Disaster in Germania.

Günther Splaz is an Engineer who specialises in ceramic armour compounds. He managed to flee to the US a few weeks after 20/4. He arrives before me at te place of our meeting, and is already eating.

"20/4/1950. No one will forget that day. Five years to the day after the capitulation of the former Soviet Union. Four years after the surrender and annexation of the British Empire.
Things were looking good that day. Kids jumped around, young couples strolled through SiegStrasse, proud veterans enjoyed a life of privilege with their families. The food was good, and the Slavs were servile. The sun shone on a cloudless sky. It seemed as if even the gods approved of Führer and the Nacional Socialists. We were on top of the world.

Everyone but me. That day I was in one of Germania's hospital. My right hand was missing, lost while operating heavy machinery. In a weird way, it was a relief: all the evidence of my previous life was gone, and I could still make myself useful, being left handed.

I've got to say this for the Nazis: they did expend generously in their hospitals, and I had a television receptor on my private room. The impressive view of the Volkshall, visible from all Germania, got boring after a time.
Say what you want about Hitler, but he was a captivating bastard. He appeared young for his age, and the energy he displayed was still inextinguishable. He spoke for an entire hour about something... Space exploration, I think. Neither the immensity of the Hall, nor the 50 thousand, nor that military parade going straight through the dome, diminished his presence... He was unstoppable, the bastard.
He was in the middle of the speech when dust began to fell. It was a little bit at first, like a small puff of smoke. But it grew thick to the point were the Führer stopped talking and looked up. Debris were falling, still small enough to be just annoying. With infinite dignity, he scrubbed the dust off. He started saying something about the Triumph of the Will, i think it was a joke, when a piece of concrete fell in the public. It caused panic among them. Another chunk fell, larger than the one before. Screams could be heard, louder than Hitler's voice. He continued to talk, about the thousand year Reich, unaware of the fleeing masses, or the cracks on the wall forming behind him. Whole sections fell over the people, crushing them... Daylight crept through the dome... Why they kept transmitting after that, I don't know.
We heard rumours during the war about Hitler's insanity. They were all but forgotten until that point. The bastard just kept talking, when an entire section collapsed on top of him, killing Him, the entirety of NSDAP higher ups, and thousands others.
I smiled as I saw from the window. The dome collapsed on top of him and thousands of prominent Nazis. It was a happy day, a celebration day. The sun shone."
This is the best Nazi TL I've ever seen, and probably the most accurate. Hitler finally gets his architecural monstrosities, and they fall over on him, as they would in real life.
Is this a one-shot?

I've tried other ambitious projects before, but I always end abandoning them. I plan to write this in a "Oral History" style, each story selfconyained but part of a bigger picture concerning the fall of the Reich. It's not one shot, and other stories will come in time.

Any comments?
That Hitler get killed by his beloved architecture

wat look like this inside with 180000 listeners!

(if you look closely on eagel you may notice a infamous silhouette)

the cost had planned around 500 MILLIONS Reichsmark
in today would be 1680 millions US Dollars or 1200 millions Euros
so is very realistic that someone under construction make some "savings in costs & materials"

Many scenarios of this kind offer a post-Hitler power struggle between either the SS or the Army or the various internal power structures that characterised a surprisingly disordered Reich where competing interests vied for Hitler's attention and favour.

With the entire Nazi leadership crushed and/or decapitated, the power vacuum would be considerable. I think there would still be a struggle between the SS and the Army for dominance which would lead to civil war - the SS of course was a broadly non-German force while the Wehrmacht was more German in nature.

As I'm not sure how western Europe is administered in this TL, it's hard to assume whether the authorities in France, Britain, Holland, Denmark or elsewhere would react in lieu of no communication or instruction from Berlin.

Interesting idea though, please continue.:)
The dome collapsed on top of him and thousands of prominent Nazis.
WIN, although I'm not sure that German architecture would fail so horribly at such an opportune moment...this is like a dream, an ASB dream...
WIN, although I'm not sure that German architecture would fail so horribly at such an opportune moment...this is like a dream, an ASB dream...

The Germans know their engineering, but having a marching parade inside a building is not a good idea.
And, as Churchill said, the problem with Germans is that they make everything 99% well.
Ignatz Jäger was part of the feuerschutz, the firefighting branch of the SS, during 20/4. He was in charge of rescuing survivors that day. Testament to that is his breathing apparatus and his electronically assisted voice. Since 20/4, he has lived inside a hospital.

"I was 16 when the war ended in 1946, so I didn't get to see any fight. What I saw instead were a lot of fires. Nothing but fires for three years... You can say that I became a friend with fire later in life, specially after Churchill was sentenced to death by cremation. A fitting end for the butcher of millions in Dresde.
I became a firefighter, and I ascended quickly through the ranks. That fateful day, we were trying to extinguish a fire that had consumed a house and was threatening others. We didn't see the Volkshalle collapse, only the people running and screaming. "The Volkshalle collapsed, the Führer is dead!" they shouted. We were too busy fighting the fire to notice a group of panicking civvies, but the we saw the dust column rising, giving the sky a reddish tone, turning midday into dusk.
We ran towards the scene, aided by some old Tiger tanks to push any uncooperative cars aside. In SiegStrasse that was not a problem. The thing was so big that there was never any traffic jams... Within minutes we were in the ruins of the dome. There were some fires, a combination of heating gas and ... methane."
Why is this important?
"Well, the youth this days can't really understand why 20/4 was so influential. To those we were there that day, it really makes sense. Not in the way that college educated historians like it, but it makes sense nonetheless."
You're not making any sense right now.
"What do you get when you gather thousands, tens of thousands inside a building with bad ventilation for hours at a time? You must understand that the Dome was used, unofficially, for an entire year before 20/4, and they hadn't ventilated the place in all that time."
Please don't...
"Farts. The entire ruin smelled of farts, thousands, millions of master farts, burning in the wreckage. It was a vicious fire, worst that anyone of the wartime incendiary bomb. Not all the methane burned though... most of it escaped to the city. It stuck there for days, I tell you. Hitler's Last Fart."
What did you see in the scene?
"Photos are available. It was quite an unremarkable scene: lots of rubble, some body parts, a few survivors here and there moaning. You know, the usual stuff. Don't get me wrong, it was hellish. Specially the sulphur smell."
Are we done with the fart jokes?
"Yes. Emergency rescue personal was overwhelmed, the place acted as a trap, and few people got out in time. We rescued a few hundreds, and none of Higher Ups survived. Even if they had, the toxic exposure would leave them as candidates for the T-4 program."
What about the bodies?
"There were many of those. The SS took care of those, they said it was a sanitary hazard. Whatever they did to the bodies, no one knows."
There are theories.
"Judeocapitalist propaganda, that's all I have to say about that. Anyways, we found many bodies, including the body of our Most Beloved Führer."
There's doubt that that body was the one of Hitler. Identification was difficult, and the Bavarian Reich refuses to give up samples for Genic testing.
"It is, and I have the proof. I'd have it for all this years. Do you see that canteen over there?" [He points to a classical Army Canteen, the round one used during WWII. I grab it] "Open it and pour the content on a glass of water. [I do. Yellowish Formaldehyde pours, followed by a mass of hair. Upon inspection, it appears to be a patch of skin with a rectangular patch of hair.] "Yup. That's him over there. I took it as a token of good luck. It served me well during the following months. Looking backwards, it's all really silly, isn't it?" [Upon saying that, hr falls asleep. I don't bother him with my answer.]
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Next to bad ventilation (Fart) problem
Dome had smell like a gym: after transpiration

Hitler moustache in jar ROFL

wonderfull ScorchedLight
WIN, although I'm not sure that German architecture would fail so horribly at such an opportune moment...this is like a dream, an ASB dream...

Well if a structure has been badly designed or built then the odds are that it is going to fail when the most stress is put on it. For example the 1981 walkway collapse at the Hyatt-Regency in Kansas City or the Versailles wedding hall in Jerusalem.


From what has been described above it sounds like the Volkshalle was built in a rush and I reckon the concrete in the dome must have been like a honeycomb and a collapse on it's first big day sounds plausible to me.

By the way great thread! I'm enjoying it on so many different levels! :D
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A little help?

I've a few questions to ask.
First, 20/4 was during the celebration of Hitler's 61st birthday AND the anniversary of the conquest of the USSR, so it was a significant date. Plus, it was the inauguration of the Volkshalle.
So everyone who was anyone in Nazi Germany was in Hitler's Dome at the time, and by that I mean Göring, Speer and other lovely figures, but also city and town mayors, army colonels, businessmen... Everyone.
Is this plausible?

Second, in this scenario, the SS has gained power. How will this affect goverment in Nazi German pre 20/4?

Third, with utter anarchy in the Reich, can the enslaved minorities rise in rebellion and succeed?

As to the way the Germans won the war, that's just a fait accompli.
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