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End of Dystopia Map Game


What would happen to the world of 1984 if it were allowed to play out? This map game explores the possibilities of a world under the shadow of Big Brother and the critical paths that follow.


(Last updated from 2089; this map is still largely accurate)

North America:

North America (Military Junta)–reasonably competent government has held the country together and expanded on human rights, although North America's war against its southern neighbor is not forgotten.

Transamerica (Neo-Imperialist)–Perhaps too willing to demand “historical borders”, Transamerica is a mixed nation of Nordimexicanos, Dixielanders, Cubans and Yankee cultures, and generally dedicated to internal improvements while studiously observing the world for political gain.

1. New Mexico (Socialist)–beaten in repeated wars, New Mexico may well be better governed than other neighbors in its area.

42. Foodmake Eleven (Neo-Threeist)–this hermit country has remained controlled by Threeist agents, bolstered by their secession from New Mexico and the warmongering Transamerica Superpower.

36. Salvador (Three Sisters Ecclestia)–Salvador is the heart of the Three Sisters faith and its government is essentially dedicated followers of its pro-agarian and ecoharmonist beliefs.

37. Banana (Capitalist Troika)–named after the crops that provide a solid revenue stream, Banana is a leading exporter of Coca, Fruits and lumber. The un-elected government has dedicated itself to a free market with strong civic controls.

South America:

2. Bogota Federation (Democratic)–One of the last vestiges of Threeism on Earth, Bogota has quietly dedicated itself to internal reform, making it one of the best nations on Earth.

Amazonia (Traditionalist)–Amazonia is mostly inhabited by natives and tribals, although some Threeist era infrastructure does exist. These tribal elders wield great power over the government, which is dedicated to a pre-Threeist form of government.

United Bolivarian States (Limited Democratic)–The UBS struggles with its Threeist past and its strong Ingsoc Christian community. Radicals are generally marginalized, but this has a strong cost from the rest of the country.

Rio (Anarchist)–The opposite of Threeism is Egotism, or so the anti-governmental fanatics that attempt to run the state on levels that can barely survive. Rio is run by idealists who see a world without government as the best vision for the future, but Rio fails to provide basic services to its people; Rio is a great place to vacation but a terrible place to live, and is generally run by gangsters, ideologues, or anyone with a hundred guns.

De La Plata (Democratic)–Similar to the Bogota Federation, De La Plata has quitely strived to improve its position; its internal efforts have made it a point of light in a world generally dominated by strongmen regimes.

38. Airstrip 24 (Militarist)–with a population under 10,000, Airstrip 24 has not even bothered changing its name and is simply too small to play any meaningful role in the world. Ruled by a Post-Threeist Warlord in exile, Airstrip 24 has little meaningful contact with the world.


33. Nova Britianna (Nationalist)–One can not forget that Ingsoc's ideological home was in the land once known as Airstrip One. The Battle of Cable Street and the rise of the Ingsoc movement–and the Oceanian Superpower–ties deeply into the dark face of Britiannian culture. Threeism might be discredited on the grounds of its abuses towards the world, but that hardly means that Britianna views itself as weaker than anyone, and the new government is quiet on the world stage but militant in its view that the future belongs to the Britiannic people.

34. Scandi (Authoritarian Monarchist)–King Erik VII is the grandson of the monarchy's reestablishment and a moderate in terms of power. To be sure, Erik VII is not a cold blooded monster, but by the same token, his late father's declaration that “God had given the House of Thurgulson a Divine Right to Rule” is state policy. Scandi has little interest beyond its borders.

35. Union of Madrid (Socialist)–Madrid's governments have flipped ideology and policy for decades, and have had little overall direction. Governments have never had the luxury of strong control and Madrid is probably close to emerging as a democratic nation instead of going through regimes like a deck of cards. The current socialist junta has been in power nine months and is unlikely to survive another nine.

32. Charlemagnist France (Imperialist)–France's proud history is attempting to repeat itself. The Proud city of Marseille, the largest in France, aspires to lead the great power in Europe–which explains the feuding and attempts to expand into the Union of Madrid. Expansionist leaders believe that Spain is ripe for the picking, and perhaps they are right.

31. Saxony-Bavaria (Limited Democratic): Saxony-Bavaria were the only two states to survive the atrocities of the Millenial War and the Great Dying of 2025; this nation of twenty million has struggled for decades to rebuild from these disasters and despite decades of efforts the work is only halfway completed. Too weak to resist its neighbors, Saxony-Bavaria is forced to rely on bribes and bargains to avoid French designs on its territory.

41. Roman Empire (Imperialist): Rome has played a huge role in empire building in the Post Threeist Era, expanding and contracting throughout the Balkans. The Romans have only one strong neighbor, France, and the Middle East may be a tempting target for expansion.

42. Zagreb (Military Junta): A Tribute State for Rome, Zagreb is forced to kowtow to its neighbor. The threat of endless partisan activity is the only thing that stops another annexation.

43. Lower Slavia (Capitalist Junta): Another Tribute State of Rome, Lower Slavia struggles to avoid annexation through economic support from faraway nations. Hopefully, this investment abroad can prevent another war.

30. Transylvania-Wallachia (Limited Democratic): TW has played little role in foreign affairs, other than to back Slavia and Zagreb, and focuses on internal improvements.

29. Dnieper States (Warlords): Not even a formal country, the Dnieper States merely pretend to be a unified country. The Kiev-based Phoenix Alliance rules the nation as it can, but this “country” is overrun with crooks and criminals.

28. Petrolia (Captialist Junta): Named after the Black Gold that rules its country, Petrolia is rolling in oil wealth and perhaps the richest nation in Europe. Its government's general peacefulness and civility furthers its economic prosperity.

Russian State (Warlords): The Land of Ghosts is barely a country at all. Lands that once saw the glory of the Eurasian Capitol have been reduced to rubble and ashes. Despite the intensity of the attacks, there were survivors–some even survived the terrible famines and radiation sickness that followed. The Russian State survives as an entity because it has the ability to launch nuclear weapons. Otherwise, it is quite possible to travel dozens of miles and not see another person. Led by its largest city, Omsk, Russia is a nation who's geography is its only claim to fame.


Pretoria (Limited Democratic): Most of Africa has played little role in history, and Pretoria has been left well enough alone. Pretoria generally supports economic co-operation with its neighbors, but does not adventure abroad.

10. Southwest Africa (Imperialist): A Racist dictatorship, Southwest Africa oppresses African Majorities with its small White ruling clique.

11. Zimbabwe (Traditionalist): European Civilization has brought few advantages to Africa and several nuclear weapons. Zimbabwe seeks a return to a Pre-European order, of a glorified Zulu Culture.

Madagasy State (Mafia Junta): Madagasy is a nation run by organized crime. In a world where the crime fighters are seen as monsters, the criminals can claim some degree of public sympathy. The South Coast Syndicate, while interested in profits, fundamentally understands the mechanics of government and is all too willing to bribe its people to get them to ignore the staggering corruption.

9. Kangro (Voodoo Theocratic): Kangro is dedicated to the traditional worship of Voodoo–Animal Sacrifices, belief in spiritualism, and the concept of justified revenge. In a world where the worst specimens known to man are legion, Kangro's Revengers occasionally appear to take justice into their own hands.

12. Pan-Africa (Democratic): One of the major industrial powers in Africa, Pan-Africa has solved the ancient problems of nationalism by allowing nations to seceede. Pan-Africa is a major economic power and this is the nature of most of its relationships with the world.

13. Resource 28 (Neo-Threeist): Another pocket of Threeist ideology, Resource 28's total control of its people stems from its relationship with Oceanian War Criminals; Resource 28 was one of many places where the Threeists fled after the destruction of FoodMake 2.

14. Rwanda (Democratic): This minor country has seceeded from Pan-Africa and is essentially unnoticed globally.

Gold Coast (Capitalist Junta): Oil and Diamonds are powerful exports, and Gold Coast is wealthy from such. Gold Coast's living conditions are very poor, and the division of wealth is very unequal, but for a people used to living under threeist terror, this is accepted with propaganda asserting that the government's salvation from a Threeist Nightmare is the best good deed of all.

7. Sahelia (Voodoo Theocratic): Sahelia lacks the infrastructure to be much more than a handful of native villages. It's largest city, Monrovia, was destroyed in a nuclear strike in the Millenial area, and thus the nation is essentially devoid of heavy industry.

3. Mali (Radical Socialist): Mali is a hotbed of radicalism; the current brand of Malian Socialism draws upon Eurasian Propaganda–particularly effective as the nation was primarily subjected to Oceanian Control. Mali is flirting with Threeist thought and efforts.

4. Timbuktu (Traditionalist): Having little resources or infrastructure, Timbuktu leans to a pre-European way of life.

Berberia (Limited Democratic): The Dominant people of the Atlas Mountain Range and others, Berberia and its great city of Casablanca is emerging as a major financial center and industrial powerhouse. Berberian ships make up 10% of the world's merchantmen, and Berberia is a regional power with few strong rivals.

Sahara (Traditionalist): Devoid of any arable land or resources, Sahara is little more than a proxy duel by its neighbors–who don't want to own it and want to ensure no one else does, either.

15. Tripolitania (Militarist): Run by its armed forces for three decades, Tripolitania can still boast of strong economic gains through trade and commerce. Democratic reforms are possible.

5. Darfur (Socialist): An avowed Anti-Arab State, Darfur's “State Socialism” has produced positive results, but its human rights are questionable and questions of Threeist ties continue.

16. Egypt (Monarchist): Emperor Anwar II, or the “Pharoh” as he styles himself, runs an interesting mix of retrospective and futurist ideas for the state–all the better to avoid the terrible pollution of the present. While the Nile Valley continues to produce huge amounts of foodstuffs, Egypt's far flung and wasteful ideas have yet to create an economic silver bullet.

Middle East:

27. Asmoday (Anti-Christian Fundamentalist): Homeland of the Anti-Christian movement, Asmoday has proved that religion is strong enough to convert an invading army. While Ingsoc Christianity has proven to be an easy enemy to overcome, the Irish Christians and the alleged Muslims (They claim the Qu'ran is Eurasian Propaganda) are far harder to fight, and the Anti-Christians prepare to fight a war to destroy God and his Threeist Aims now and forever.

17. Hedjaz Caliphate (Totalitarian): A Caliphate that, at least on paper, is dedicated to the practice of “Marxist Utopianism”. This sinister religion provides justifications for horrendous abuses of human dignity. And while the government has moved away from offical worship of this faith, these abuses continue.

39. Oman (Warlords): Oman is dominated by Pirate Activity; no strong government exists.

18. Persia (Islam Theocratic): Dedicated to the Muslim Faith, Persia attempts act on its Muslim beliefs, even though huge questions exist over the meaning and intent of the document, as well as its veracity. Ruling from Mecca, Persia strenously opposes the efforts of Asmoday and their anti-god efforts.

40. Uzbek (Limited Democracy): Dominated by Russian Refugees, Uzbek is a multicultural nation and the last great gathering of the Russian people. Oil Wealth makes it noteworthy.

19. Pashto (Traditionalist): Pashto was a backwater even in the days of the Threeists. Given a way out of Threeist control, tribal elders run the country.

20. Baluchi (Nationalist): The Baluchi have sweeping claims to all of South Asia, which they see as rightfully theirs. However, Baluchi is poor, has a weak economy and little more than its own pretentions to call itself a power.

South Asia:

21. Delhi (Socialist): A large power, Delhi skirmishes with Baluchi over claims to border regions. Delhi is at least three times the strength of Baluchi, but the complications of nuclear war give such an effort pause. Delhi enjoys decent human rights and economic growth.

Hindi-Rajahstan; Formally: the Confederation of Independent States; (Democratic): Hindi-Rajahstan survived the Millenial War and the Great Dying, well able to claim a privledged place in history as the first surviving nation to oppose Threeism. Hindi-Rajahstan is a regional power and a leader of Democratic ideas.

22. Calcutta (Limited Democratic): Calcutta's developments after the Great Dying led it back to a traditionalist route, but recent events have spurred a democratic movement. In particular, HR merchants were attempting to reopen markets in the country and instill some basic human rights. Calcutta follows HR's lead in many issues.

Pacific Rim:

23. Chinditist Burma (Nationalist): Burma's enemy–for occupying territory that is rightfully Burman–is the Superpower PCF. Burma can only stockpile nuclear weapons and hope to catch the PCF napping…

24. Siam-Malaya Union (Socialist): This moderately wealthy but introverted power plays little role in global politics.

Pacific Coast Federation (Imperialist): A rapidly expanding nation, the PCF is a Chinese Nation based in what used to be known as Japan (but Japan got wiped out). The PCF is a Global Superpower, rivaling Transamerica, and to a lesser degree, Hindi-Rajahstan, Berberia, and New Rome. But the PCF is more concerned about external growth then internal concerns, leading some to speculate that it is a short lived superstate.

25. Geoffrysland (Neo-Threeist): Another respite for Threeists, Geoffrysland has a large Eastasian population. Like Other Neo-Threeist States, they are careful to avoid drawing a harsh response from the Rest of the World.

Australia. (Nationalist): The Land down under has fallen under the banner of the Boomers, which has begun a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Native Aboroginals out of a sense of frustration with poor economic conditions. Like Geofftysland, Australia has a large Threeist population.

Zealand Republic (Limited Democracy): Zealand was spared the disasters of the Millenial War and the Great Dying, and so has a very powerful economic and military power for its size; it is indeed roughly equal to Australia in a match up

shared_worlds/end_of_dystopia_map_game.1245291963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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