Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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Gone Fishin'
I think Sanders would win Minnesota but lose Michigan.
And I think Sanders would win Minnesota and Michigan, but clearly the OP believes differently.

I mean, why do you think he'd of won Minnesota but not Michigan when his Campaign would have been aimed dead centre at the kinds of people who live in Michigan?
Not really? You haven't given an explanation for why you thnik that's likely.
I just think Sanders has more appeal to white voters in Minnesota than Clinton does, so I expect him to be able to hold it. I think Trump will still able to get dispossessed blue collar whites in Michigan, and Sanders probably won't be able to mobilize African-American voters, like Clinton.
And I think Sanders would win Minnesota and Michigan, but clearly the OP believes differently.

There is a higher ratio of college educated whites to non college educated whites in Minnesota than Michigan, so Trump would presumably have a better shot there ITTL (since Sanders likely does better among the latter group, but worse than Clinton among the former).

Nevada is due to lower latino turnout.
Made this for my upcoming new future political TL, which begins the day after the 2018 midterms:

Montana and North Dakota are close, but still relatively decisive wins for Tester/Heitkamp. Arizona looks like it's going to be close early-on with Jeff Flake fighting off a pro-Trump primary challenge, but Kyrsten Sinema opts not to run and the dem that does runs a lackluster campaign. West Virginia is close through the summer, but Manchin ends up winning by around 6%. Ohio is the biggest missed opportunity for the GOP; John Kasich opts not to run, deciding to focus on a possible Trump primary challenge in '20 and Sherrod Brown wins by just over 1% against Steve Stivers. He likely would have lost to Kasich.

In Missouri, Claire McCaskill wins by the skin of her teeth (0.3% or so) over Sam Graves in the most negative, mudslinging campaign of the cycle. The libertarian in the race gets 7% of the vote just out of sheer frustration with the two major party, establishment candidates.


"BREAKING: FBI director Comey to hold press conference on eve of Iowa Caucus"
-CNN: 1/17/2016

"This guy, I'm against, he was on unemployment until his 30s? His 30s! Can you believe it? His 30s! I was managing a tremendous company and building this wonderful buildings when I was in my 30s. In fact, the Trump Tower in..."
-Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas - 8/16/2016

"#CrazyBernie thinks Latinos are going to vote for him when he voted to dump toxic waste in their communities. False!"
-@realdonaldtrump - 9/14/2016

"You say Universal Healthcare. Which I call Socialist Healthcare, because that's what he wants folks. Socialist Healthcare. You say Socialist Healthcare will work nationwide when your own state couldn't do it. I don't think so."
-Donald Trump, First Presidential Debate - 9/26/2016

"Look. I said some things I regretted. But, you have my opponent here, ok. He fantasized about a Woman enjoying getting raped by three guys. Raped. Nasty guy. Real Nasty guy."
-Donald Trump, Second Debate - 10/9/2016

"<Nicaraguan Crowd chanting:> "Aquí, allá, en todas partes: el Yankee morirá [subtitled: here, there, everywhere:the Yankee will die]"
<Cut to clip of Bernie Sanders:> "supporting the Sandinistas was patriotic" <x3>
<fade to photoshoped picture of Sanders with leftist Latin American dictators/strongmen>"

-Trump ad running in Miami media market - 10/28/2016

"Democratic early vote in Nevada weaker than 2012"
-@RalstonReports - 11/6/2016

"Our exit poll has Donald Trump winning College Educated White Women 49-46"
CNN Election Center - 11/9/2016

That's what I said would happen.
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