Worst air force in all of human history

I think the intent of the OP is also to focus on airforces that have been around for a while, consist of more than a few obsolete fighters, and that have actually been involved in a real war or wars against other air forces. Real Air forces with a significant history, in other words.

I tend to think that Iraq comes close. Incompentent and easy fodder for the British in 1941, incapable of stopping an Israeli strike on its nuclear reserach facilities, a non-factor in the Iran-Iraq war (unless one wants to count the presumably accidental attack on an American warship as a sucessfuly military action), an embarrasment to modern Soviet technology and training in Desert Storm, and an even worse no-show in the second US war. Is there any airforce that acheived less for the money spent on its development?
Icelandic Air Defense System. Consists of four radar stations and no planes.

Iceland never had an air force, so it should not be included in this discussion.

As for planes, Iceland operates some maritime patrolers and helicopters as part of the air wing of its coast guard. They're not bad at all, just not armed. Given that the coast guard and the special police forces are the closest you're going to get to a standing army in Iceland, it's rather decent.

If you want an Icelandic Air Force, go see my TL (currently in development).