Table of Contents

Lands of Red and Gold : Religions

This page serves as an overview of alternate Australian native religions and other alternate religions appearing in the Lands of Red and Gold timeline. The list is arranged alphabetically. Don't read it if you haven't read the timeline yet and you're worried about possible spoilers.

NOTE: This is a work in progress, so be patient. Remember, you can always speed up the process by volunteering in the timeline's main thread.

Gunnagalic religions

The Evertime - The ancestral religion of most early Australian cultures, particularly of the Gunnagal civilization and its offshoots and successors. It is an evolution of prehistoric religious faiths of an animistic or totemistic nature and of their concept of “The Dreaming” or “Dreamtime”, found throughout many Australian native cultures in OTL.

Atjuntja religions

The Atjuntja religion is based on a dualism between positive principles, embodied by the Lady, and negative principles, embodied by the Lord. Most prominently from their neighbours point of view, the Atjuntja believe that the Lord needs to be appeased by sacrifice – to the pain or to the death – to avert even greater suffering. This principal duo of deities forms part of the state religion of the Atjuntjan Empire.


Pliri (The Sevenfold Path) - Australia's first evangelically-inclined universalist religion. Some cultures have adopted it on the level of state religion, e.g. the Nangu of OTL Kangaroo Island.

Plirism in and off itself has no strict creation story / automatic requirement for deities. It does incorporate reincarnation as an essential part of its belief structure, but that in itself does not clash with science. Reincarnation is just viewed as an “untestable” part of the world.

That said, most schools of Plirism have picked up a lot of the same shared conceptual universe as traditional “Gunnagalic” religions - a bit like how the religions which originated in India share a lot of concepts in common even if they interpret them differently. Some of these have “creation stories” about particular aspects of the world. But these are still more easily reinterpreted to fit with scientific discoveries than, say, the idea of one universal creaiton.

Plirism has some interpretation of particular natural phenomena as aspects of deities (lightning being created by a particular deity, for instance), but this is of a form which can be easily reinterpreted as “metaphorical” or “symbolic”. Plirism has always had a clear message that no-one is all-powerful or all-knowing, not even deities, so they can work around stories of deities.

In outdoor appearance, Plirists don't have a distinctive idea of religious buildings as being constructed differently from other large buildings. What they do is decorate them differently. One of the most notable ways is how they construct windows: they build the windows to be in the shape of a “half-moon” (with the straight line being vertical); no other buildings have those windows as a general style. (Individual shrine rooms in buildings might, but not the whole building). Another is chimes, which are hung around most religious buildings (and some non-religious buildings), and built so that the sounds they make are irregular.

In terms of personal symbolism, they also often wear necklaces in a half-moon shape (straight line being horizontal, in this case), a symbolic representation of the Endless Spiral, or that of various deities, such as the Rainbow Serpent, the Fire Brothers, or the Green Lady.

See Also

Chapters (Lands of Red and Gold)

Domesticated Crops and Animals (Lands of Red and Gold)

Maps (Lands of Red and Gold)

Nations (Lands of Red and Gold)

Dramatis Personae (Lands of Red and Gold)

Glossary (Lands of Red and Gold)

Artworks and illustrations (Lands of Red and Gold)

Lands of Red and Gold