Century Hawk

An important ship in AH.com Wars, a parody of Star Wars' Millennium Falcon.

The Century Hawk is described as being a Sudanases light freighter (Sudan being the equivalent of Corellia) and is commanded by Captain Floid Lonely and his first mate, Chewy.

The Century Hawk featured in Episodes 4, 5 and 6. In Episode 4 it was mentioned as having 'Red Bull Wings' that could deploy for a speed boost by pouring cans of Red Bull into the engines, but this was abandoned after Thande realised that none of the non-Britons, not having seen the original adverts, got the joke.

All the technobabble referring to the Century Hawk's malfunctioning hyperlink drive is modified chemistry jargon (orbital hybridiser, etc.)

Starships and Technologies of AH.com Wars