GURPS Infinite Worlds Covers

Dixie-1 & Midgard
  • Yes. Sorry, I should have made that clearer.

    Great, in that case I have a couple.


    This is Dixie from GURPS Alternate Earth, which also appears in Infinite Worlds as Dixie-1 (albeit in 1991 instead of 1985). The PoD is William Walker keeping control of Nicaragua and using that as a base to break the Union blockade of the Confederacy, allowing it to win the battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg in TTL) and therefore the war. The Confederacy conquers Mexico, the Union conquers half of Canada, Germany wins *WWI, India wins its War of Independence, all those four plus Russia get nukes and go into space, and here we are. It's the middle of a Union-Confederate Cold War equivalent that this world calls the Long Drum Roll, full of proxy wars and all that good stuff, and after a period of lowered tensions known as the Parade Rest things have heated up again, now that the Union (much more racially tolerant by now than in OTL) has elected its first black president at the same time as the Confederacy (which still has slavery(!!!)) elected a hardline racist. The Kaiserreich and India (experiencing a manufacturing boom in cheap electronics and so forth like OTL China) are both allied to the Union but they're certainly not allied to each other, which is opening up a whole new realm of tension.


    And here's Midgard from GURPS Alternate Earths 2. It's a Norse-dominated world, naturally, with a successful Viking sack of Constantinople in 860 as its PoD. The Norse are able to use the treasure and Greek Fire they obtain from the attack to supercharge their raids and conquests and essentially demolish Christian Europe, leaving Scandinavia as the center and foundation of European culture. As a result things in Europe and the Norse realms (stretching into Russia and North America) are notably less religious and less feudal than in OTL - Thorism is as common as Christianity and neither can afford to be dogmatic, and Norse culture is one of laws, councils, and freemen (and thralls, but hey, who's counting) where the king is first among equals if there even is a king at all. Now in 1412, a number of reasons including the economic and technological benefits of the Silk Road link to China left by the Mongol invasions (ship designs, gunpowder, the printing press...) and the push factor of the Little Ice Age have combined to create a resurgence of Norse culture, characterized by innovation, instability, and prosperity, and above all else by Viking raids across the world, deep into Asia and the Americas, creating links of trade and culture across the world, forging new empires, and destroying old ones.
  • Funnily enough, my first entry is also Dixie-1. I chose this because not only is it the first timeline in GURPS: Alternate Earths, but it is also the first map in the first Map Thread here. I based this map primarily off Diamond's, but I did take a few ideas that Keperry used in his Dixie-1 but Diamond did not, such as an independent Asante. I avoided using OTL borders as much as possible for this, leading to some clashes with the Dixie-1 map available in Alternate Earths. I also broke up German Africa a bit more, because I thought the huge German blob was rather bland. I also interpreted the German-American relationship closer than Keperry did.

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    Aeolus Description
  • If you don't mind, I thought I'd contribute:

    The world of GURPS Alternate Earths 2 Aeolus, some 40 odd years on...

    This is a world where William of Orange failed to make it to Britain in 1688, and James II ultimately succeeded (with some French subsidies) in overcoming Parliament. With Britain in the French court, the Bourbon's ambitions were realized, including even the dreamed of Spanish-French union, creating a Catholic superpower dominating Europe. Catholicism revives in Britain, and a series of hardline Protestant revolts brings a cycle of repression and hardening attitudes that leads to a large-scale immigration to the American colonies, where apocalyptic Protestantism leads a fervent new religious revival, in the end leading to a break from "Papist" Britain.

    Of course, all things come to an end, and a 19th century Spanish rebellion plus an Austrian-Russian-pissed off minor German state alliance put an end to la glorie, to a considerable extent. The French and Spanish American colonies eventually departed as well. The Habsburgs had their own day in the sun, and even get a family member on the throne of Russia (the War of the Russian Succession ends up with the Romanov candidate in American exile), only in turn to fall to republican revolution: a unified multinational state rather than a bunch of wee republics results thanks to the brutal efforts of the Russian Habsburg Czar to crush the rebels regardless of ethnicity and reinstall his relative.

    A second war would be needed to confirm the continued survival of the Republican Alliance, later the Federated Republics, with Habsburg Russia coming back for a second round and the French monarchy joining in, the Bourbons having come to the conclusion, with the rise of their own Republicans, that the Republics represented an existential threat to all that was good and French and Bourbon. This round ended with the collapse of both enemy powers in rebellion...

    Today, the Federated Republics are the world's greatest industrial and scientific power, and with it's allies dominates Europe and what we would call Latin America, while the remaining absolute or at least authoritarian monarchies are on the defensive, but things are far from entirely rosy. The Republics face internal ethnic issues (the Magyars are being bitchy, the Belorussians want their own state, and everyone thinks the Germans are too powerful - fortunately the Germans can rarely agree on anything for more than five minutes straight, so the "unify all Germans in one mega-state" idea remains theoretical). There are ongoing efforts to create a pan-FR nationalism based, like US nationalism, on common principles, the historical struggles, democratic ideals, etc., which the more idealistic hope can be extended one day to the rest of Europe. The main Lingua Franca (heh) is German supplemented by French (still the second language of most educated people), and boy there have been a lot of proposed "neutral languages", from Latin to three or four version of *Esperanto. Multilingualism remains much more the norm than, say, the US OTL, and anyone who doesn't have at least two languages under their belt is considered a bit of a simpleton or assumed to have just fallen off the turnip truck.

    The Federated Republics don't get along too well with their supposed French allies, who may be grateful on some level for the war bringing democracy, but can't help remembering that this happened due to the FR kicking their teeth in. They don't get along at all with the Russians, whose Republic is dominated by nationalist parties that want their Lost Lands back and who despise the Federated Republics secular, multi-cultural approach. Their Latin American allies, meanwhile, are a variegated if generally shaky bunch, aside from L'Argentine.

    They also don't really get along with the American Commonwealth, which although it has democratized a bit (the office of Lord Protector lost quite a bit of its power to the Council of Judges, the Parliament-equivalent, after some truly spectacular corruption led to the removal from office of the last Protector) and mellowed a bit on religion (Catholics are now allowed to practice in the Commonwealth, although they still face legal trouble if they "corrupt youth" by teaching them about Catholicism), remains a dourly protestant and authoritarian "republic", and does not like the "libertine" and numerically mostly Catholic Federated Republics, which they see as a corrupting influence and a competitor for souls and minds in the darker places of the earth (as well as a commercial competitor. The "Covenanters" may be very religious-minded, but they also keep a very close eye on the bottom line, and are enthusiastic about practical technology and industry).

    Of late, the Commonwealth has been expanding its influence overseas in the pursuit of profit and faith, and in putting an end to the slave trade, which in this world was never interrupted by European powers with other issues in mind: along with the Argentines, who are mostly in it for the national ego-expansion, they have expanded their influence into large areas of Africa previously mostly ignored by Europeans, which in turn has brought reactions from other powers. Northern Africa, which has seen a fair amount of state building and acquisition of European technique over the last century, seems unlikely to be colonized outright, but you never know...

    The Commonwealth's great rival in North America is the Kingdom of Louisiana, ruled by the House of Orleans: they are currently in a bit of a relative decline, having been surpassed as an economic power by the Commonwealth, and although they succeeded in their ambition of seizing New France (roughly Ontario and points east) during the French revolution in spite of Commonwealth hostility, the Commonwealth made them pay a sizable pound of territorial flesh, albeit in thinly populated areas, for the privilege: the costs of the war and unrest in New France have emboldened local republicans. Still, the army remains loyal, and the capital of Orleans remains a partying sort of place.

    The Republic of Mexico (formerly the Principate of Mexique) has had something of a native-Hispanic revival, and everyone tries to speak Spanish nowadays, even members of the elite who aren't really very good at it. It is also essentially a one-party dictatorship, but it is at least reliably anti-monarchy. Currently the government has its hands full with a Communistic Christian peasant movement in OTLs Central America, very interested in land redistribution and landlord decapitation.

    Brazil is, well, Brazil, although the removal of the king was carried out very peacefully (he even has a pension), and has benefitted from an even messier collapse of central authority that OTL in Franco-Spanish America to expand beyond its OTL borders. Le Republique de L'Argentine, the most Frenchified of former Spanish colonies (both culturally and through immigration at a time Spanish settlers were few), speaks French in the cities, Franco-Spanish creole in the towns, and Spanish and native dialects out in the boondocks. As OTL it managed to boom economically through agriculture, and unlike OTL has been keeping up the momentum, and is seriously feeling its oats.

    A bit of scramble for southern Africa is currently ongoing. Southernmost Africa and its mineral riches are held by the Boers or south African Dutch, of which there are rather more than OTL due to immigration from a homeland reduced to a mere French satellite. The fairly formidable kingdoms of Morocco and the Mahdist theocracy (not OUR Mahdi, but a historical parallel) dominate in the north, although the Mahdists are currently too isolated and backwards to project their power very much, having essentially peaked with the conquest of the weak post-Ottoman Mameluke Egypt and the capture of the Holy Cities, something both the Persians and Ottomans agree Something Must Be Done about, although mutual hostility prevents them from agreeing on anything.

    The Ottoman Empire collapsed messily in civil war after various brutal defeats at the hands of the Habsburgs, and for a while the Middle East was rather fragmented, aiding in the rise of the latest Persian dynasty. For a while their more energetic ambitions seemed doomed to disappointment, the Turks (having revived, BTW, under a couple of competent Sultans in the last few decades) blocking them from the Mediterranean, the Russians pushing them out of Central Asia (although they regained a bit during the Russian civil war), and the Afghans being, well, Afghans, the oil money is now really starting to roll in, and ambitions are inflating again.

    Armenia, a Persian client state, mostly came into existence as a result of Persian efforts to weaken the Turks, but don't tell an Armenian, who will regale you with endless stories of the self-sacrificing heroes and valiant fridged women who made the reemergence of their nation possible. And it's no good to agree, because then the drinking starts.

    French India underwent some complex events during the Revolutionary period, with various local governors proclaiming loyalty to the republic, others to the king (fourth in line to the throne, but at least alive and kicking) in Nouvelle-Bretagne (Australia), while the Mahratha Confederation, traditional French vassal and source of mercenaries, decided to get some of their own back. The Republicans eventually won out, but lost quite a bit of territory, and their efforts to run Bengal through local clients seem to be in trouble as the native First Minister seems to be getting increasingly hard of hearing when meeting the French Resident. The most developed native Indian state, the Sikhs, are currently consolidating their position: conversion of Muslims and Hindus remains slow enough that they are not eager to take on a whole new bunch of Hindus with divided loyalties.

    SE Asia managed to largely avoid colonization, although European and American economic influence is growing, and the pro-republican party in Vietnam is cozy with the Federated Republics. The absolute monarch in Thailand has no patience with that Republican nonsense, and is a bit miffed that the Conservative powers consider his country too backwards for a membership invitation. The Spanish East Indies (part of the shareout of the spoils after the Netherlands was forces to kiss pointy French shoe) is currently having an energetic rebellion, although what sort of government they are rebelling in favor of is currently a bit unclear. The Philippine Viceroyalty is actually doing fairly well, thank you, aside from that annoying Moro thing in the south.

    Manchu China's collapse, delayed by a less aggressive Europe, came in time due to overpopulation, imported European ideas, foreign pressures (particularly Russian ones) and just good ol' dynastic decay. An attempt was made to establish a new dynasty, but although a bit more legitimate-looking than OTL's Yuan Shikai's, it was unable to establish its authority, and the interesting foreign notion of "republicanism" was given a shot: the new Republic remains shaky, and in a world where Socialist ideas have yet to find their Marx (or Engels) is an odd combination of republican and Confucian ideas quite unlike anything OTL. They have some territorial claims of their own, but currently are cautious about pushing them.

    Japan was "opened up" when the American Commonwealth reacted rather badly to a massacre of missionaries, and currently is run by a corrupt, military-dominated oligarchy struggling to fully modernize to the point it can shake off the punishing unequal treaties imposed on it by the Commonwealth after their victory. Korea, on the other hand, was opened up _earlier_ than OTL by the Russians and has managed to develop a fair little military-industrial base and even gain some land from China (Korean "historical communities", natch).

    Nouvelle Bretagne, which includes what we would call New Zealand, is peasanty and conservative, even earthy, its people famed for their capacity for drink, and have been rather proud of the King choosing them as their place of refuge. Up until recently, anyway, but some doubts are beginning to set in.

    Going back to Europe, the collapse of French rule in Italy led to the various small states unifying under the leadership of the Papacy, the Pope's anti-French stand and progressive views making him a popular choice. The current Italian government is supposedly secular with the Pope as a figurehead of state, but he's still the Pope, and the Papacy is very influential, with the Church still having a bunch of fingers in the educational and healthcare systems. The current Pope is a bit of a reactionary, which has led to a considerable angry stir in the Italian intellectual classes, which (at least in their opinion) still rival anything the Federated Republics can show in spite of all their fancy-shmancy new universities.

    The Netherlands is currently flourishing as part of a unified European economy and has picked up the Flemish part of OTL Belgium as a result of the French revolution, while Sweden is a rather grim police state and Spain is a cheerier and sunnier police state, and Greece gets awards for "most reactionary monarchy." Prussia, where attempted reimposition of Catholicism failed to take, is a constitutional monarchy, and has picked up Livonia and Courland as autonomous sub-kingdoms as a Federated Republics ally in the last war: there is a "unify with our fellow Germans in the FR" movement, but there is also a local patriotism, and in any event the other ethnicities of the FR think they have enough Germans already, thanks. (Now if the French would join too: but the French are only interested in joining clubs if they get to be president). France cultivates its own little sphere of influence abroad, and pursues a vigorous state-driven program of industrial development.

    The United Kingdom, majority Catholic nowadays, has managed to successfully navigate from absolutism to constitutional monarchy (the king still retains some real power) without revolution, and keeping real political power concentrated in the hands of the old land-owning nobility by sharing the goodies with the new industrialist class. That, however, is leading to its own problems as an industrial boom has transformed much of England from a Green and Pleasant Land to a land of toxic fumes, slag heaps, and poisoned rivers, and massively expanded what OTL would be called the Proletariat - and they're not entirely content, to say the least.

    The world is less developed than OTLs early 1980s, with much of the general tech level on a 1930s level, with theoretical science in places at a 1940s level: atomic power theories exist, but nobody is near building a bomb. Evolution is widely accepted, leading, alas, to a boom in new racist theories. [1]Radio is also booming, having essentially leapfrogged a slowly developing telegraph system before it became ubiquitous. The last few decades have seen a great boom in railway building, as such big states as Russia, Louisiana, and the Federated Republics have set to work on binding their nations together with steam locomotion. Internal combustion vehicles main technological progress has been due to military needs, rather than civilian, and personal cars remain mostly for the rich outside of a very few countries. There are a lot of trolley cars, and a fad for skyscraper building is pushing the limits of what can be achieved with concrete and steel beams.

    One odd exception is aerospace, thanks to the precocious development of jet aircraft in the first Republican war. Jet passenger planes cross the Oceans, and there are manned satellites in orbit (partly due to the lack of advanced electronics. The transistor has not been invented, and although computers have developed with the need for ballistic calculations, etc., they are honkin' huge things full of vacuum tubes).

    Economics is underdeveloped, with theory basically on a late 19th century level and everyone on the gold standard. Economic cycles are a problem, and there have been nasty economic bumps as a result of the wars, although thankfully nothing quite on the level of OTLs Great Depression. Socialism doesn't quite exist: there are various theories on how to create an economy friendlier to the Common Man, and some strong proponents of state redistribution through taxation, but the idea that history leads to specific economic states ending in a Worker's Paradise, if anyone proposed it would be seen as wackyness, possibly influenced by Christian apocalypticism such as the movement in Central America.

    [1] Well, it remains forbidden to teach in the American Commonwealth, which at least removes a biological justification for racism. The Commonwealth, which eliminated the last of slavery in the 1840s, actually treats its black population fairly decently nowadays, although there remains a glass ceiling of sorts, and interracial marriages remain largely verboten outside of those crazies in New Hampshire. In Africa, black Covenanters (what members of the Commonwealth call themselves, aside from just "Americans") are often used to act as intermediaries between white Commonwealth members and Africans, but things are usually arranged so that the black soldiers, preachers, etc. are seen as being subordinate to white Commonwealthers: after all they don't want Africans starting to think they are _better_ than white people! (On the other hand, there is a bit of a problem with black "rogue" missionaries in the back country...)
    Nergal Description
  • Nergal, which is "more on topic"

    This is based on the GURPS Infinite Worlds "Nergal" scenario, sans the black magic and interdimensional interventions.

    In this world the Neo-Assyrians did rather better, crushing the Babylonians for good and all, knocking the Medes and Scythians back east, and incidentally wiping out the Jews and annihilating the independence of the Phoenician cities when they got uppity. (In the process preventing Monotheism from catching on and keeping most writing systems complex and literate-elite dependent). The Empire fell in time, as all empires do, but lasted long enough and extended far enough that it became, like the Romans OTL, the model for later Empires to emulate. Rome was butterflied, Carthage was never founded, and while Greece was not destroyed, being a bit on the fringes of Assyrian power, it was pillaged and raided enough to traumatize the heck out of the Greeks and send their development off in other directions: the eventual Greek Empire, of Italy, the Balkans up to the Danube, western Anatolia and (briefly) Syria and Egypt was a nasty enough piece of work that few mourned it's passing.

    The current sixth Assyrian empire isn't really Assyrian anymore (it's creators were an Arab-derived people) but it seeks very energetically to emulate its predecessors. Human sacrifice (adopted, unlike the Alphabet, from the Phoenicians) takes place at the massive basalt and granite ziggurats at regular intervals (if not on the same scale as the MesoAmericans) and the guts of the sacrifices inspected for important omens. Energetic cultural assimilation is pushed hard, with mass population transfers only one mechanism: the Armenians have largely been wiped out as a separate people, and the Greeks survive as scattered pockets in rugged locations (Egypt remains a Problem). Warfare and expansion are pursued as the most important way for a king to maintain prestige, and current aims are to take all of *Italy from the Celtic Nerwa and secure the *Sind as a base for further expansion into India.

    Human sacrifice, severe inequality, and frequent warfare are the norm of this world. Technology is late medieval and superstition rank. Cannon and gunpowder haven't been invented yet, although Celtic distillers have led to the invention of the Molotov Cocktail, the oil-rich Assyrians have a variety of spins on the Greek Fire concept, and the *Korean Taehanese have developed an interesting concept involving a partially evacuated chamber and very fine coal dust, which if successfully deployed does one hell of a job on the walls of besieged cities.

    No gunpowder, you ask? The Chinese were hit by waves of Iranic invaders, starting with Sogdians knocked east, before the Warring State militarization had peaked, and the development of Sinic culture was rather disrupted: the current *Chinese are divided into multiple states, have an aristocratic and rather feudal social system, and aren't that big on scholarship, although their art and architecture is pretty gorgeous, as are the banquets at which captured elite enemies are ritually eaten. (Peasants are only _rarely_ eaten: after all, who knows what diseases they may be carrying?) They haven't invented paper either, although some Indians did invent printing.

    Tamil south India is one of the more civilized parts of the globe: true, widows still burn to death, untouchables are still treated like crap, the rich oppress the poor, etc., but human sacrifice (aside from a certain amount of unofficial work on the part of the disciples of Kali Ma) is unknown, and there is enough of a balance of power between priesthood, kings, nobles and rich merchants that there is a fair amount of security of life and property for most of the population. Now as long as the Northerners don't successfully invade, exterminate the nobility, and convert a third of the remaining population into a dozen new sub-castes of Untouchable, things will be fine. (The Tamils are understandably cheering the Assyrians on).

    The Americas have recently been discovered by *Europeans, and the native civilizations are probably screwed, although the Celts and Northmen are less crusade-minded and probably a bit cleaner than 16th century Europeans. (The Celts and Germanic peoples, after centuries of war and trade and God-swapping have come to see eachother as Fellow Warriors and get along fairly well nowadays, although the Germans still think of the Celts as bloody-minded putzes who couldn't organize an orgy in a whorehouse, while the Celts think of the Germans as anal-retentive perpetual downers with absolutely no taste in facial hair).

    With no Romans or Carthaginians, the NW African coast passed through the hands of various peoples, Greeks, Egyptians, Celtic adventurers, etc. until some 700 years ago when Wiwurgh The Bloody-Handed came out of the mountains to found the first universal Berber Empire. Things have gone up and down in the interval, and the Celts briefly conquered much of the area during a period of disunity, but currently the area is united under a new dynasty which currently holds the strategic region of the straits. Not much for messing about in boats, the Berbers haven't made any conquests in the Americas, and in any event keeping at bay the Assyrians is the most important foreign policy objective.

    Locals are a bit worried about the weather: the sun is currently in a solar minimum, and winters are colder than usual. Harvests have been poor in northern latitudes, and unrest has resulted. The complex fluctuations of sun, moon and Earth may in fact bring on a new ice age in a world with little burning of coal, and it may be up to the technologically precocious Bantu of South Africa to get the Age of Greenhouse Gasses going...
  • Alright, here's my cover of Dixie-3. Yeah, I skipped Dixie-2. I'm not going to go in total numerical order, but I will be staying within a category until I finish that category. I'm doing the Dixies first, then the Reichs, then the Lenins, then probably the Britannias. From there, I don't know yet.

    Dixie-3 was described as a world diverging from Homeline (read: OTL with futuristic characteristics) at the Battle of Gettysburg, much like Dixie-2. I don't know if the PoD during the battle is the same between the two Dixies; maybe it's different circumstances that lead to different Confederate victories? Not really relevant to my cover, but I would love to hear speculation on it. Anyway, the only other information we have on Dixie-3 is that the United States and Confederate States are both poor, corrupt satellites of the European powers. Far more realistic than Dixie-1! My thought process was that the American states are also locked in a Cold War-esque struggle, but this time they're the tails, not the big dogs. For this conflict, I decided to go with something quintessentially 19th century: the Great Game.

    Dixie-3 is a world that revolves around the Great Game, and has for decades. Apart from the obvious divergence with Confederate victory in the American Civil War, Bismarck died earlier, and his successors were not nearly as successful in getting Germany united. Indeed, they succeeded in getting Austria, Russia and France united against Prussia. This so-called "Continental Entente" ramped up the already-extant Great Game, so the British naturally supported Prussian (and, later, Italian) interests on the continent. Russia's invasion of the Ottoman Empire in the 1880s was thwarted by the British sailing into the Black Sea on behalf of the Ottomans. And naturally, the American states were drawn into the conflict, with Russia supporting the Union and Britain supporting the Confederacy. The greatest war scare was the civil war within the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1915-1919), after Emperor Franz Ferdinand attempted to create a "Triple Monarchy" and introduce universal male suffrage in Hungary. Russian forces massed in Austrian Galicia ready to penetrate further into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but threats of Prussian intervention prevented them from doing so. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire remained under Imperial control, albeit with a few pieces missing and as a neutral buffer state.

    The Great Game's influences cause other major changes in history. The Scramble for Africa is far more tense, leading to the survival of native kingdoms like Mali and Abyssinia, which masterfully played the colonial powers off one another. India, the crown jewel of the British Empire, was a major source of Russian agitation, particularly after the British directly annexed Afghanistan after deposing of a pro-Russian emir. The Indian independence movement, having a far stronger hand in negotiations with Britain, successfully negotiated for India's independence in the 1920s. However, the Indians are still officially ruled by the British crown, and remain divided between themselves; just as planned. Japan's adventures in the East came to a halt when French and Russian forces defeated them during the Russo-Japanese War of the 1890s. While the Chinese won the Taiping Rebellion, it did not stop another peasant rebellion, this one inspired by both Chinese nativism and Marxism, to topple the Qing in the north and force them to retreat south, under British protection. And of course, between 1863 and 1937, there have been five Balkan Wars.

    There has been no Great War, thankfully, although the proliferation of new chemical and aerial weaponry makes the idea of a Great War horrifying. Even the slaughterhouses that were America and China in the last century would seem like a teatime argument. Rivalries are flaring up, Nowadays, the world's eyes are on Brazil. The British-backed Imperials are fighting a vicious urban and jungle war against the French-backed Republicans. Independent factions, mostly native tribes, have taken to fighting against both sides. Foreign radicals are pouring into the Republican side, causing fractures among the Brazilian Republican Army, and "volunteers" such as elements of the French Foreign Legion, the British Free Corps and the Confederate Expeditionary Force are fighting on behalf of the competing governments. While it is unlikely that the Brazilian Civil War will spiral out of control and become the catalyst for the Great War, it has become a testing ground for the world's newest weapons and military strategies. If there were ever a Great War, it will be a bloodbath.

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    Caliph Description
  • A somewhat modified GURPS Caliph before the war, with the space-filling empires thing reduced a bit and the tech level a bit less magical.

    It is the year 1679 by the Christian calendar, and 1090 by the Islamic one, which is the more important on this Muslim-dominated world, where an early scientific revolution and more stable Abbasid succession (combined with a superior system of military control which kept the Caliphs from becoming puppets of their own guards) gave the Islamic world an edge in the world-dominance stakes it has never lost.

    The universal Caliphate is long gone, and "Caliph" now simply means the executive position in a sovereign state, sometimes elective (usually for life) or hereditary, although the title is restricted to the rulers of major powers and the rulers of minor states which adopt the title are considered rather laughable. There are currently seven "true" Caliphs, five Muslim, one Christian and the Chinese one, who is usually Buddhist, a Chinese religious "traditionalist", or a combination thereof. (Hind, BTW, has been using political shenanigans to keep the government Muslim-dominated, but there will probably be a Hindu Caliph one of these days). Rum isn't really considered one of the Big Boys, and there are a couple other "point and laugh" Caliphs, although Takrur still is a sizable chunk of the globe. The global independent judiciary or "Ulamah", which in spite of it's Shari'a based origins is nowadays mostly secular, stands to some extent above all powers, although dependent on Sultans and Caliphs for enforcement.

    Technological and industrial progress, in spite of some precocious developments of machinery powered by steam boiled by petroleum, has lagged compared to pure scientific understanding, given that the 9th and 10th century Middle East had some disadvantages compared to 17th century western Europe (a lack of coal and iron, thin populations, limited agricultural land, underdeveloped capitalism and a lack of security in property, lack of centuries of incremental scientific progress, etc...). This did allow Christianity to rally under the Holy Roman Emperors in time to avoid total extinction, and at time made things difficult for scientists themselves when they found themselves lacking the authority conferred by, say, locomotives and telegraphs, when introducing revolutionary ideas (evolution only became publicly palatable on the third try to introduce it).

    Still, after some eight centuries of progress, things are well ahead of OTL technologically. Tens of millions of people live off-planet on various space habitats, moons, planets and asteroids of the solar system. Glittering synthetic-diamond skinned towers reach a mile high above the great cities. Antimatter-powered probes have been sent to other stars, although none have reached them yet (the interesting looking planets, alas, are quite some ways away) except the "proof of concept" probe sent to Alpha Centauri, a favorite destination of old-tyme SF writers in this world as in ours. Robots do the manufacturing, and society is to some extent post-scarcity, even in more backward areas like China or some parts of interior Africa or the Americas: although production isn't enough to make everyone _wealthy_, nobody need go without food, basic shelter, education, or the equivalent of internet access. Corporations, of course, as OTL work to make people think that living in anything less than luxury is shameful.

    Lifespans have been considerably extended, to the point where laws have been passed forcing people to retire at 100 to prevent excessive concentration of power and wealth among the elderly. True AI remains elusive, but computers have become quite good at faking sapience. Limbs and organs can be cloned for replacement, and although cybernetic limbs are possible, they are usually considered just temporary replacements until the organic limb is possible: being visibly cyborged is considered full-body-tattoo weird on Earth, although brain implants to link directly to computer systems are gaining popularity among the young. Genetic engineering exists, but is confined to animals and plants: aside from prenatal screening, human genetic engineering is illegal anywhere on Earth.

    The world is at peace, and has been so for a while. It has been almost three centuries since the last true global big-power war, and a century since _any_ interstate conflict on Earth (although there have been some internal rumblings within states, and occasionally idiotic conflicts break out between the various hothouse cultures of the Belt, the solar system's great fruitcake reserve). Racism is largely unknown, although the association of East Asians with "heathenism" tends to give them a tinge of scary exoticism to Muslims in other parts of the world.

    All is not perfection, though. Many chafe under the technological restraints imposed by the global legal system or Ulamah and enforced by the Caliphates. Some feel this has prevented the development of true immortality, or the creation of better human beings through genetic engineering. Others dislike the present economic system, which they feel is manipulated by the powerful to prevent universal wealth and concentrates power in too few hands.[1] There is the limited social mobility, the crushing power of entrenched custom and expectations, and in places like India the placing of people in little cages shaped by which of hundreds of sub-cultures you belong to. There are angry feminists, who are deeply frustrated by the fact that although long equal under the law men and women remain socially segregated and women are often informally blackballed from a number of professions (there are no female Caliphs). People who want to exist outside of historical gender roles altogether are considered weird, and homosexuality although accepted is not meant to be flamboyant. The Ummah, which supposedly represents a new freedom from government constraints, is to many simply the replacement of top-down tyranny with local petty authoritarians, with inadequate social services either paid for with inadequate antique taxation systems or provided - at a cost - by private institutions, and even lower social mobility than in the Caliphates. Religious discrimination remains widespread, and while legal restrictions are rare nowadays, Christians and Jews are essentially second-rate citizens in many Muslim countries (indeed, Jews are disadvantaged everywhere on Earth, [2] which is why there are now over a million Jews! In! Spaaaace!), and "heathens" (Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) are oddballs everywhere outside their own countries, while outspoken atheists are considered loonies of the most annoying sort. (Muslims, being Top Dogs, avoid open discrimination everywhere, but in places like China there is a lot of secret spitting in the soup and so on).

    Against the rather stultifying Way Things Are stands the complex and diverse Jamahiriya, a global movement (if strongest by far in Talentis/the Americas), which want a genuinely secular society, an overthrow of old cultural and social restrictions, in many cases a scientific socialist economy (given robotic manufacturing, fusion power, and supercomputers, probably actually achievable with a boost to lower class living standards to boot), an end to traditional roles of gender and sex and lifestyles, an end to limitations on technological progress. The more extreme post-humanists tend to squick out other members of the movement, but it is true that the notion of Men Like Gods is not without its mass appeal. And then there are those who are just annoyed by the excessively flowery, polite and melodramatic language in what passes for "society" nowadays...

    It was 1090 AH, and war was coming.


    [1] Islam has always been pro-merchant, and although there has traditionally been top-down public aid of various sorts, the notion of a socialistic _society_ has remained a fringe proposition. On the other hand, so has Ayn Rand type take-no-prisoners libertarianism, so you win some, you lose some.

    [2] Theoretically they should be OK in China and other Buddhist countries, but the locals tend to look suspiciously at Jews because looking suspiciously at Jews is what all the cool kids do.
  • Here's Dixie-2. Again, diverging during the Battle of Gettysburg, but somehow leading to a different timeline. Different PoD in the same battle, or a PoD later down the road? Perhaps the latter, with the Confederates doing better in the rest of the American Civil War than they did in Dixie-3 (less British help?). GURPS Infinite Worlds tells us nothing about this world but that it diverged in Gettysburg, the CS dominates the Caribbean, the US is poor, and an "appendage of French and Japanese bankers." My idea for this is that after the PoD, Bismarck dies early, and the wars for German unification are bungled by his successors. This leads to the Second French Empire sustaining itself well into the 20th century as the master of Europe. Napoleon III's successors take advantage of Germany's division, and turning the German states against one another, manage to bring Prussia to heel, destroy Austria through a series of nationalist uprisings, and the 19th century ends much as it began: a continental Napoleonic empire facing off against Russia and Britain. Only this time, the French are wise enough not to invade Russia, but rather flood it with malcontents of all stripes that had been exiled to the continent by the Tsars. After several bad harvests, compounded with the humiliating defeat against Japan, the people have had enough and take to the streets of St. Petersburg. The Romanovs are forced to flee the city, and while royalist forces succeed in retaking power, they lose a good portion of the empire in the process. Britain withdraws within itself, maintaining its empire, but eventually falls into the economic orbit of the French juggernaut. Britannia may rule the waves, but Paris has the continental markets, and with China beset with civil unrest, the Japanese dominating Asia, and the Confederates dominating the New World, they're the best bet for British business. By 1966, France is dominant over continental Europe; Prussia is now an ally of France, but not too happy about it.

    In the meanwhile, Japan skips the whole "take over the world with guns" right to "take over the world with VCRs," and becomes an economic great power dominating East Asia through soft power. For much of the 20th century, they practically ruled China through their economic might, this changing only in the 1950s when the Republic of China finally got its act together and started smashing some warlord skulls. The Japanese are known much for what they were known for in the OTL 1980s: technological supremacy and an almost machine-like efficiency. Of course, Japan maintains much of its feudal tradition, and has the largest navy in the Pacific above the water line, so it's not quite our own. Asia is also beset by the growing conflict between China and India. Both states were dominated by foreign powers (Japan and Britain, respectively) until relatively recently, and now they are starting to industrialize and become great powers in their own right. This is very disconcerting for the Japanese, who are feeling threatened by these two powers, but fortunately they seem content to bicker among themselves. Both the Indians and the Chinese know they don't stand a chance against war with Japan, but they may win a few victories against each other. British power in the East has waned considerably, with the Japanese moving in to take their place. In the Middle East, the aging Ottoman Empire almost fell apart in the 1940s, before seeing an oil-fueled renaissance in the 1950s. It is now much like OTL Saudi Arabia: a rich, regional power that can get away with a lot of terrible things, simply because it has the black gold.

    The Confederacy has the "Golden Circle" in its pocket, is funding revolutionaries throughout Latin America. The Confederacy is not the superpower of Dixie-1 (or the OTL United States), nor is it the poor, backward republic of Dixie-3. It's somewhere in between: a great power internationally, but only because it is a regional superpower. Think OTL China. They are facing off against the Brazilians, who in this timeline have modernized their economy rather earlier (ironically, going off the Confederate "plowshares to factories" model). Like the USA in Dixie-1, the Brazilians have rather taken to progressive politics in order to serve as an ideological counterbalance to the Confederates, who still practice South African-style segregation. The Brazilians are proud of their mixed heritage, and daily criticize the Confederates for being racist. The Confederates, in turn, call the Brazilians degenerate mongrels. The United States is a nation stuck in the past. American cities are all run-down; every Northern urban area looks like Detroit. The reason for this weakness (apart from Steve Jackson Games saying so) is a series of bad presidents, overspending on the military, and a humiliating loss against the British and the Confederacy in the 1890s[1]. The Americans had a second civil war, this time against communists, in the 1920s, which ended in the current regime. It's a military junta, one that wouldn't be out of place in OTL Latin America, which has reorganized its states into massive "regions" ruled by a military governor. The United States (it kept the name post-war) is not a pariah state, per se, but the Confederates aren't returning their calls. They are dominated by French and Japanese financial interests (San Francisco looks like something out of The Man in the High Castle), but neither power wants much to do with the American government.

    [1] Sorry, Harry T.

  • "Alexander’s empire survived his death on several other parallel Earths. On Iskander-1 (Q4, current year 1260), Alexander lived another 20 years and passed the crown on to his son Alexander IV. The TL4 Third Macedonian Empire rules from Kashmir to Venice under a decadent Buddhist Turkish dynasty; its main rivals are the Novgorodi city-states of the Baltic, a militant Hindu kingdom in Bengal, and Franco-Saxon Gaul."

    From the highlands of Bhod to the Alps, the Buddhist religion penetrates into culture and lifestyle. After the death of Alexander III in 303 BC, he was peacefully followed by his heir to the throne, Alexander IV, who kept up his father's expansionist outlook. He finished the conquests of Rome his father started in the 310's, and solidified rule in Persia and India. Puppet dynasties were set up in Carthage, Persia, and Armenia, as Alexander IV had goals of keeping the empire intact for a long time. Decades passed, and Macedon appointed Greek vassals to lead parts of India and Parthia, even giving them the right to expand their own little provinces individually of one another. The system went well, especially as the line of succession became murky and unclear in the 100's BC, but it began to go awry when the Indian provincial lords converted to Buddhism, trying to blend in with the native culture. Religion, one of the main ways the Macedonian Empire held itself together, began to fall apart. The Buddhists began to revolt along with their governors, trying to fight their way through Persia and Babylonia into Macedonia itself. Once the Indian rebel army reached Cappadocia, however, it was already much too late for Macedon. The Achaeans seceded, along with Lydia and Rome, collapsing the remainder of the empire. By 65 BC, what once was the Alexandrian Empire became 24 squabbling kingdoms.

    In the first century AD (not that there ever was a Jesus here), the Buddhist militias spread their religious influence into Persia and Babylonia. It was slow at first, but after several centuries of missionary after missionary, groups began to convert. Indian culture was common to see in the Middle East, especially with some sort of Greek influence. The Bhadrapala Dynasty of India stretched from the Indus to the Euphrates in the 300's, guaranteeing the preservation of the Buddhist religion in the Middle East for a long while. Meanwhile, in Europe, things went from bad to worse. Petty fights over religion were common, keeping any Celtic or Germanic tribes from uniting. The Romans built a brief empire in Hispania and the Alps, only to lose it a few years later. The Illyrian League was arguably the strongest power in Europe in the 400's, and they were small in comparison to the Macedonians. The King of Armenia founded some settlements in Dacia and Thrace, even establishing some proper footholds by 450. Even so, there was nothing noteworthy whatsoever, making Europe something of a backwater. However, in the 520's, a Greek scholar named Dimachus set out to reestablish the Macedonian Empire, using the unstable kingdoms as fodder for his slow ascent. After unifying Epirus, he moved into Pella, slowly but surely expanding out of Greece and into the rest of Europe. He took over Syracuse, Athens, and parts of Anatolia, before his pupils teamed up to take Sparta, Pergamon, and Tyre. The Second Macedonian Empire, reaching its peak in the 600's, managed to reestablish Greek culture in Anatolia and the Levant, while also giving it more exposure to the Buddhist religion. After the scholars saw the merits of Buddhism, some began to bring it back to Greece. This ultimately lead to the fall of the empire once more, as the Greeks began to see that the only way to hold Persia and India was to fully convert to the religion the foreigners practiced...

    Enter the Turks. They hailed from the steppes of Central Asia, usually absorbing the culture or religion of whatever land they conquered next. After keeping their empire in the north for centuries, they were forced to migrate south after the Nirrun ran them out of their regular hunting grounds. Some began to move west, others moved south into Kashmir. Eventually, both groups rounded the Caspian Sea, assimilating with the Anatolian Greeks and Persians. Most were Buddhist, a religion the more educated Turks had practiced for a while already. Some of the nomadic groups continued to move through Anatolia, welcoming the more temperate environment. Most Buddhists had avoided Anatolia since the rise of the Second Macedonian Empire, as they knew whatever Hellenic kingdoms remained there would execute them before they could do anything. However, the Turks, not staying in any one place for too long, were able to spread the principals of Buddhism without being caught. Many began to purposefully do this, as an effort to get to the top of the social ladder by being the ones to destabilize the elite. For those in the smaller dukedoms, it worked like a charm, as the populous revolted against the corrupt kings who called themselves Macedonian. They continued to spread their power until they unified into something of a single polity, moving into Thrace and Greece. Many began to educate themselves like Dimachus did centuries before, and one of the Turkish chiefdoms proclaimed the Third Macedonian Empire, taking power for themselves. Being Buddhist, they were able to avoid most of the pitfalls of religious fallout. The first two empires had practiced the Greek religion, and were destabilized by Buddhists challenging the beliefs of the kings. This time, they had the Buddhists in Mesopotamia to help them conquer any Greek rebels (as there were many). By 1100, the new dynasty was decadent and sprawling, with more and more of Europe slowly falling under the boot that was the Third Macedonian Empire (not that it was very Macedonian anymore).

    By 1260, there are three major competitors to the Empire; there are the Alathians in Gaul, a bunch of pagan Franco-Saxons. After them, there's the League of Holmgardr, a group of *Novgorodi city-states allied against the Macedonians. Then, in the east, there's the Kingdom of Gangaridda, the major Hindu power with a vendetta against Buddhist India. Will the three powers be able to surround and collapse the non-Buddhist regions of Macedonia, or will the Turks prevail as they did against the principalities two hundred years earlier?

  • Reich-1
    Local Year: 1952

    Prominent Leaders:

    President Peter J. Marshall (US President)
    Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler (President of Greater Germany)
    Premier Vladimir Luzenkho (Premier of the Soviet Union)

    In the early days of Infinity exploration, there was one world that they were sure they would find if only because of Hollywood movies almost insisted on it. A world where the Third Reich won World War II. None were initially found in Quantum-5 and many historians working for Infinity started to believe that only in Homeline and near echoes did the Third Reich actually last as long as 1945, the discovery of Reich-1 in Quantum-4 refuted that theory, if only just. Upon it's first discovery in Local Year 1947, Hitler was alive and the Nazi Party was still in power in Europe. The Third Reich and it's allies occupied the UK, France, everywhere besides Ireland and Sweden and the weakened Soviet Union. While the Soviets were the first to break the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Germans rather than going on the offensive let the Russians attack. In this world Himmler was well informed of Stalin's officer purges, and following the public execution of Zhukov by the KGB advised the Fuhrer to defend rather than attack. The Wehrmacht agreed that attacking Stalin was foolish, but if they dug in and let Stalin bloody himself against Greater Germany they could force terms on Russia allowing them to consolidate in the Western Front. While Infinity can't get records on precisely how the Soviets advance failed so completely, General Rommel was appointed Chief of Staff for the Wehrmacht as it was his panzers that outflanked and obliterated the Soviet armies. Dunkirk two years earlier poised the British Isles to be ripe for the taking. Operation: Sealion was a success, and in a few short months saw the British Isles fall to a foreign landing force for the first time since 1066. It was here in 1944 that the Third Reich reached it's apex; master from Toulouse to Warsaw, Copenhagen to Marseilles. It would not last...

    The United States, under President Roosevelt was identical to it's Homeline counterpart except for one figure, instead of Cordell Hull, Roosevelt's Secretary of State was a man named Nathaniel Drake Sterling. Sterling was a sympathizer for Germany, and OSS at the time considered he might have spied for the Reich. The difference is that Sterling engineered a deal in December of 1941 that guaranteed the USA would not support a war on Germany. Simply put (and Homeline found this out at Sterling's trial in 1949) Stirling had a meeting with the German Ambassador that revealed the attack on Pearl Harbor. He "tried" to arrange a meeting with the President, staff, and drafted memos but none of them "reached command in time". As he was the black sheet of the Cabinet, and Roosevelt handled foreign policy himself mostly only appointed him to the post to appease Congress, it was believable and that testimony would destroy Roosevelt's administration. In the first cabinet meeting following the attack, he informed the President, if compelled to testify Sterling could say he tried to warn the President, but no one listened; and as much as Stimson argued for it, the Secretary of State couldn't just disappear. In the end, war was inevitable but only if Germany declared war openly to support its ally, Japan... It never came, as Sterling got word to the German Ambassador in time. The War in the Pacific took priority and with only Lend-Lease support the UK was on borrowed time. Churchill in 1949 stated "I shook that devil's hand in 41. If I knew then what I know now I would have strangled him myself." The United States has been at war for nearly a decade, and the strain is showing. Between the French, British and other immigrants the United States and Canada are stretched to their limit. A common thought is that if any war to liberate Europe lasts more than two years, the soldiers will revolt. The much publicized trial of former Secretary of State Nathaniel Sterling, garnered large headlines, but Homeline monitors can't help but notice that most American media coverage is now screened by the Office of Public Information prior to broadcast.

    Japan's defeat was inevitable with Germany's stab in the back, in fact Stalin was so worried about American encroachment in Asia that he split forces from German invasion to counter the Americans, only further making the Soviet defeat inevitable in Eastern Europe. By 1944, Japan was down to the home islands. Sakhalin was captured by American marines, and were preparing for an invasion of the home islands in March 1945. While Japan was defeated, so to was another island nation in Europe.

    The last 7 years in Reich-1, have shown just how unsuccessful the Nazi attempt to assimilate populations was. Widespread revolts outside Greater Germany are common, and only military occupation is keeping the whole of Europe from revolting. While Stalin may be dead, his successor has seen the Soviets rearm and in 1951, flagrantly violate the 1944 Ukraine-Baltic DMZ agreements. In France and the UK resistance is strong and creating a brotherhood beyond their former alliance. Add to that President Marshall's aggressive blockade of the North Atlantic, and preparation for Operation Liberation, and the "Atlantic Pact" already debating the post-war New World Order, and the name Reich-1 seems to be a misnomer now. Germany has bet everything on Nuclear Weapon development, which the Americans are trailing behind half-convinced that it's a pipe dream, and the Soviets lacking the resources entirely.

    Stalin suffered lead poisoning in 1946, as in he happened to fall onto 18 bullets. The Soviet leadership removed him from power, and their military was so anemic, and their industry so sparse that fighting Germany was a pipedream at best. After a string of inept leaders, and the failures to stop the poisoning of the Ukraine and Phase 1 of Generalplan Ost, a man by the name of Luzenkho has become Premier. Not much is known about him that is verifiable by Homeline, but it is known he met with President Marshall in Anchorage in 1948, and that a form of Lend-Lease, where American Industry is rebuilding a new Soviet Union.

    The rest of the world is in chaos as the Overseas Colonial Empires effectively stopped operating in 1945. India in 1945, in a deal with the United States and UK government in exile in Ottawa saw independence. The Dutch simply withdrew to Australia after Indonesia was liberated, the Atlantic Pact oversaw the creation of a federal government there but little else. The Republic of China still exists but is continuing to fight Communist insurgents, whether or not they have Soviet backing is unproven. Japan is still occupied by the Atlantic Pact (mostly American) armed forces, with final withdraw scheduled for 1955. In Africa, the quick departure of the British and French, and the inability of the Germans to police the territory has created a vaccuum, one that American business is willing to invest in with promises of more capital if Europe is liberated.

    Perhaps soon Infinity can rename the world from Reich-1 to something else.


    OOC: Reich-1 by Infinite Worlds very brief description and the scenario outlined is pretty close. However I am taking a line about "Battles in India" to mean some form of fascist uprising the Germans are trying to support. Unlike in OTL, the Soviet Union is nearly a failed state, only held together by the the authoritarian Luzhenko's regime, and Russian hatred of Germany (Generalplan Ost getting through Phase 1 in the DMZ, Crop devastation by German bioweapons). Germany itself is sort of run by an odd combination of the military leadership and Nazi leadership. Similar to German command in the tail end of World War I... and the General populace is quite concerned by this as well. The Republic of China was allied with the USA against China, but they are more ambivalent about war with Germany. The United States has been at war for so long that it's war-time measures are becoming a bit... too well entrenched, and some Homeline monitors are concerned that the United States could be on the slippery slope towards a technocratic authoritarian state.
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  • And here's Cornwallis:


    The PoD is that Turgot successfully convinces Louis XVI not to support the American rebels, and to support internal economic reforms. The US never wins its independence, the French Revolution is avoided, the Tories are empowered in Britain, and as a result democracy and nationalism and other revolutionary ideals never take hold in Europe (at least not yet) and technological progress is slower. Russia became more powerful than in OTL and eventually all the other European powers united against it, culminating in the Great War from 1962 to 1976 between Russia and the Quintuple Alliance of Britain, France, Spain, Austria, and Prussia. The war ended with Russian defeat and subsequently a revolution that saw the monarchy replaced with a republic which was in turn replaced with the radical totalitarian Russian Dominate, which is dedicated to overthrowing the Five Thrones of the Quintuple Alliance and spreading revolution throughout the world, including in the Britain's still oppressed and rebellious American colonies.
  • After a long series of distractions, I'm back in the GURPS game. Continuing with the Dixie series is Dixie-4. According to Infinite Worlds, "the Civil War occurred in 1844, the West is still Mexican, and the United States and CSA are allied against the Mexican and German Empires. Britain is neutral." I don't know what could provoke an American Civil War in 1844 off the top of my head; perhaps an earlier abolition movement? At any rate, I depict the Confederates being much stronger here, as the South was comparatively stronger than the North than they would be twenty years later, and I even have all of the slave states joining the CSA. Of course, this begs the question: why is the CSA rebelling, when the South had control of the federal government at the time? Good question, next question.

    Mexico itself would have to be strong, and perhaps fought a few wars against the Americans and Confederates. That's about what it will take to bring both the USA and CSA on the same side. Here, Mexico never suffers the humiliation of the Mexican-American War, and while it has a few problems with civil unrest, generally does a better job at border control. The American Civil War generated a lot of refugees trying to flee to Mexico, provoking a tougher Mexican response. The violence of the ACW created lots of outlaw types, so when the Americans were going to Mexico, they weren't sending their best.[1] With the USA and CSA at each others' throats, the American governments couldn't do much about it. The Americans did try to fight wars of Manifest Destiny against Mexico, but separately, and they were each defeated in turn. British assistance helped. Later on in the century, the Mexicans turned to the Germans, who (as Prussia) defeated France and Austria during the War of German Unification. These defeats against Mexico turned Mexico into the great threat that the Americans, Confederates and (later) the Canadians could unite against.

    British neutrality implies lots of negative things about the situation in Europe: have the British already been cowed by the German war machine? Has there been a more recent war between them and the natural German rivals of France and Russia? Does Germany already dominate Europe, rendering British opposition moot? Perhaps so, a world under a dominant Kaiserreich. This is what I chose: a world where the German Empire reigns supreme. Germany is the richest country in the world, although its colonial empire is growing unwieldy. The Germans have no real opposition to their global rule; only the Americans have formed a bloc to oppose Germany, and the only reason they can do so is because their words are backed with nuclear weapons. Nuclear proliferation is limited to Germany, Russia, Italy, the USA and the CSA; Britain and France had nuclear programs during the Great War, but they were shut down and are now legally barred from producing more. China has a clandestine program, as does India and South Africa.

    The French and British went to war against the Germans and the Russians in the 1930s, with the French and British losing and being forced to sign off much of their colonial empires. The Germans defeated the French by successfully breaking through the Western Front and capturing Paris, while the British fought on until a German atomic bomb destroyed the Royal Navy in the Channel, and a second one destroyed Birmingham. The British initially kept the dominions, but the growth of an independent national identity in the dominions, along with distrust of the British, eventually led them to go their own way. The French have been humiliated and are about as eager for war as OTL Germany, however, they are neutral. The French are permanently disarmed and prevented from getting into an alliance with any other great power. Russia is on Germany's side. The Russo-German alliance was secured by Bismarck ITTL and it stuck, with Germany taking the Russian side during the Great Game, and it's only recently starting to crack.

    In the East, the Qing have been deposed and replaced with the more reformist Tao Dynasty. The Ottoman Empire remained neutral after the Balkan Wars, where the Germans and Russians basically disassembled their European holdings; the Ottomans almost joined the French and British in the Great War, and are glad they didn't. India became independent after the Great War, with Russian-backed nationalists taking control, and now the Indian National Party is trying to keep the country and itself from splitting along all sorts of identitarian lines.

    [1] Some of them, I'm sure, were nice people.

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  • Surprise! Another cover, and this time I'm jumping off the Southern wagon to visit the other staple of alternate history: the Reich worlds. That's because I'm a bit tired of working with 19th century maps and, thanks to the efforts of SRegan and others, Axis victory basemaps are easy to come by. I'm also going out of order and exploring Reich-2 first. That's because @Prometheus_2300 already did Reich-1, and while I have my own take on that, I'll post it later. I also want to go in order from least German-dominated to most. You think Dixie-4 has my therapist asking awkward questions? This set will eventually make it look tame.

    This Reich-2 map is based on Diamond's, and, like the Dixie-1 map, is one of the oldest maps on I decided to change things up a bit from his version, to make it line up more with what seems realistic and what Steve Jackson Games says. Infinite Worlds provides quite a bit of detail, which makes my job easier, but it reveals a five-way Cold War with WWII great powers. Unfortunately, it's something that most people in the alternate history community have already seen countless times. But, such is working with Axis victories. The PoD is Lord Halifax becoming Prime Minister and negotiating a peace with Germany. Okay, I can buy that. But then he negotiates an alliance with Japan to break up the Axis? That's way out there. Points for creativity, I guess. Naturally, the alliance breaks down when the Japanese start supporting independence movements in India, and the British respond by running guns to China.

    This is also the most realistic of the Reich worlds. Yeah, it's gonna be a fun ride.

    There isn't much else to say about Reich-2 here, as most of it has already been fleshed out by Steve Jackson Games, and most of my additions are in the annotations. I depict the British Commonwealth members as British allies, but also have India under direct British rule because SJG's description implies direct rule. I also have the Americans and British in an adversarial position towards one another, but I suspect they work together more often than they do against each other. Technology is rather advanced, with all sides having orbital nuclear missile platforms that have frozen the world in a "Kalter Krieg."

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  • Continuing along, here's my cover of Reich-1. As you can see, @Prometheus_2300 and I have very different philosophies when approaching these covers. Compared to his take, I'm taking a pulpier route, without regard for things like plausibility. Why? Because it's clear Steve Jackson Games did not have that intent. After all, look at Reich-5. So, I went with what I thought the text was implying: a Fatherland-like situation. In this world, Germany destroyed the BEF and forced an unequal peace, and then later crushed the Soviet Union. Since the text mentions battles in Siberia, I took that to mean the Germans taking what they wanted from the Soviets, but allowing a rump Soviet state to exist. In this case, said Soviet state is under Zhukov and some weak CPSU underlings; Stalin, Beria and the rest were killed in the Battle of Moscow, or captured and paraded before the people of Welthauptstadt Germania. Meanwhile, the Americans crushed Japan, which I depict here incidentally helping out China and turning the Soviet Union into an American satellite state.

    Right now, both powers are fighting a third world war. According to Steve Jackson Games, neither have developed nuclear weapons, which I find implausible, but whatever. Hitler seemed content with what he had, but Himmler, his successor, started the war in 1949 by invading Britain, despite warnings from the military that the Germans were not yet ready to take on the Americans. I depict the Germans succeeding in Sealion II: Sealioner, but they are having a lot of trouble putting down the British resistance. After all, they know what happened to their French and Soviet counterparts. The Germans, on the other hand, aren't willing to use the more draconian methods on the British population...yet. The Americans have blockaded the Atlantic coast, and American jets are equal to their Luftwaffe counterparts. They're also massing an invasion force in Iceland, and the Germans have no idea where it's going.

    The Americans are rather determined to put an end to the Nazi regime, and are working on the atomic bomb to do just that. The British are fighting fanatically against the Germans, but Churchill's demands for liberating the British Isles go against the American plan to land somewhere on the mainland. The Soviets are fighting to the last man and the last round, but it's not doing much good; American forces are pouring into the USSR, and the Soviet leadership suspects that whatever autonomy they have left will soon be forfeit. China is being a bad ally, having signed a non-aggression pact with Germany and telling the Americans that they still have a lot of warlords and communists to take care of at home, and that their exhausted, ill-equipped army won't do well against the advanced German war machine anyway. The American OSS is suspicious, citing historic links between the KMT and the Germans, but the military insists that their advisers have their Chinese counterparts under control. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Italians are proving to be a drag once again, and the Spanish are making silly demands like asking for the Philippines in exchange for entering the war on the German side. Himmler grows increasingly paranoid, as he made many enemies on his way to the top, and the OSS is aware of this.

  • Moving right along, my cover for Reich-3. According to SJG, the PoD is in 1941, when the Japanese decide to attack Vladivostok instead of Pearl Harbor. I guess the Imperial Japanese Army was more influential in this timeline. The Americans stayed out of the war and never fully funded nuclear research, while the Germans and Japanese divided Eurasia between themselves. SJG mentions UK refugees, so the United Kingdom was invaded at some point. At any rate, I have chosen to depict a full-blown Axis victory, with no holds barred. I have used various base maps from other depictions of Axis victories here, rather than try to emulate what SJG set forth in Reich-5, to further differentiate the two. I suspect that even after the defeat of the UK and the USSR, wars of conquest continued, and with a current year of 1970, the Axis have had plenty of time to conquer and consolidate. So, what you are seeing here is not the product of an alternate WWII, but an alternate WWII and a series of wars afterward. Still implausible, but hey, it's GURPS.

    The Americans are isolated, with only Canada and Mexico as close allies. I depict the rest of the Caribbean and Central America as in the American camp, since the description mentions the Germans coveting America's sphere of influence here. I also handed America the Philippines, even though only Hawaii is mentioned as being an American possession the Japanese covet, because if the Japanese did attack the Philippines, they would have gone to war with America. The Germans and Japanese are having increased border incidents along their common Eurasian border; I suspect most of that is in Central Asia, because the Siberian border of the Third Reich is doubtless heavily garrisoned. The two Axis powers have decided to table these disputes until they defeat the Americans. The SJG blurb is silent on whether nukes have been invented in the meanwhile, but I suspect the Germans, Japanese and Americans have their own arsenals, with Germany's being the strongest and America's the weakest. The threat of nuclear war wouldn't necessarily stop the Axis from launching an attack; they are the Axis, after all.

  • Here's my cover for Reich-5. I didn't do many filling in the blanks here, because Steve Jackson Games did a good job of explaining the world of Reich-5. GURPS Alternate Earths even provides a world map. Almost all of the annotations on the map are from GURPS Infinite Worlds or GURPS Alternate Earths, almost verbatim. I haven't made many changes from the provided map or the descriptions provided by Steve Jackson Games, except that what appeared to be French West Africa in the original map has been divided into various Italian puppets. This is because Vichy France is depicted as a very weak state, one that would not plausibly have control over that much of Africa, and because I wanted to give Italy more puppet states to match its status as a world power.

    I think Reich-5 has many unique aspects as an Axis victory world. The Germans are far more powerful than we normally see, having control of India. Argentina is a major world power, just as it was a German puppet in Reich-2; this is why fascist Argentina shows up in my interpretation of other Reichs. The Germans have a Reichsprotektorate system which, as far as I can tell, never existed IOTL. The Japanese have kept China together, but as a part of their "Outer Empire," while Manchukuo was given former Soviet territory. The United States is a fascist ally, not divided between the two Axis powers. Suid-Afrika is much larger than what we could tell from actual Axis war plans. All in all, an interesting addition to the multiverse of Axis victories.

  • Here's the last of the Reichs, Reich-4. I saved this one for last because it's practically Germany takes over the world. According to SJG, the Wehrmacht succeeded in breaking into Leningrad, Germany and Japan succeeded in developing nuclear weapons by 1945, and German ballistic missiles managed to destroy the United States. The Axis split North America between them, with the Japanese providing the bulk of the occupation troops. The Axis turned on one another, and after an incident in the Persian Gulf in 1979, the Germans launched a first strike which decapitated the Japanese Empire and left Germany a functioning state that eventually took over the world. I chose to interpret this as a nuclear war that heavily went in Germany's favor, because that's what it would take to keep the Nazi regime in place and give it the ability to take over the world. I considered painting the whole world grey, but I thought that would be boring, so I left a lot of German client states, such as the United States and a revived Republic of China. This also matches SJG's assertion that the Nazis are having trouble finding the wherewithal to dominate the world, so some "outsourcing" made sense to me. As for Italy, Italy was taken out of the picture; after Mussolini's death, the Italian regime fell into civil war, with the anti-German faction winning. The Germans could not have this and replied with nukes.

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