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Gaius Julius Magnus

Board member who joined in February 2012

A damnyankee hailing from Massachusetts and proud of it. Has a mostly, but not entirely, unwarranted huge amount of pride in his state's history and accomplishments. As a result isn't fond of when his state gets used as a negative political epithet by Republican/Conservative politicians. Comments and gives his thoughts on a lot of threads relating to the U.S. Presidents and other U.S. political history subjects. Has an obvious interest for Roman History going by his name.

Political Affiliations: Liberal on domestic issues but supports a realpolitik foreign policy. Supports constitutional amendments extending the 22nd amendment to Senators and House Reps, abolishing the electoral college, 10-Year terms with possible renewal for Supreme Court Justices, and elections finnaced primarily through a limited supply of tax-payer money

Religious Affiliations: Catholicism

Works(all dormant):

Worldwar:New Engagement- The Race from Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series invades the world of the other famous Harry Turtledove book series, Southern Victory, aka Timeline 191.

A Great War for Antiquity - Hannibal wins the Second Punic War for Carthage and thus prevents Rome from, for now at least, going on dominate Antiquity.

The Imperial President: Life of a fictional person known as Richard “Dick” Web's ascension to the U.S. Presidency in the early twentieth century and it's transformation into a dictatorship.

offtopic/gaius_julius_magnus.1417012694.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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