war on terror

  1. Bush,Congress,Cabinet killed in 9/11

    United Airlines Flight 93 was a flight that was hijacked by four al-Qaeda terrorists on 9/11, as part of the 9/11 attacks. The hijackers planned to crash the plane into a federal government building in the national capital of Washington, D.C. The mission became a partial failure when the...
  2. Where would Bin Laden take refuge if the Soviet Russians still occupy and controlled Afghanistan?

    In our timeline the soviets had withdrawn from Afghanistan on May 15th 1988. But in this alternate timeline Gorbachev somehow never takes power and instead another hardliner was in power. So no withdrawal ever happens from late 80s onwards had their troops stationed on Afghanistan. 9/11 would...
  3. thevird

    Wars of Terror - An Alternate History Timeline.
    Threadmarks: 1 - The Meeting

    Hi! This is my first actual alt history timeline, so I hope you all enjoy it! WARS OF TERROR “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” — Ernest Hemingway, 1946 December 14th, 1979. I remember it like it was yesterday. The mood of the holidays was left...
  4. Americannerd1776

    What if other countries were attacked on 9/11?

    What do y'all think would've happened if the United States wasn't the only country that was attacked on September 11th, 2001? And which other countries would've been targeted?
  5. Alexander North

    What if an alt-9/11 targeted the Capitol during the 2000 State of the Union?

    As the thread title says: for whatever reason, Osama bin Laden goes for an earlier 9/11 which is planned to occur during the 2000 State of the Union address, specifically with the intent of targeting the Capitol and decapitating the United States government. Assuming this succeeds, what are the...
  6. Would Collin Powell run in 2004 given such conditions?

    The first PoD in my scenrio is the earlier War on Terror- instead of 9/11 the 1993 WTC bombing succeeds and Clinton invades Sudan (which hosted the AQ at the time), while intevening more in Somalia and Rwanda. Dur to the Rally around the Flag effect, there is no Republican revolution in 1994...
  7. American invasion of Pakistan after successfull 1993 WTC bombings.

    While most people on this board (including myself) think that successfull 1993 WTC bombing would lead to an earlier War on Terror with Sudan getting invaded due to hosting Al-Qaeda at the time, the attack itself was organized by a Pakistani terorrist Ramzi Yousef. So, let's say that the...
  8. A hardliner ATL Soviet Union doesn't withdraw from Afghanistan, results?

    I find it confusing to what could happen Afghanistan if the Soviets never had withdrawn. And I have read these threads https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/war-on-terror-with-a-surviving-ussr.132355/ and...
  9. Earlier War on Terror: Any effects on the development of the internet?

    Let's say that 1993 WTC bombing is successful and War on Terror starts 8 years earlier. Would the US government try to regulate/censor/make less private the internet in early 90s or the internet was still seen as to insignificant to care abot considering its novelity at the time? Or maybe some...
  10. US invasion of Iraq in late 90s?

    Ok, my scenario revolves around a "90s War on terror" setting where the main PoD is the successful 1993 WTC bombing. In 1993, US invades Sudan which hosted Al-Qaeda at the time. Let's say that in the second half of 1990s another major terrorist attack occures in US or UK. Clinton or...
  11. 2000 elections: Gore vs McCain- who is going to win in this situation?

    Ok, right now I am working on a scenario involving two major PoDs: 1993 WTC bombing successful and Yeltsin impeached during the 1993 constitutional crisis. In this world, the "War on Terror" starts 8 years earlier. Clinton invades Sudan chasing Al-Qaeda, intervenes more in Somalia and Rwanda...
  12. WI No Iraq War

    So, Bush doesn't invade Iraq because he either dies suddenly or is not elected in 2000. Everything else before with 9/11 stays the same as well as the invasion of Afghanistan. What are the butterflies? Does the "War on Terror" go more smoothly and will extremists still proliferate worldwide? Can...
  13. CountofDooku

    Walker - a George Walker Bush AU TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: 9/11 or September 11

    Chapter 1: 9/11 or September 11 Silence, shock, unbeliever was the best way to describe what went to the head of President George Walker Bush on September 11 2001 as he heard the news of the horrible attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. President George Bush at the Emma E. Booker...
  14. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Libya keeps its WMDs?

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Libya (under the presidency of Muammar Qaddafi) sought to normalise relations with the US and the West. A big part of this project was disarmament. In the 1990s, during the early Clinton administration, Libya dismantled its nuclear weapons programme. In...
  15. US uses the Afghanistan route for Iraq in 2003

    What if, the Americans got rid of Saddam in 2003 similar to how they removed the taliban in 2001. E.g instead of an invasion they do a massive air campaign while the kurds and Shia rebels do most of the fighting on the ground. How would this play out?
  16. The_Persian_Cat

    Bush assassinated in 2005?

    In 2005, while he was giving a speech in Tblisi, Georgia, US President George W Bush suffered an attempt on his life. Vladimir Arutyunian, an ethnic Armenian, threw a grenade at the podium, hoping to kill both Bush and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. The grenade failed to detonate...
  17. Iwanh

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?
    Threadmarks: Part 1: August 20th, 1998

    Geronimo Part I August 20th, 1998. Approximately 3:30 p.m. GMT[1]. Following orders given by President Bill Clinton, the United States undertook a controversial act. In what the President justified as a pre-emptive strike against terrorism. 70 cruise missiles were fired into Afghanistan...
  18. WI: Second Iran-Iraq War instead of Iraq War in Early 2000s

    Say, in another timeline, another Iran-Iraq War happens instead of an American war on Iraq in the early 2000s. You can choose who gets to invade or declare war "first", be it the Iranians or the Iraqis in this war to be the "scapegoat". What circumstances would've lead to this? Can it be the...
  19. PakistaniGuyUK

    ASB WI: In 2001 United States successfully predict cost of 20 year war in Afghanistan as $978 billion and decide to pay the Taliban instead!

    A few days ago I saw a tweet from a disgruntled individual bemoaning the American 'failure' in Afghanistan. It went along the lines of "Our (American) government sunk $978 billion on this pointless war and the Taliban are back anyway... might as well handed it to them instead so they invested it...
  20. Gillan1220

    What if Pablo Escobar survived into the 21st Century?

    POD is the Colombians do not raid Pablo Escobar's safehouse in December 2, 1993 so the drug lord will continue his criminal activities. He was already labeled as a narco-terrorist by the United States and was the target of both the DEA and the FBI. But for the sake of this scenario ASB wise...