The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

I wasn't capable to do Canada because the riverse for Canada and Alaska were not (yet) done. but ther rest of North America (and Oceania) are done...

Experimental map labelling concept to place names of states on the map. Is this an idea worth extending? You will need to zoom in to see the labels. I've taken care to ensure that labels do not cross over any lines.
- I say extend it right away man!
- I personally liked you're last poposal better i don't fully agree with brown for the ming dynasty for example because brown is also the colour of mongolia, so i would say keep the Ming dynasty green and save brown for the Yaun-dynasty as suggestion...

I actually have the Ming dynasty in green (admittedly a kind of darkish muddy green -brown, rather than the more common bright green we see for China). The early China (Tang dynasty et alii) colour is still visually distinct from Mongolia though, as can be seen in the 814 AD map.

Attached: my China colour scheme.

Also: 1789 AD is now up.

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I have finaly finished my map of the world in flags!

Please feel free to give feedback on how this map could be inproved, I will try to improve this map accordingly.


____________________BAM HISTORICAL MAPS LIST____________________
20,000 BC: Planned - N/A
4000 BC: WIP-Status - N/A
1350 BC: Planned - N/A
550 BC: Planned - N/A
500 BC: Planned - N/A
323 BC: Planned - N/A
0 AD: Planned - N/A
117: Finised -
475: Planned - N/A
632: Planned - N/A
635: Planned - N/A
717: Planned - N/A
814: Finished -
843: Planned - N/A
1000: Planned - N/A
1066: Planned - N/A
1115: Planned - N/A
1279: Planned - N/A
1328: Planned - N/A
1400: Unfinised - N/A
1492: Finised -
1500: Planned - N/A
1560: Planned - N/A
1618: Planned - N/A
1683: Planned - N/A
1713: Planned - N/A
1748: Unknown - N/A
1772: Planned - N/A
1776: Planned - N/A
1789: Finised -
1793: Planned - N/A
1799: Planned - N/A
1803: Planned - N/A
1807: Unfinised -
1812: Finised -
1815: Unfinised -
1848: Planned - N/A
1856: Incomplete - N/A
1861: Planned - N/A
1866: Planned - N/A
1871: Planned - N/A
1885: Unfinised -
1900: Planned - N/A
1914: Finised -
1918: Finised -
1919: Planned - N/A
1938: Finised -
1939: Planned - N/A
1941: Planned - N/A
1940: Planned - N/A
1942: Finised -
1945: Unfinised - N/A
1946: Unfinised -
1948: Unfinised - N/A
1960: Planned - N/A
1962: Incorrect -
1989: Planned - N/A
1992: Finised -
Current: Finised -
______________________OTHER BAM MAPS LIST_______________________
Climate-Map: Planned - N/A
Habited arae's: Planned - N/A
Languistic: WIP-status - N/A
Religious: WIP-Status - N/A
Flags: Fininshed -
Topografical: WIP-status -
Night Sky: Planned - N/A
The Moon: Planned - N/A
The Moon Terraformed: Planned - N/A
Mars: Planned - N/A
Mars Terraformed: Finised -
Venus: Planned - N/A
Venus Terraformed: Planned - N/A
The Sun: Planned - N/A

______________________________KEY_________________ _______________
[YEAR]: [STATUS] - [LINK] (if no link type N/A)
Status Options:
- Planned = Planned, will be made at some point, still very uncertain status.
- WIP-Status = Work In Progress, this map is currently under construction.
- Unfinised = Unfinished, those maps were never finished or were just to inaccurate for use.
- Finised = Completed, map is fully done and in perfect state for use, status all maps must accomplish in the end.
- Incomplete = Was finished but only contains a few continents insteed of the entire world.
- Incorrect = Map is fully completed, but is not historical correct.
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Originally Posted by J.Gouw View Post
I wasn't capable to do Canada because the riverse for Canada and Alaska were not (yet) done. but ther rest of North America (and Oceania) are done...
Incredible job. This map is really turning out quite nicely. I appreciate all the work you've done on it.

- yes i realy hope someone can fiz the rivers in canada and alask still i would like to finish North america before i start with Australia...
1815 AD with some areas labelled.

I put it in the list

____________________BAM HISTORICAL MAPS LIST____________________
20,000 BC: Planned - N/A
4000 BC: WIP-Status - N/A
1350 BC: Planned - N/A
550 BC: Planned - N/A
500 BC: Planned - N/A
323 BC: Planned - N/A
0 AD: Planned - N/A
117: Finised -
475: Planned - N/A
632: Planned - N/A
635: Planned - N/A
717: Planned - N/A
814: Finished -
843: Planned - N/A
1000: Planned - N/A
1066: Planned - N/A
1115: Planned - N/A
1279: Planned - N/A
1328: Planned - N/A
1400: Unfinised - N/A
1492: Finised -
1500: Planned - N/A
1560: Planned - N/A
1618: Planned - N/A
1683: Planned - N/A
1713: Planned - N/A
1748: Unknown - N/A
1772: Planned - N/A
1776: Planned - N/A
1789: Finised -
1793: Planned - N/A
1799: Planned - N/A
1803: Planned - N/A
1807: Unfinised -
1812: Finised -
1815: Finised -
1848: Planned - N/A
1856: Incomplete - N/A
1861: Planned - N/A
1866: Planned - N/A
1871: Planned - N/A
1885: Unfinised -
1900: Planned - N/A
1914: Finised -
1918: Finised -
1919: Planned - N/A
1938: Finised -
1939: Planned - N/A
1941: Planned - N/A
1940: Planned - N/A
1942: Finised -
1945: Unfinised - N/A
1946: Unfinised -
1948: Unfinised - N/A
1960: Planned - N/A
1962: Incorrect -
1989: Planned - N/A
1992: Finised -
Current: Finised -
______________________OTHER BAM MAPS LIST_______________________
Climate-Map: Planned - N/A
Habited arae's: Planned - N/A
Languistic: WIP-status - N/A
Religious: WIP-Status - N/A
Flags: Fininshed -
Topografical: WIP-status -
Night Sky: Planned - N/A
The Moon: Planned - N/A
The Moon Terraformed: Planned - N/A
Mars: Planned - N/A
Mars Terraformed: Finised -
Venus: Planned - N/A
Venus Terraformed: Planned - N/A
The Sun: Planned - N/A

______________________________KEY_________________ _______________
[YEAR]: [STATUS] - [LINK] (if no link type N/A)
Status Options:
- Planned = Planned, will be made at some point, still very uncertain status.
- WIP-Status = Work In Progress, this map is currently under construction.
- Unfinised = Unfinished, those maps were never finished or were just to inaccurate for use.
- Finised = Completed, map is fully done and in perfect state for use, status all maps must accomplish in the end.
- Incomplete = Was finished but only contains a few continents insteed of the entire world.
- Incorrect = Map is fully completed, but is not historical correct.
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Heads up: You seem to have linked to a thumbnail version (for certain values of thumbnail anyway) of the image hosted at deviantart. I'm slowly working through all the "finished" maps to add labels. So far, I've taken a first pass at the following:

814 AD:
1492 AD:
1789 AD:
1815 AD:
Heads up: You seem to have linked to a thumbnail version (for certain values of thumbnail anyway) of the image hosted at deviantart. I'm slowly working through all the "finished" maps to add labels. So far, I've taken a first pass at the following:

814 AD:
1492 AD:
1789 AD:
1815 AD:

I did originally put in the wrong url, put i have gone back and edited my post so that the now there is a right url.
As much J.Gouv's works is going in a good direction, I couldn't help noticing a lot of mistakes (some parts are, I'm afraid, entierly wrong*), especially when it come to adapt on Q-bam maps in did in worlda.

I nearly finished 814** (it had been a long work for obvious reasons) : may I continue, if I find some time, in the same way for ancient and medieval maps (many of them should be corrected, anyway, even in worlda)?
I should point that doing each of these may take a while, though.

*I won't make a list of what's corrected, essentially because I made it from scratch : changes are about geopolitics, borders, coastlines (especially in Europe). If you have any question, criticism or else, feel free to do so as it would be helpful.

**I just need to finish England (essentially for earldomancies, altough I'm not sure if they should be represented), Francia, some Eastern Slavs and Khazars and T'ang autonomous provinces.

On an unrelated note, please put the finished maps on the wiki, uploading them there and not on imgur.
The wiki map is unreliable, I'm afraid.

For 1000 it should (sorry for the scale) be a bit more like this.
As in the Kingdom of Leon including Castille and Porto as vassals, altough Porto being more firmly dominated, and Umayyad power being present on both sides of the Mediterranean.
French borders and Pyreneans borders makes no sense whatsoever, tough