want to prevent the Liberal split in 1916 or somehow make them reunite in 1918. Then, have them win the 1918 election with a minority thanks to Lloyd George's personal popularity, and form the goverment with Labour supply and confidence. Such a government would prevent the Geddes Axe, which ushered the Age of Austerity. Besides, this government would be far more aggressive in pushing for social and economic reforms than OTL MacDonald administrations, which were rather conservative. Finally, Keynes would be in charge of British economic policy-making during the Great Depression (IOTL, his ideas were never adopted by British government until postwar).

Oh, wait, and the Liberals were anti-appeasement and anti-fascists. We could see Lloyd George or Archibald Sinclair imposing total oil and coal sanctions on Mussolini via League of Nations, or pressuring Leon Blum to send aids to Republican Spain (rather than pressuring him not to do so like the Tories IOTL).
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So why is a defeat in the Russo Japanese war a bad thing?

Because the statistical chances of Japan embracing pan-Asianism and allowing democratic rights for Koreans was far higher than Russia doing so.

That, and I just don't like the Russian Empire. Japan all the way, baby! :p