Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul


I cant find it now but a while back I seem to recall a bizarre timeline where Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul and is inspired to become an (exact words of the timeline's author) "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

It got me thinking though, what other timelines could involve dead rock stars going into politics. Maybe a companion could be Sid Vicious surviving and being elected to parliament as a Tory:rolleyes::D


I cant find it now but a while back I seem to recall a bizarre timeline where Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul and is inspired to become an (exact words of the timeline's author) "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

It got me thinking though, what other timelines could involve dead rock stars going into politics. Maybe a companion could be Sid Vicious surviving and being elected to parliament as a Tory:rolleyes::D

How about a dystopia where Sid Vicious is a powerful National Front/BNP MP?


I cant find it now but a while back I seem to recall a bizarre timeline where Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul and is inspired to become an (exact words of the timeline's author) "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

It got me thinking though, what other timelines could involve dead rock stars going into politics. Maybe a companion could be Sid Vicious surviving and being elected to parliament as a Tory:rolleyes::D
You'd probably have to chose another politician. At this time Ron Paul has a medical practice and is just beginning to form his views. He doesn't really become politically involved until Nixon pulls the US Dollar off the gold standard in 1971. By this time Hendrix is dead.


You'd probably have to chose another politician. At this time Ron Paul has a medical practice and is just beginning to form his views. He doesn't really become politically involved until Nixon pulls the US Dollar off the gold standard in 1971. By this time Hendrix is dead.

In the timeline Hendrix survived and meet Ron Paul in 72.
I cant find it now but a while back I seem to recall a bizarre timeline where Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul and is inspired to become an (exact words of the timeline's author) "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

It got me thinking though, what other timelines could involve dead rock stars going into politics. Maybe a companion could be Sid Vicious surviving and being elected to parliament as a Tory:rolleyes::D
I really fucking hated that TL. And I told the author on the AH wikia where it was hosted that it was silly.


In the timeline Hendrix survived and meet Ron Paul in 72.
The only ways that i could conceive of Hendrix meeting Paul would be either through his old 101st Airborne Division friend bassist Billy Cox who was from the Pittsburgh area as was Ron Paul, or possibly one of Hendrix's girlfriends needs Paul's services as an OB/GYN.

What i can't see would be a common link between the two in order for Paul to convert Hendrix to von Mises economic thinking and the writings of Fredrich Hayek, although THAT may appeal to Hendrix given his humble family background.
I cant find it now but a while back I seem to recall a bizarre timeline where Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul and is inspired to become an (exact words of the timeline's author) "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

It got me thinking though, what other timelines could involve dead rock stars going into politics. Maybe a companion could be Sid Vicious surviving and being elected to parliament as a Tory:rolleyes::D
There's no such thing as an "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"
There's no such thing as an "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

In the Paulist/Rockwellite sense, true, but in general, Barry begs to differ.
I cant find it now but a while back I seem to recall a bizarre timeline where Jimmy Hendrix meets Ron Paul and is inspired to become an (exact words of the timeline's author) "old-fashioned libertarian Republican"

It got me thinking though, what other timelines could involve dead rock stars going into politics. Maybe a companion could be Sid Vicious surviving and being elected to parliament as a Tory:rolleyes::D

I just don't see it happening, TBH.


How about a TL where Ron Paul meets Jimi Hendrix and is inspired to leave politics and become a rock star?

I like it...Ron Paul leaves the medical profession and starts a glam rock band in the early 70s going on tour and opening for Bowie!
I thought the idea wasn't good for an AH timeline but it was fucking great for a buddy comedy.

I mean come on, Hendrix and Paul, just add a plot that in itself is mildly humorous and you've got comedy gold.