Map of the Fortnight: Main thread

so on the matter of ridiculousness, my current idea is slowly shaping up more and more to be inspired by Gloryhammer's recent album (spacefaring medieval civilization in Fife). Since the in-album explanation is that this whole mess comes from a zombie unicorn invasion (yeah idk either), is it possible to label it as "fantasy" but still use the real world? or is this slowly becoming too ASB for MOTF?


so on the matter of ridiculousness, my current idea is slowly shaping up more and more to be inspired by Gloryhammer's recent album (spacefaring medieval civilization in Fife). Since the in-album explanation is that this whole mess comes from a zombie unicorn invasion (yeah idk either), is it possible to label it as "fantasy" but still use the real world? or is this slowly becoming too ASB for MOTF?

A setting that involves magic on "Earth" counts as fantasy. :p
Also, is it okay if our maps are similar to others?

I have one that is similar to the After the End based one, not identical at all though, but the Caliwank really makes it seem alike.


There doesn't appear to be a clear favourite challenge for MotF 125 yet, so I'd like to encourage everyone to post any and all challenge suggestions they have, as well as repost any challenges they like from the (now up-to-date) Wiki list! Remember you can post your support for as many challenges as you want - you don't need to choose just one. :)

Here are a few good challenges I've posted before:

Always the Bridesmaid

Make a map showing a secondary power that is constantly overshadowed by a more powerful ally.
Better Together
Krall's preferred alternate title: Two's Company

Make a map showing the union state of two ostensibly equal nations.
It doesn't necessarily have to be formed by peaceful means, or even voluntarily, but it has to be one nation formed of two distinct groups.
One for Me, One for You

Make a map showing two or more powers dividing a region between themselves.
This is my preference. I think I have an idea already.

This is basically Aven and mine Duel concept :p pretty funny that it might become the next MotF as well.
Also great entries so far to the contest but I think Upvote with blow you guys out of the water ;) I got to see a sneak into her work and its coming along nicely.. very nicely
I had alot of fun with this map. I learned alot about both GIMP and map making specifically, creating the base water rising map.

If any one wants a copy of that base map, I'd be happy to upload. I have it in black and white and color, and the one I used was those two overlayed.


It looks like "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, BATMAN!" is the most popular challenge suggestion at the moment. I do have a couple of issues with its wording though:

-Firstly, it specifies "Europe, North or South America, or East Asia", which in retrospect seems oddly specific, and I see no reason why excluding the rest of Asia, as well as all of Africa and Oceania, benefits the challenge. Would people be averse to me changing this to "a continent or region"?

-Secondly, it specifies that there should be no PoDs before Columbus (presumably before his discovery of the Americas), which also seems needlessly restrictive. Would people mind if I removed this requirement entirely?
It looks like "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, BATMAN!" is the most popular challenge suggestion at the moment. I do have a couple of issues with its wording though:

-Firstly, it specifies "Europe, North or South America, or East Asia", which in retrospect seems oddly specific, and I see no reason why excluding the rest of Asia, as well as all of Africa and Oceania, benefits the challenge. Would people be averse to me changing this to "a continent or region"?

-Secondly, it specifies that there should be no PoDs before Columbus (presumably before his discovery of the Americas), which also seems needlessly restrictive. Would people mind if I removed this requirement entirely?
Nope, though a restriction on the size of maps posted wouldn't hurt :noexpression:
It looks like "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, BATMAN!" is the most popular challenge suggestion at the moment. I do have a couple of issues with its wording though:

-Firstly, it specifies "Europe, North or South America, or East Asia", which in retrospect seems oddly specific, and I see no reason why excluding the rest of Asia, as well as all of Africa and Oceania, benefits the challenge. Would people be averse to me changing this to "a continent or region"?

-Secondly, it specifies that there should be no PoDs before Columbus (presumably before his discovery of the Americas), which also seems needlessly restrictive. Would people mind if I removed this requirement entirely?
I'd say it'd be better to do as you say. I'd rather see less restricted ideas than needlessly restricted ones.
It looks like "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, BATMAN!" is the most popular challenge suggestion at the moment. I do have a couple of issues with its wording though:

-Firstly, it specifies "Europe, North or South America, or East Asia", which in retrospect seems oddly specific, and I see no reason why excluding the rest of Asia, as well as all of Africa and Oceania, benefits the challenge. Would people be averse to me changing this to "a continent or region"?

-Secondly, it specifies that there should be no PoDs before Columbus (presumably before his discovery of the Americas), which also seems needlessly restrictive. Would people mind if I removed this requirement entirely?

Yeah, I wouldn't mind on either. Do it. :p