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2051: The Turan Federation forms out of the Central Asian states, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

China occupies several regions of Western Papua.

South Iraq buys the DMZ and renewed independence for Basra from Kurdistan and Iran.

Designer clone children are getting normal in East Asia, Russia and some Eastern European countries are also relaxing regulations.

2052: Jordania annexes the western Iraqi oil fields leaving North Iraq crippled.

Austria joins Inner Europe. Macedonia is admitted into the EU.

Olympics in Samarkand.

2053: Israel and Palestine form a binational, secular state.

Catalonia gains independence.

2054: Various neurological breakthoughs. Brain augmentations get common as do Computer/brain interfaces. Several coprorate sponsored scientists state that it could be possible to simulate an entire human mind when the progress in DNA computing continues.


2056: So called “Trade wars” between Indonesia, several Ex-Indonesian splinter states full of American mercenaries and privateers, Chinese, Papuan New-Guinean and Papuan forces.

2057: The “NeoOrisha-Movement”(new name needed) in western Africa gains pace and is the fastest growing new religion worldwide. It combines African tradition, Africanamerican voodoo and high technology. Its worldly arm is a growing international guerilla force called African Liberation Army, highly involved in the smuggle of drugs, medicine, software and weapons.

Independence of the South Sahara Republic and the Dominion of Tarfaya which manages the bordering security zone together with Morrocco.

2058: Balochistan rebels declare secession from Pakistan.

Ukraine is admitted into the EU.

Israel/Palestine, Jordan and Greece form the “Mediterranean Defense League”

Olympics in Havanna.

2059: Beginning of the third world war between USA,EU the Central African Pact, several other states on one side and China, Russia, the South American Solidarity Pact, the East African Federation and several other states on the other one over the

Saudi Arabia, the Mediterranean Defense League and Australia stay neutral, and Iran, South Iraq, Basra Free State, Oman, Kuwait and the Emirates form the Gulf alliance, committed to neutrality to either war party too.

Socialist insurgency in Colombia sponsored by Venezuela and Ecuador.

2060: The worlds population reaches 9,1 billion.

US troops march invade Venezuela and try to secure Colombia.

timelines/smpart5.1223056342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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