You are now Theologists -Describe an alternate religion

Back in the old days, a wise man in the peripheries of Mesoamerica claimed to be the son of Quetzalcoatl returned.
No longer was there to be human sacrifice practiced in temples: rather he favoured sacrifice of livestock and fasting.
The Old Gods were degradated to angelic beings, as spirits, subordinate to Quetzalcoatl . This new religion would thus bring a message of peace and stability to the strife-driven environment


Bumping so as not to let the thread die

Someone in the 1960s decides to create a religion that intentionally mocks religion. As such, they take historical anti-Messalian propaganda and recreate it, resulting in incestual gay orgies, the children born of which have their souls "eaten by Lykopetros."
Socialist Transxenoism

In the year 2001, a young woman named Gina Geller had a vision, in which a golden-haired man claimed to be an alien from the planet Sortol. He told her that 9/11 was orchestrated by the evil Hypernians, a group of rock people who sought to destabilize the Earthlings before they could be brought to socialism by the Sortolian Red Fleet. He told her that the materialism of the Communists had proven incompetent, that true socialism could only come from utopian ideals and the spiritual power of the White Warp.

The White Warp, she was told, was the energy network which powered all spacecraft and space stations. Humanity needed to access the White Warp. Socialist revolution within the confines of humanity would inevitably fail, as would even the most enlightened anarchists.

Two factors must be overcome - the human nature and human alienation from the White Warp.

As such, all problems stemming from the human nature (capitalism, hierarchy, racism, sexism, etc.) must be destroyed through the process of transxenoism - the surgical modification of people into inhuman life.

Finally, then, we will be worthy of the Sortolian's attention, and we will use the White Warp to create space anarchism.

White Witches, the priests of Socialist Transxenoism, are not paid and have no explicit spiritual authority. Transxenoists listen to their thoughts about the White Warp, but Transxenoists can discard or accept them as they see suitable. White Witches are treated as people understanding the spiritual way of things, not as infallible figures.

No evidence of any of the claims in Geller's writings have ever come to light.

Libertarian Transxenoism

In 2004, Leslie Cooke of Tucson, AZ 'was given' a holographic alien artifact from Gina Geller. Cooke is only have known to have known Geller as an acquaintance. She claimed that the artifact (shaped like a twelve-sided die and able to project advanced blue light holograms) was real, but simply not safe to show to other people for fear that it would spread the mysteries of the cosmos to people not ready for it. Cooke claimed that the artifact (known as the Goldsteel Prism) gave her unusual and mysterious supernatural powers.

'Reading the logs' of the Prism, Leslie Cooke came to the conclusion that the Hypernians were actually doing the right thing in trying to defeat the Sortolians and their communist dystopia. In fact, Cooke claimed, Geller's transmissions from the Sortolians were in fact propaganda and not to be trusted. Socialism (from Proudhon to Marx to Mao) was in fact a vile lie meant to stifle the creative potential of the human species.

Cooke claimed that Ayn Rand was a former agent of the Hypernians on Earth, and that she was attempting to spread the one true moral system on Earth through her writing.

Transxenoism, then, was reinvented to be an individual goal. The idea was less to encourage humanity to upgrade itself as a group and more an encouragement for humans to express themselves and become Ubermenschen as their own wishes and aspirations dictated.

Libertarian Transxenoists are one of the more popular splinters of the Socialist Transxenoists, with the latter group forming 'circles' of devoted and obsessed followers in their notorious suburban compounds.

Meanwhile, Libertarian Transxenoism has largely become centered around Leslie Cooke, the now-middle-aged woman claiming to have access to the technology of the Hypernians and thus able to do things like predict the future and grant her followers wealth and success. Davis Toomes, a 'friend' of Cooke, is known to have used a circle of Leslie Cooke's followers in a pump-and-dump stock trading scam, along with insider trading. It is unknown whether Leslie Cooke profited from either enterprise.

As of the moment, Leslie Cooke has written seven books about celestial magic and individualist self-mastery, which are carried and followed like the Bible for her followers. The Libertarian Transxenoists do not believe that the Hypernians are somehow worthy of worship, but they believe the Hypernians show a natural skill and creative power, and thus respect them and wish to learn their mystically advanced technology.
What if monotheism develops in Mesopotamia instead of the Levant?
The name of the highest diety would be Aššur, not Yahweh. The holy place would also not be jerusalem, but perhaps some oldest Sumerian city, perhaps Ur. While the notion of afterlife was alien to Mesopotoamian thought, flled merely with a greyish šeol , you could still get Zoroastrian influences of a dualistic mentality, with free will to do good and evil. With Zoroastrianism likely established already in Persia, this faith may spread up the Euphrates into Armenia and Anatolia, perhaps Syria as well, and through the Gulf into North Arabia.