Map Thread VII

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A commissioned map.

Wow, nice one..........I'm guessing Smedley Butler ended up being the ultra-populist toadie that the Business Plotters wanted him to be.

It goes to show you, that if you want your country to have any authority over Britain, your entire ethnic group has to pack up and move there.

LMAO.........that is true, I guess. I mean, there were hardly any Saxons who came to Britain except for soldiers, a few settlers and some wacko kings, and presto, they wound up running much of the South of England! :D
the member-states of the Chinese Federation from my WIP ATL/RPG, Atlas: The March Towards the End. the member-states are the Republic of China (Puyi dynasty), Union of India, Commonwealth of Thailand, Mandate of Indochina, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Malaysia, Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Republic of Afghanistan. note that the Chinese Republic actually has four different colors here to indicate four different ethnic regions that make up it: green is China itself, bright green is Tibet, brown is Mongolia, and indigo is Indonesia; Indonesia, Tibet, and Mongolia were incorporated into China between 1945 and 1966, mostly through military conquest. the country was originally an equal union of the member-states (just China and India at the time) but in the 20th century became heavily stacked in favor of China

Chinese Federation.PNG
the member-states of the Chinese Federation from my WIP ATL/RPG, Atlas: The March Towards the End. the member-states are the Republic of China (Puyi dynasty), Union of India, Commonwealth of Thailand, Mandate of Indochina, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Malaysia, Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Republic of Afghanistan. note that the Chinese Republic actually has four different colors here to indicate four different ethnic regions that make up it: green is China itself, bright green is Tibet, brown is Mongolia, and indigo is Indonesia; Indonesia, Tibet, and Mongolia were incorporated into China between 1945 and 1966, mostly through military conquest. the country was originally an equal union of the member-states (just China and India at the time) but in the 20th century became heavily stacked in favor of China

I like the map, but China + India together = ASB. Basically, China cannot into India.
Indeed, China cannot into India...
Here is a map for a timeline... Sorry about the stupid effects, i'll post a color version later, but this IS kinda cool... although crappy B. and W. photos of maps in 2003 are kinda rare...
POD: in 1997 Belarus officially recognizes Transnistria, and soon after in 1999 the two merge, causing strife with Moldavia, however S. Ossetia, and Abkhazia officially support this. later, in 2001, they are also absorbed, however a new alliance to China quiets most strife. Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Georgia surprisingly agree to form a much more loose soviet union in 2003, which would be more akin to the E.U. with it's level of autonomy. The de jure capitol is Tiraspol, but the de facto capitol is Moscow. Да здравствует новый Советский Союз!
(i let the borders between members in, okay?)

EDIT: Consider this your Christmas eve present, and the colour one you Christmas present.:p
Why Tiraspol?
Because, although i suppose i did not wright it down, i meant for Transnistria to be the leader in the merging with Belarus and so also the whole thing.
And why "да здравствует советский союз" is written so strange on the map? I've hardly recognized "новый".
Because the effects got messy, and my stupid photo-editor won't even recognize Cyrillic letters in most fonts and the ones it does are rather oddly shaped anyway.
I had serious correspence with another notorious German about where to place a transatlantic tunnel in a world where New York and London aren't what they used to be. One sleepless night later I got this. Good morning!

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for the fine words on the Warlord map.
As this is a commissioned piece, I have no detailed information about this TL.
one last map before i turn in at about 2am. its a newly revamped version of the worldmap of my ATL. it includes the updated Chinese Federation,
new colors for a few of the "independent" countries, an additional Australian province (South Australia and Victoria are now distinct), redrawn provincial borders in Argentina
(which is British, btw :p), and outlines for most of the island dependencies and territories so that they stand out better (you'd never know St. Helena and Easter Island were
British ITTL if you didn't go and look for them).

countries are still the same as before: United States, Empire of Britannia, Aztec Empire, Spanish Empire, Bahamas Commonwealth, French Empire, Portuguese Empire, Denmark-Norway,
Switzerland, Italian Republic, Liberia, Boer Confederation, Kingdom of Sweden, Austria-Hungary, Balkan Trade Union, Republic of Turkey (puppet state), Arab League,
Ethiopia (puppet state), Iran, Russian Federation, Chinese Federation, Japanese Empire, and Java Republic

and yes, i realize that i use "empire" waay too many times; those are colloquial names, really--the official country names are more varied

The March of Time - 2032.PNG
Only if I can mention the Guardian's views on the CSA and Jefferson Davis :p
Left-wing moral superiority activate!!!!
*Runs away*:D

It's funny how the Vikings get romanticised. The Celts and Anglo-Saxons don't count because they ARE us. The Normans are borderline there - it's OK to boast of Norman ancestry if you're posh, but if you're common then William the Bastard is as much a Bastard as the rest.

But anyway - not to distract a map thread with non map posts.
Disagree. The Celtic Revival and all that.
Not to annoy anyone, but I think it's mainly the English who have trouble being proud of whoever their ancestors were.

But yeah....maps.....

The Anglo-American Nazi War at the end of the Warm War in 1954 (super rhyme! :))
The Italans never get cut a break do they?
Poor Mussolini, all he wanted was a new Roman empire! Is that too much to ask :p


Empire earth TL, year 2020

Grigor Stojanovich's Novaya Russia allied with Ucraine and conquered Volgograd, Saratov, rostov and other important cities. Putin's regime loses people's support every day more.
Meanwhile China's communist regime collapses and Hu Kwan Do's corporation manages to control the country.

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