Dominion of Southern America - Updated July 1, 2018

Go for it - the editing was a beast as I was having computer issues and it was like one in the morning - I will likely do a revision of it at some point - both for making it read better but also as I feel some things could be tweaked some more but I was afraid I'd lose the whole post.
Alright. I'm an English Tutor at my College, so I can't help myself. :p

that was developed by those naitons as a counter to the Manifesto.

The bold text should be spelt nations.

(and ironically several of the nations participating in the drivafting of the document

Bold text should be drafting.

haend o the

I believe this sentence should finish out with some comment on support of Korsgaardism among signers of the Declaration of Human Rights.

shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained humans.

First bolded text should, I think, be singular other, not plural others. The second should, I think, be human rights, not humans.

All in all, that's it for that update I believe.


Alright. I'm an English Tutor at my College, so I can't help myself. :p


The bold text should be spelt nations.

Bold text should be drafting.

I believe this sentence should finish out with some comment on support of Korsgaardism among signers of the Declaration of Human Rights.

First bolded text should, I think, be singular other, not plural others. The second should, I think, be human rights, not humans.

All in all, that's it for that update I believe.
Thanks! Given that the computer was regularly freezing every time I tried to edit that's actually pretty good!


I made some minor corrections and plan to make some more changes to this document over the next few days:

View attachment 284153

While the term "Human League" came to be retrospectively applied to the allied nations who opposed the Malthusian Manifesto during the Population War it was not in common use until the end of the war. The origin of the term came from the Joint Declaration of Human Rights that was developed by those nations as a counter to the Manifesto. Seen as a refutation of both Malthusianism and to a degree the Korsgaardism of the last century (and ironically several of the nations that participated in the drafting of the document had been under Korsgaardian regimes during the Global War).

Joint Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1 - All humans are born and remain free and equal in rights.

Article 2 - All humans are entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status.

Article 3 - All humans have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with the justification for any political association being the conservation of humans rights and resistance against oppression.

Article 4 - All humans have an inalienable and sacred right to property alone as well as in association with others and no human can be deprived of private usage unless there is a legally noted public necessity that requires it and only under the condition of a just and timely compensation.

Article 5 - Sovereignty derives from the humans of a nation; no body or individual can exert authority which does not emanate expressly from the sovereignty of a nation's populace and laws shall not be dispensed with or suspended without the consent of the people or their chosen representatives.

Article 6 - Humans retain all powers not delegated to their government.

Article 7 - All humans have a right to protection from tyranny and thus all governments shall safeguard against tyranny through a separation of powers and a government without separation of powers has no legitimacy.

Article 8 - Any society in which there is no assurance of a guarantee of human rights as enumerated in this Declaration has no legitimacy.

Article 9 - All humans have the right to bear arms for their defence as regulated by law.

Article 10 - To guarantee human rights, sovereign states shall institute necessary public force or forces for the advantage of all humans under the law and not for the particular utility of those in whom it is trusted.

Article 11 - Humans according to their ability to contribute shall contribute within reason to the maintenance of a public force and the expenditures of administration in their community, and every human has the right to ascertain personally or through a chosen representative the need for any public tax, to consent to it freely, to know the uses to which it is put, and of determining the proportion, basis, collection, and duration.

Article 12 - Every human has the right of requesting account from any public agent of its administration.

Article 13 - No human shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. It is duty of all peoples to free any human held in bondage.

Article 14 - No human shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 15 - No human shall be denied the right to life and subjected to execution unless with due process and by way of justice and law found guilty for the crimes of murder or spreading mischief deliberately leading to the death of another.

Article 16 - While peace between all humans is desired, after a declaration of war, combatants who in the course of following lawful orders in accord with the rights and principles of this Declaration kill another combatant or inadvertently kills despite due diligence a non-combatant shall not be held liable for murder.

Article 17 - In time of war or peace, any human whose actions or inactions intentionally or carelessly leads to the death of a non-combatant or a combatant who has surrendered or is incapacitated or a non-combatant shall be held liable for murder even if done under order and any person issuing such an unlawful order shall be equally held liable for causing murder by spreading mischief.

Article 18 - All humans have the right to choose who may or may not reside in their homes and thus without their free and uncoerced consent in time of peace no soldier shall be quartered in their homes nor in time of war but in a manner prescribed by law.

Article 19 - All humans have the rights to recognition everywhere as humans before the law.

Article 20 - All humans are equal before the law which is an expression of the general will and shall be in accord with the rights and principles of this Declaration, and all humans have the right to contribute personally or through their chosen representatives to the formation of any law to which they are subject, and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law especially any in violation of this Declaration or incitement to such violation.

Article 21 - All humans who are citizens of a nation shall be equally admissible to all public dignities, places, and employments, according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their virtues and their talents.

Article 22 - All humans have the right to an effective remedy by the law for acts violating the fundamental rights granted humans by this Declaration and by law.

Article 23 - Human liberty means the law can only forbid actions harmful to human beings and anything which is not forbidden by the law cannot be impeded and no human can be constrained to do what it does not order.

Article 24 - All humans have the right to be secure in their persons, homes, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable causes supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

Article 25 - No human shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.

Article 26 - Any warrant for arrest of a human must enumerate the charges of any penal offence against that person and every human has the right to be informed of any and all such charges.

Article 27 - No human shall be subject to excessive bail nor excessive fines.

Article 28 - All humans are entitled to full equality in a speedy, fair, and public hearing by an independent and impartial court, in the determination of their rights and obligations and of any penal offences.

Article 29 - All humans charged with a criminal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which they have had all the guarantees necessary for their defence.

Article 30 - No humans shall be compelled in regard to any penal offence to be a witness against themselves.

Article 31 - All humans accused of a penal offence have the right to confront witnesses against them and to have a compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor.

Article 32 - No humans shall be held guilty of any penal offence for any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence at the time when it was committed nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time a penal offence was committed.

Article 33 - No human shall be subject to jeopardy of life, limb, or other punishment twice for the same penal offence.

Article 34 - Every human has the right to citizenship in a nation and no human shall be deprived of citizenship in their nation nor denied the right to change their citizenship.

Article 35 - Every human has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state and the right to leave any state and to return to their state.

Article 36 - Every human has the right to seek asylum in another nation from persecution but not in the case of prosecutions for non-political crimes or acts contrary to the human rights and principles of this Declaration.

Article 37 - Humans who have reached adulthood have without regard to ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status, the right to marry and are entitled to equal rights in freely entering marriage only with full consent, equal rights during marriage, and equal rights to dissolution of marriage.

Article 38 - All humans have the inalienable and sacred right to start a family and to have children as desired and able, without regard to ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status. No law shall penalize humans for having and raising children nor otherwise infringe on this human right nor coerce or force abortion or sterilization for any reason nor penalize those who do not agree to such procedures.

Article 39 - No human shall be coerced or forced to commit suicide or allow another to take their life for any reason regardless of ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status.

Article 40 - Every human has the right to freedom of conscience and religion including the freedom to change religion or belief and to worship, practice, and teach their religion alone or in association with others whether in public or private. No human shall be forced or coerced to act contrary to conscience or their belief but neither shall any creed or religion be used as justification to violate or deny human rights and in particular those enumerated in this Declaration.

Article 41 - Every human regardless of ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status, has the right to express and practice their own culture and identity as they see fit regardless of the traditions or cultures of those in their community, though this right shall not be construed to in any way justify violation or denial of the human rights of others and in particular those enumerated in this Declaration.

Article 42 - Every human has the right to freedom of thought, opinion, and expression without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and across national borders regardless of ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status.

Article 43 - Every human has the right to protection from slander and libel and false statements or writings proven thus in a court of law shall be publically corrected. Any person who is proven in a court of law to have known such slander or libel to have been false prior to or at the time of public pronouncement may be held accountable and the right of freedom of expression shall not bar prosecution under the law for such knowingly false statements or writings.

Article 44 - Every human has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association and no human may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 45 - Every human has the right to take part in the government directly or through freely chosen representatives.

Article 46 - Every human has the right to express grievances or petition their government without fear of retribution.

Article 47 - The will of the human citizenry shall be the basis of the authority of government and shall be expressed in free and regular elections by secret vote with universal suffrage.

Article 48 - Every human has a right to access to water, food, clothing, shelter, and medical assistance regardless of ancestry, nationality, sex, thought, opinion, conscience, and religion.

Article 49 - Every human has the right to seek work, to free choice of employment, safe work conditions, and equal pay for equal work regardless of ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status.

Article 50 - Every human has the right to seek support from the government of their nation in the event of unemployment, disability, widowhood, and old age.

Article 51 - Every human has the right to form or join an association for workers to protect their interests.

Article 52 - Every human has the right to rest and recreation, including reasonable relief from working hours and holidays with pay.

Article 53 - Every human in childhood and their parents have the right to assistance from their fellow humans regardless of ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status.

Article 54 - Every human regardless of ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status, has the right to free education in childhood and access to a university education on the basis of merit. Parents have the right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children so long as that education fosters the full development of the human personality and respects human rights especially those enumerated in this Declaration.

Article 55 - Every human has the right to learn about and share in scientific advancement and its benefits regardless of nationality.

Article 56 - Every human has the right to patent or copyright creative works, discoveries, or inventions for a period of time as regulated by international law and allowed to license their use so long as such licensing is offered without ancestry, birth, sex, affections, nationality, language, religion, political or other opinion of conscience, property, or other status.

Article 57 - All humans are entitled to the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration and nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying the denial of said rights and freedoms by any nation, group, or person.

Article 58 - The enumeration of certain human rights by this Declaration shall not be construed to deny or disparage other retained human rights.
Just dropping in to say that this TL is excellent and I'm impressed by all three of its quality, creativity of ideas, and your commitment to it. You've created a North America that seems plausible and very similar and yet very different. I eagerly await the next update, though of course take as long as you need to.

As to the Malthusians: these guys are pretty bad, much worse than the Korsgaardians were. The latter were generally reactionary movement from the monarchy that at least placed value in human life; the Malthusians do not. And we know from hindsight that the world doesn't even need Malthusianism- at least not for several more decades, as the earth can sustain several more billion! So not only are the means terrible, but there's no good end to justify them with. They're authoritarian, they're aggressive, and they're refusing to recognize human rights.


Just dropping in to say that this TL is excellent and I'm impressed by all three of its quality, creativity of ideas, and your commitment to it. You've created a North America that seems plausible and very similar and yet very different. I eagerly await the next update, though of course take as long as you need to.

As to the Malthusians: these guys are pretty bad, much worse than the Korsgaardians were. The latter were generally reactionary movement from the monarchy that at least placed value in human life; the Malthusians do not. And we know from hindsight that the world doesn't even need Malthusianism- at least not for several more decades, as the earth can sustain several more billion! So not only are the means terrible, but there's no good end to justify them with. They're authoritarian, they're aggressive, and they're refusing to recognize human rights.

Your comments are very kind and I thank you for them.

Stay tuned for the resolution of the Population War and the post-war world!


Pope Pius X died in 1901, at the dawning of a new century. His successor had decided to choose a papal name not used more than once and chose to be called Pope Hilarius II. He served as pope until his own death in 1919.


Pope Hilarius II

Taking a cue from his predecessor, the next Pope chose to be known as Pope Valentine II and held the pontificate until his own death in 1932 of a heart attack.


Pope Valentine II

With the rise of Malthusianism it was seen important by the Conclave to choose a Pope who would be a passionate defender of Church values against the secular zeal of the Malthusians. Their champion and new pope chose to signal his devotion to championing the Church and standing up to the secular powers by taking on the name of the firebrand Pope who had stood against the Korsgaardians during the Global War, and would be known as Pope Pius XI.


Pope Pius XI


One of the most contested nations of the Population War was the German Empire. While in the West and South Loyalist forced predominated, in the East the Malthusians held sway from the beginning, declaring the Free and Malthusian State of Brandenburg. This situation held until 1937 when Human League ally Prussia-Poland with support from Imperial Russia finally succeeded in occupying Brandenburg. While German Loyalists were less than thrilled with the situation, it did allow for them to redouble their efforts against Malthusian forces both within the Empire and on German borders.


The failure of Black Friday to cripple the Royal Navy coupled with the larger population of the British Australias led to the occupation of the French Australias during the Population War. However the Franco-Australians had put up only half-hearted resistance given their lack of enthusiasm for the fervent Malthusianism of Sartre's France. On the other hand many on the mainland did resonate with the siren call of Republicanism (even though the French Emperor in exile wasn't thought of as a bad sort). However, when occupied mainland French Australia petitioned the occupation forces in 1937 to recognize them as an independent nation of the Republic of Cygne Noir and allow them to join the Human League in the war against Malthusianism it was quite awkward politically for the British Empire.
If Britain is wise, they'll allow it instead of combining it with British Australia (now just 'Australia' one supposes?) and creating an even bigger OTL Quebec/Rest-of-Canada scenario. This is just-conquered territory, not longstanding colonies.


If Britain is wise, they'll allow it instead of combining it with British Australia (now just 'Australia' one supposes?) and creating an even bigger OTL Quebec/Rest-of-Canada scenario. This is just-conquered territory, not longstanding colonies.
Very good points Umbric Man - time will tell why works out in the end!
If Britain is wise, they'll allow it instead of combining it with British Australia (now just 'Australia' one supposes?) and creating an even bigger OTL Quebec/Rest-of-Canada scenario. This is just-conquered territory, not longstanding colonies.
Combining an independent Western Australia with an Eastern Australia makes less sense than combining Jordan with Burma or Surinam with Chile. Yes, they border where the others don't, but the primary cities are about as far apart...


Combining an independent Western Australia with an Eastern Australia makes less sense than combining Jordan with Burma or Surinam with Chile. Yes, they border where the others don't, but the primary cities are about as far apart...
A salient point that hopefully London will keep in mind...