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The year 2011, still ongoing at time of writing, has been dubbed 'the Year of the ASB' on for a collection of unlikely events that would have been greeted with derisive laughter if they had been suggested six months before. These include:

  • The Arab Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt etc and NATO intervention in Libya, all triggered by one man upset because he wasn't allowed to sell fruit.
  • Americans actually getting out and protesting for workers' rights in Wisconsin.
  • Osama Bin Laden successfully killed by Americans. Republicans praise Barack Obama.
  • The Canadian election led to the NDP overtaking the Liberals to become the Official Opposition and the Bloc Quebecois was almost destroyed.
  • Spontaneous youth riots across England for basically no reason.

It seems likely that more will be added as the year goes on.

offtopic/2011.1315774448.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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