war on terror

  1. What if Jeb Bush, not George W., Had Been President During 9/11?

    In 1994, it was expected that the Bush's favored son Jeb would take up the family's leadership mantle and be elected Governor of Florida. George W., on the other hand, was expected to lose his race for Governor of Texas. But in an upset, George won while Jeb lost. What if the outcomes of these...
  2. The Towers Still Stand: An Alternate take on Early 21st Century America (A Collaborative TL)

    So after over two years of trying to continue my original timeline and struggling to do so for various reasons, I've decided to turn "The Towers Still Stand" into a collaborative TL for the sake of keeping a good piece of Alternate History alive. Anyone who is interested in contributing, please...
  3. Sam Biswas

    What would happen if Michèle Flournoy was president of the United States instead of George W. Bush?

    Presume if Michèle Flournoy ran for the oval office and manage to persuade the media and the public interest to vote for him, and after the inauguration, how would it play out differently under a Flournoy administration? Please, just please don't ask me why your thinking she couldn't able to...
  4. Goats-&-Bolts

    W.I.: 9/11 attacks occur but Afghanistan is still Communist?

    There are many 9/11-related threads on this site, but I don’t think I’ve seen this scenario discussed. First, some background: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09592318.2014.945634?src=recsys&journalCode=fswi20 In the end, the Communist government lost the civil war in the 1990s in...
  5. Soft WI: Bush goes to war with terror-supporting nations Bob Mueller described in 2003 after 9/11

    The reason this is a "Soft WI" is to avoid discussion of "This can't happen!". If we can avoid it and discuss the admittedly unlikely scenario it would be great. Anyways, in 2003 Bob Mueller, then FBI director described countries which were supporting terrorists in 2003. Those countries were...
  6. La Rouge Beret

    AHC: OV 10 remains in service during the War on Terror

    The OV 10 Bronco is a twin engine turboprop airplane developed in the 1960s for use in a counter insurgency conflict. Originally, it was operated by three branches of the American military - USAF, USMC and USN, and accordingly to Wiki retired from service in 1995. The utility of using...
  7. Hard Choices (an alternate 9/11)

    "Most people say my Presidency began on October 11th, 2001. They're wrong, and not for the obvious reason. My Presidency began before I was even a candidate. It began in 1999 in the former Soviet Union with a man who just wanted to buy a new dishwasher and washing machine for his family."- The...
  8. Historyman 14

    Bill Clinton invades Afghanistan: 1999-2000

    The World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the African embassy bombings in 98, and the bombing of the Cole in 2000 collectively gave the USA sufficient causus belli for Bill Clinton to seriously consider ordering the invasion of Afghanistan. At the same time, Clinton had try several times to kill...
  9. ajdb0614

    WI: Bush "killed" by 9/11

    Immediately after the events of 9/11, President Bush falls into a state of despair and sorrow, wracked by guilt of "allowing" such a thing to happen. The next day on September the 12th, Bush addresses the nation live on television. In addition to comforting the traumatized US populace and...
  10. WI: Nuclear Iran Post-OIF

    According to the Wikipedia article 'Nuclear program of Iran': "In 2007, the United States National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) stated that Iran halted an alleged active nuclear weapons program in fall 2003. In November 2011, the IAEA reported credible evidence that Iran had been conducting...
  11. Oppo

    WI: Clinton Assassinated By Ramzi Yousef

    What if he continues his plan and succeeds in killing President Clinton? How will Gore do as president? How will Gingrich and the Republicans react? How would an earlier "War on Terror" go? How would this impact the Bojinka plot?
  12. An Open Field: 2000 & Beyond Without W

    The PoD is that 1990 Texas gubernatorial Republicans candidate Clayton Williams does not joke about rape and shakes Ann Richards's hand in the debate, enabling him to pull off a narrow victory. -------------------------------------------- "Claytie started out way ahead. He outspent his...
  13. WI: 2010 Times Square bomb plot is successful?

    In 2010, an attempt to bomb Times Square was foiled when the bombs failed to detonate. If the attack was traced back to Pakistan, then-Secretary Clinton warned of possible "consequences" to a successful attack. What would these "consequences" look like if indeed, the bombs had gone off and was...
  14. Gore in 2000: A Wikibox TL

    This is my first thread. If you've got questions, comments, or concerns, shoot! Vice-President Al Gore was the front runner for the Democratic primaries of 2000, and he unsurprisingly won every single contest. The Republican primaries also were over fairly quickly. Following a landslide McCain...
  15. What if George W Bush picked John Danforth, not Dick Cheney, as his Vice-President?

    John Danforth, former Missouri Senator, was reportedly recommended by Dick Cheney and the VP search committee to Bush to be his running mate. Bush however wanted Cheney and Cheney accepted, resulting in the end in the Bush/Cheney administration. What if Bush had picked Danforth instead? Danforth...
  16. AHC/WI: WW2-like War on Terror; effects on American domestic front.

    What would it take for the United States to enter this WW2-like total war after 9/11? I'll propose a few possibilities: -- Less disastrous Vietnam, less successful Gulf War. This military history no doubt convinced Bush's defense crew that keeping the public distracted from daily military...
  17. President Trump - 2001

    What if Donald Trump in 1999 decided to run for the Republican nomination instead of the Reform Party? And of course secured the nomination and won the election because, you know, well, he is Trump. What's next?
  18. WI: Hezbollah Singapore Plot Successful

    The US and Hezbollah have a history of antagonism. Hezbollah has committed or had ties to at least three attacks against US interests: US Embassy Bombing, Beirut, 1983 Khobar Towers Bombing, Saudi Arabia, 1996 Beirut Barracks Bombing, 1983 In 1995, Hezbollah began preparing for an attack on...
  19. Utahwriter15

    AHC/WI: US invaded Iran in 2003, instead of Iraq

    what would have happened if the United States and its allies had invaded Iran in 2003, instead of invading Iraq, and how would you make it happen?
  20. WI: Iran intervenes in the WoT

    Greetings! IOTL, Iran's aid to the Iraqi insurgents and Taliban has been limited. In Iraq, Iranian aid is linked to approximately 500 US deaths, out of over 4,000. But what if, for one reason or another, Iran decided to give massive support to the oppositoion in Iraq and Afghanistan, including...