WI WW2 started with German/USSR Alliance vs France/UK?


You completely fail to understand the British mentality of the period. maybe its a German thing, Hitler did't do too well at it either..!!!:p

I think not, since I'm not German whatsoever. I don't even speak German. I regard myself as a proud citizen of the aborning European Federation, but concerning my official nationality, three guesses, given my favorite wanks :p

Second, the British are rather used to losing land battles. Being surrounded by a rather big moat, pwnd by a rather large navy, it doesn't really worry them that much. Britsh armies go overseas, win some, lose some, and come back. They assume they will win in the end, and history rather shows them to be correct.

Third, when something does happen that threatens them (as in after Dunkirk), the reaction isnt to despair or sue for peace, its to get even more determined to fight.

Perhaps, but they cannot win in the end in any TL, with every enemy, in any circumstances, and neither they can go on forever with an overseas war they are not winning (ARW, anyone ?). Again, this is not specifically referred to WWII. It crops up just as easily when discussing Napoleonic Wars, or WWI, or the third Anglo-American War. Typically with the assumption, in a non-OTL lineup, that the RN can scare anyone into submission with a little blockade and a few coastal raids.
I Blame Communism said:
It's splitting hairs to observe that the Nazis carted people into death-camps and the USSR, with a few small exceptions (the fate of German PoWs was not nice, although it was a much better deal than what the Soviet PoWs got), did not? It seems to be a fairly significant distinction.
It is splitting hairs because the end result was the same. The only differnce was the NAZIs wanted you dead just because and the Soviets just wanted you out of the way.

The evidence being? Obviously the Soviets fought agressive wars in Finland and Poland, but then, Iraq only provoked Britain by attempting to control its own oil (in 1941, that is to say). The Soviet regime was basically "ordinary evil" whereas the Nazis were unprecedented, and one difference was that the Nazi state needed war.
Look you said the Soviets wouldn't invade unless provoked.You now have redefined the term to mean any excuse so my point is made. If they have the chance they will do it as evident in just about every thing the Soviets did. It wasn't like Afganistan was a dangerous threat to the Soviets when they invaded.

And speaking of Warpac, obviously they ended up keeping it on a tight leash but they blundered into CZS without being sure why, presented the Stalin Note, and never did anything about Romania, and they couldn't exactly help it if the Bulgarian regime was chronically sycophantic. Nowhere did they try and enslave or exterminate a nation.
The point being that the warsaw pact was largely subserviant to the USSR, as evident that when they had a free say they all disbanded from the union, and if given the chance they would have gladly done that to the world.

In the areas occupied by Germany in the east, everything broke down. Food was confiscated, knocking the basis out of the economy. Killing became the main employer, people went into partisans or Schuma or partisans pretending to be Schuma or Schuma pretending to be partisans or became honest bandits and started slaughtering eachother to stay alive, while the Germans did nothing bu keep demanding suitable outputs of food and Slavic corpses.
I never claimed what the German's did was nice. I simply do not see the differnce from living under the heel of a tyrant in constant fear, brutalized, tormented and being worked to death or being gassed.

I'm not seeing anything good, I'm seeing something terrible but a lot better. Funny old language, English
Debateable and of such a tiny degree while being so far off the chart as to immaterial. You are splitting hairs to saw the Soviets, while bad, were not that bad but the NAZI's they had to put down at all costs.

Let's look at the facts. The Nazis killed every fourth Belarusian in about four years, and planned to kill or enslave all the rest. Did the Soviets ever do anything remotely comparable?
The Soviets killed 5 million int he planned famine of 1921-1923 and seven million int he planned famine of 1932-1933. That is comparable to what the NAZI's killed ina comparable amount of time, 20 million total victims if I recall correctly divide by four years.

Obviously Nazi ideology was full of raciall-motivated genocide, but your arguments all seem to say that Soviet ideology sanctioned some other form of genocide that was nearly as bad. What was it, then?
I didn't claim they did genocide. I claimed they killed people, a lot of people which they did. I don't see why genocide matters. You are dead if a mugger shoots you for your wallet or because of your race. If you are saying because the NAZI's killed based upon "genetics" and that is what makes them "superevil" I'm laughing.

This oversimplification is tremendous. States are not people. For a state to be "put to death" involves killing thousands of innocents. It is an absolute last resort.
You side stepped the point. You are arguing a killer of eight men is less evil than a killer of ten. I however say both are killers and both must be kept from hurting society. By any means needed.

What would you have proposed? Downfall? We offered the east Marshall Aid, which was absolutely the best plan, and it's another score against the Soviets that they cynically refused
There are sixty millions lives, give or take, that wouldn't have died because of Comunists in Korea, Vietnam, the Soviet Union etc if we had done that. We had the bomb, we had the bomber, we had the men and the Soviets were on the ropes. We should have removed the taint instead of offering them Marshal aid to score poltical brownie points.

Anyway, the objective reality is that the Nazis killed far more people when we consider the time they had to do it, were far more ideologically driven, were far more murderous by nature, destroyed civilisation across large tracts of the Earth, and absolutely needed to be destroyed, for all that it cost us and Germany and for all I wish it had been earlier and cleaner, or that there had been no Nazi regime.
It is debateable if they killed more in the time they had, nor were they more driven than Soviets. Their ideology simply drove them to kill more. As I said the NAZI's were making room for the master race, the Soviets were working you to death. The Soviets as well destroyed large tracts of land and absolutetly needed to be removed from the Earth. There is no moral measure that the NAZI's are head and shoulders above the Soviets.
It is splitting hairs because the end result was the same. The only differnce was the NAZIs wanted you dead just because and the Soviets just wanted you out of the way.
Someone wants you dead due to your race/nationality/ethnicity/political views etc.

Another person wants to send you to a camp in horrid conditions due to your political views. You think that is splitting hairs because you are out of the dictators way?
Mr.Nobody said:
The point being that the warsaw pact was largely subserviant to the USSR, as evident that when they had a free say they all disbanded from the union, and if given the chance they would have gladly done that to the world.
I never claimed what the German's did was nice. I simply do not see the differnce from living under the heel of a tyrant in constant fear, brutalized, tormented and being worked to death or being gassed.
I hope you don't mind me linking these two quotes, but I feel I can answer both at the same time.

The Soviets may have been nasty, but they were not on a par with the Nazis when it came to suppression. Under the Soviets, at least the ancient states of Europe continued to exist. Under the Nazis, they would be eventually be wiped out.

Look at Generalplan Ost if you disbelieve me. Reading a bio of someone in Warsaw of the Cold War period shows some good points. Under the Nazis, that bio would have not existed. I would recommend Exit into History by Eva Hoffman if you want a view of life just after the Iron Curtain collapsed.
There are sixty millions lives, give or take, that wouldn't have died because of Comunists in Korea, Vietnam, the Soviet Union etc if we had done that. We had the bomb, we had the bomber, we had the men and the Soviets were on the ropes. We should have removed the taint instead of offering them Marshal aid to score poltical brownie points.
Could you clarify this point please? I would hate to think it was advocating the use of nuclear weapons against a state that is not at war.
It is debateable if they killed more in the time they had, nor were they more driven than Soviets. Their ideology simply drove them to kill more. As I said the NAZI's were making room for the master race, the Soviets were working you to death. The Soviets as well destroyed large tracts of land and absolutetly needed to be removed from the Earth. There is no moral measure that the NAZI's are head and shoulders above the Soviets.
What do you mean "removed from the earth"?

Point to large pogroms after Stalin....

Note I am not stating the Soviets were good guys. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship. All I am saying is that Nazi Germany was a par above that.
A flimsy one, you mean. Both regimes systematically organized the mass murder of millions and run comparable body counts, the Nazis went after scapegoat ethnic groups and killed many more foreigners, the Soviets picked their scapegoats across the populace and killed many more of their own subjects.

Can you actually show me where the figures are remotely comparable? The Soviets imposed a brutal regime on their own people... the Nazis did that and then when out and murdered millions of other people, withj far less time in their favour.

When did the Soviets establish extermination camps? When did the Soviets make the obliteration of arbitrary villages a policy?

Nazi goons gassed and shot their victims, Soviet shot their victims and worked/starved them to death. If you ask me, the difference is politically and morally relevant as to say that one serial killer burns the bodies and another chops them to pieces.

Something that you don't seem to get is that most GULAG inmates survived.

During the time that Stalin was in full charge, which is no much longer than Hitler, its regime was as murderous and destructive as the Nazis.

Unsupported assertion. I have given my evidence.

We cannot say for sure, since they lost the war, if the Nazi regime would have moderated its practices and shifted from killing to exploiting its subject peoples, after Hitler would have died, as the Soviet one did after Stalin.

The Nazis had plenty of lunatic succesors, and were a much more insane regime to start with. Given what they did to Belarus under war conditions in a few short years, well. And also, it would be a step from planning to murder every single Russian to keeping them all in a state of debased and uneducated slavery of the body and mind. Whereas the Soviets went from a brutal police state where you could get a trip to Siberia if you were unlucky to a brutal police state where you generally didn't. Still no comparison.

However, looking at the long term evolution of totalitarian regimes, it is a reasonable assumption that it would have. And in all evidence Hitler did not have many years to live in 1945, his health was plummeting out of an unknown neurological disease (likely syphilis or Parkinson). OTOH, if Stalin had lived a bit longer, he was preparing to unleash a new row of purges that would have rivaled the 1930s ones.

And the 30s purges weren't a genocide by any stretch of the imaginations. For one thing, many of their victims wiped the blood from their faces and went to take command again during the GPW.

There is nothing unprecedented in history about aggressive ruthless militarist imperialism.

What other regime has based its whole state policy on enslaving and destroying other nations, turning a whole country into a massive parasite which will either make Europe a continent of serfs and corpses or burn it in the attempt?

Ukraine begs to differ.

Please, go and have a discussion with a Ukrainian.

Nothing really different than the Holodomor, or War Communism.

The Russian Civil War got bad, but it wasn't state policy. The Bolsheviks were trying to end the destructive chaos as quickly as possible, and willing to be extremely callous in doing so. As to the Holodomor, please, please, speak to a Ukrainian. I doubt anyone except some of Galicia's nastiest will be happy with your distortion of their nation's troubled history in order to help apologise for Hitler, the man who really wanted to kill and enslave the Ukrainian people.

Just like Western Europe under Nazi rule.

It's not like those Slavs matter or anything.

Yep. The Purges and the Holodomor.[/quote

The Purges killed every fourth Soviet and planned to kill all the rest?

News to me.

Indeed. racially-motivated genocide, or politically-motived genocide, does not matter. It's the same whether I am sent to the death camps because of my ancestry or because the local party goon needs to fill his quota of "enemies of the people".

It changes dramatically, however, when I am gassed to death/fulfill my time and am released.

The actual figures for GULAG are going to give you a shock.

1. Offer a humane peace to Germany like Italy and Japan did (1938 ethnic borders, national unity, no Soviet occupation, no destruction of the economy, no collective punishments, eventual recovery of independence), if its kicks out the Nazis and surrenders.

Stalin wanted to make Germany independent and united. Germany's economy was not destroyed. Collective punishment was kept to a practical minimum. And while I'm against collective punishment, the real world is the real world, and I know what I'd have thought as a Czech in 1945. And I can absolutely see why it was necessary to enter Germany and destroy all traces of Nazism. If anything, this wasn;t done thoroughly enough.

I love Germany, and this is why I can see the reality of the Nazi regime and what needed to be done to it.

2. Land in the Balkans.

Never mind the Slavs!

3. Advance as far east as you can.

Seriously, though, never mind the Slavs. Nobody even cares about them...

Plan Morgenthau.

Oh, yeah, the plan that wasn't ever implemented because it was absurd.
There is surrendering and there is accepting an unfavorable compromise peace.

And with Nazism, there is surrendering now and surrendering later. Don't worry! Those vicious racist gangsters will surely stick to this treaty, like they stuck to all the others!

I indict Britwankers (and mind it, this is not especially referred to WWII), among other things, for never conceding their pet nation may lose morale from mounting military defeats and accepting such a peace,

Have you read Fight and be Right?

I love FabR to an indecent degree, and I think the prologue, which I think is plausible and awesomesauce, says everything that needs saying about my opinions here. Sure, we can loose, and physically collapse... in other places, and other times. This is a discussion of WW2 and your ardent believe that the Brits would have curled up crying if we hadn't been saved by Vaterlandsveraeter FDR and the barbarian Slav horde at the last possible second.

All I am saying is that we have no reaosn to seek peace with the Nazis, and we are as a people extremely stubborn.

whileas they generally assume that their enemies are going to do so (if they are not OTL wars, it is assumed that the enemies are spineless whimps that crap in their pants at the first British blockade or coastal raid).

Examples, please?
It is splitting hairs because the end result was the same. The only differnce was the NAZIs wanted you dead just because and the Soviets just wanted you out of the way.

As my compatriot has pointed out, whether I'm dead or not is actually fairly important to me.

Look you said the Soviets wouldn't invade unless provoked.You now have redefined the term to mean any excuse so my point is made. If they have the chance they will do it as evident in just about every thing the Soviets did. It wasn't like Afganistan was a dangerous threat to the Soviets when they invaded.

The terms I originally used was "wars of conquest and the destruction of civilisation". That was to be taken as a unit.

Anyway, Afghanistan was in danger of slipping from the neutrality of Zahir Shah (on whom the Soviets had been mustard-keen) into American influence. Not a justification in moral terms, but this is real life. The west invaded countries on flimsier grounds during the Cold War.

The point being that the warsaw pact was largely subserviant to the USSR, as evident that when they had a free say they all disbanded from the union, and if given the chance they would have gladly done that to the world.

1) Better than Nazis. A lot better than Nazis.

2) What union was that?

3) I repeat: CZS? We have no evidence that Soviets wanted to do anything like that to the world. What about Afghanistan, then? Did it just take them until 1970 to remember it was there?

I never claimed what the German's did was nice. I simply do not see the differnce from living under the heel of a tyrant in constant fear, brutalized, tormented and being worked to death or being gassed.

Compare Belarus, 1941-44 with East Germany, 1945-1948.

Debateable and of such a tiny degree while being so far off the chart as to immaterial. You are splitting hairs to saw the Soviets, while bad, were not that bad but the NAZI's they had to put down at all costs.

Where are your factual refutals?

The Soviets killed 5 million int he planned famine of 1921-1923 and seven million int he planned famine of 1932-1933. That is comparable to what the NAZI's killed ina comparable amount of time, 20 million total victims if I recall correctly divide by four years.

Highly debateable. Famine is a complex issue, whereas burning down villages is not.

I didn't claim they did genocide. I claimed they killed people, a lot of people which they did. I don't see why genocide matters. You are dead if a mugger shoots you for your wallet or because of your race. If you are saying because the NAZI's killed based upon "genetics" and that is what makes them "superevil" I'm laughing.

No, I'm claiming that the ideology of the Nazis made them kill or plan to kill or enslave a heckuvalot more people.

You side stepped the point. You are arguing a killer of eight men is less evil than a killer of ten. I however say both are killers and both must be kept from hurting society. By any means needed.

You advocate Downfall, thus killing thousands of innocents? Or nuclear war?

In order to save those fololish Slavs from themselves, of course.

There are sixty millions lives, give or take, that wouldn't have died because of Comunists in Korea, Vietnam, the Soviet Union etc if we had done that. We had the bomb, we had the bomber, we had the men and the Soviets were on the ropes. We should have removed the taint instead of offering them Marshal aid to score poltical brownie points.

You are a psychopath and I see no reason to continue this debate.

Also, Vietnam would probably have come off a lot better if we hadn't fucked around there.

It is debateable if they killed more in the time they had, nor were they more driven than Soviets. Their ideology simply drove them to kill more. As I said the NAZI's were making room for the master race, the Soviets were working you to death. The Soviets as well destroyed large tracts of land and absolutetly needed to be removed from the Earth. There is no moral measure that the NAZI's are head and shoulders above the Soviets.

I like how your plan to save "large tracts of Earth" is to nuke Russia. Anyway, arguing with someone who advocates the use of nuclear weapons to fulfill political grudges is not worth the trouble.


Have we really to have this kind of conversation ? Comparison of the horrible records of the two most horrible regimes in history is really distastaful, however apology of Leninist-Stalinist regime cannot ever be left standing, and arguing that it was a preferable alternative to Nazism is such, the vicious lie that Communist propaganda has been spreading for decades in order to pick a flimsy justification to their horrible record.

The Soviets imposed a brutal regime on their own people... the Nazis did that and then when out and murdered millions of other people, with far less time in their favour.

The Soviets imposed a brutal regime on their own people that killed millions following lunatic and untenable sociopolitical theories, picking victims among scapegoat social classes, national minorities, everyone that could be remotely suspected of harboring a bad opinion of the regime, and at good amount of random victims picked to terrorize the others into abject obedience. The Nazis pretty much left the bulk of their own people alone, if in a brutal police state, and killed millions following lunatic and untenable racial theories, picking victims among scapegoats minorities and foreign nationalities, part in order to wipe them our for their loony colonization projects, part in order to terrorize the others into abject obedience. The amount of victims that were systematically killed during the rule of Hitler and Stalin is wholly comparable, and the span of time they were allowed to rampage is comparable, too. To this we must add the victims of Red Terror under Lenin, on one hand, and the victims of Nazi war crimes, on the other.

When did the Soviets establish extermination camps?

They did, they just chose the slower method of working the inmates to death (to exploit them to the fullest) instead of gassing them. That's why more survived.

When did the Soviets make the obliteration of arbitrary villages a policy?

Ask the kulaks.

Something that you don't seem to get is that most GULAG inmates survived.

Many Soviet statistics are tainted by the decades-long Communist effort to tribute a very large part of the body count for Leninist-Stalinist atrocities to the Nazi invasion, both as mass atrocities and as war casualties. While no doubt the genuine body count of Nazi atrocites in Russia was huge, both as war crimes and purposeful mass murder (mostly aimed on the Jews, however) go, if the statistics of the Soviets were genuine, the Nazi soldiers would have been invincible war gods killing enemy peasants and soldiers 24/7. Giving the blame for Katyn to the Nazis was not an isolated occurence. One has to keep this in mind when claims about "fourth Belarusian" and such are uttered. Hitler killed a lot of Belarusians, but so did Stalin. The unfortunate Soviet peoples had the terrible lose-lose choice of being trapped in between.

The Nazis had plenty of lunatic succesors,

There were several potential successors (Speer, the vast majority fo the generals, probably Goring too) that didn't really care about implementing Hitler's and Himmler's lunatic Lebenstraum plans and would have preferred to keep the Slavs as vassals, if they had been giving the orders. In a victorious post-Hitler Nazi Germany, with the Heer racking the most of the prestige thanks to the victory, and the Nazi empire facing a lot of economic problems, it is most likely that the succession would have fallen to a moderate, pragmatic technocrat or general figure, which would have cut off the extermination programs like the horribly expensive, difficult, exhausting thing it was and switched to brual vassallage not very different from the WarPact. This fits the evolution pattern of totalitarian regimes when the charismatic founder figure dies.

it would be a step from planning to murder every single Russian to keeping them all in a state of debased and uneducated slavery of the body and mind. Whereas the Soviets went from a brutal police state where you could get a trip to Siberia if you were unlucky to a brutal police state where you generally didn't. Still no comparison.

Despite the lunatic socio-economic theories of Hitler, it is very difficult to make your exploited work force any productive in a modern state if you keep them wholly debased and uneducated, and the pragmatic successor of Adolf would have been going to realize it.

And the 30s purges weren't a genocide by any stretch of the imaginations.

If you listen to Soviet apologists, sure.

For one thing, many of their victims wiped the blood from their faces and went to take command again during the GPW.

Yeah, a tiny picking of useful generals, technicians, and scientists was pardoned when Barbarossa began, but it did not change the fate of millions.

What other regime has based its whole state policy on enslaving and destroying other nations,

Assyrians, Mongols...

The Russian Civil War got bad, but it wasn't state policy. The Bolsheviks were trying to end the destructive chaos as quickly as possible, and willing to be extremely callous in doing so.

Yeah, sure all the "enemy social classes" were actively fostering the social chaos and were caught within the ranks of the White armies. :rolleyes:

It's not like those Slavs matter or anything.

They do. It's just the rebuttal of your outlandish claim that the Nazis wanted to "destroy civilization". Like the Bolsheviks, they wanted to build a different civilization, one that unfortunately for the world would have been built on a pile of scapegoat corpses and doomed to collapse in the long run anyway. The worse about the Nazi/Communist atrocities it is they were ultimately futile, since the society that they killed to build could not stand, even if they had conquered all of Eurasia. What may be blamed especially on the Nazis is the especially loony quality of the scapegoat choices they picked (if there ever was a "model minority", it would be the Jews).

The Purges killed every fourth Soviet and planned to kill all the rest?

Believing Soviet claims on the demographic losses from 1917 to 1953 is bad for your health.

It changes dramatically, however, when I am gassed to death/fulfill my time and am released.

Rather gassed to death or worked to death.

Stalin wanted to make Germany independent and united.

This is farcical. Stalin wanted to make all of Germany its exploited vassal, the Stalin note was a trap.

Germany's economy was not destroyed.

They tried hard.

Collective punishment was kept to a practical minimum.

Mass rapes are so practical.

And while I'm against collective punishment, the real world is the real world, and I know what I'd have thought as a Czech in 1945.

The Poles had no excuse, they were ethnically cleansing to grab land that had never belonged to them for almost a millennium, with scarce a single Pole in it.

And I can absolutely see why it was necessary to enter Germany and destroy all traces of Nazism.

And so it happened. But neither the ethnic cleansings, nor the national division, nor the brutal Soviet occupation were any necessary. Japan had an almost as bad war record, and was rehabilitated fine without any of that.

If anything, this wasn;t done thoroughly enough.

Please, are you turning into an Hurgan clone, and going to claim that present Germany is secretely run by cabals of Neo-nazis ? Have you noticed that Germany is the European country where the far right is most shunned and reviled ?

Never mind the Slavs!

If the German people had been offered a conditional surrender humane peace, it is almost sure that teh German generals would have managed to get theri act together and off the Nazis in 1943, saiving a helluva lot of Jews and Slavs.

Seriously, though, never mind the Slavs. Nobody even cares about them...

Making a D-Day in the Balkans liberates them first and foremost.

Oh, yeah, the plan that wasn't ever implemented because it was absurd.

So it was Generalplan Ost, its attempted implementation would have broken the back of Germany economically and militarly. or much more likely, it would been dropped like a hot potato as soon as Adolf succumbed to progressive neurodegeneration in the late 1940s.
Ask the kulaks.

Well, my entire family on both sides was de-kulakised. One of my ancestors was de-kulakised twice. He'd had enough of the BS and commited suicide as a result. He was the only one. The rest of my family is still living in the same villages they were living in before the revolution.

Many Soviet statistics are tainted by the decades-long Communist effort to tribute a very large part of the body count for Leninist-Stalinist atrocities to the Nazi invasion, both as mass atrocities and as war casualties...Hitler killed a lot of Belarusians, but so did Stalin.

Are you trying to attribute Nazi murders to the Soviet regime? Fair enough. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I'm fairly confident you cannot provide this extraordinary evidence for this extraordinary claim.

Yeah, a tiny picking of useful generals, technicians, and scientists was pardoned when Barbarossa began, but it did not change the fate of millions.

You need to really look at some real numbers. I'm uncertain about what you mean by both "millions" and "tiny picking".

Assyrians, Mongols...

Excellent comparisons, yes.

Believing Soviet claims on the demographic losses from 1917 to 1953 is bad for your health.

Do you have better contradicting evidence?

Rather gassed to death or worked to death.

I doubt the death rates are really comparable.

This is farcical. Stalin wanted to make all of Germany its exploited vassal, the Stalin note was a trap.

Like Finland, then.


Seriously, this is a silly conversation.
Have we really to have this kind of conversation ? Comparison of the horrible records of the two most horrible regimes in history is really distastaful, however apology of Leninist-Stalinist regime cannot ever be left standing, and arguing that it was a preferable alternative to Nazism is such, the vicious lie that Communist propaganda has been spreading for decades in order to pick a flimsy justification to their horrible record.

You're obviously so determined to believe that all sources can be discounted as propaganda if it suits your opinionated views verging on Nazi-apologism that this debate is just going to become a waste of time. I'm not going to Ignore you, unlike MR.Nobody, because I think you're just misled and a knowledgeable and useful contributor, but I really don't have time for this discussion any more.

The Soviets imposed a brutal regime on their own people that killed millions following lunatic and untenable sociopolitical theories, picking victims among scapegoat social classes, national minorities, everyone that could be remotely suspected of harboring a bad opinion of the regime, and at good amount of random victims picked to terrorize the others into abject obedience. The Nazis pretty much left the bulk of their own people alone, if in a brutal police state, and killed millions following lunatic and untenable racial theories, picking victims among scapegoats minorities and foreign nationalities, part in order to wipe them our for their loony colonization projects, part in order to terrorize the others into abject obedience. The amount of victims that were systematically killed during the rule of Hitler and Stalin is wholly comparable, and the span of time they were allowed to rampage is comparable, too. To this we must add the victims of Red Terror under Lenin, on one hand, and the victims of Nazi war crimes, on the other.

I'm not seeing any statistics, which is unsurprising, since you're willing to discount any source you don't like.

They did, they just chose the slower method of working the inmates to death (to exploit them to the fullest) instead of gassing them. That's why more survived.

This is just silly. That's not how extermination works. If two guys want to eat a pie, one choosing the slow method of cutting a single slice and eating it and the other just gallumphing it, they've both eaten an entire pie?

Ask the kulaks.

They were locked in barns and burned, right?

Many Soviet statistics are tainted by the decades-long Communist effort to tribute a very large part of the body count for Leninist-Stalinist atrocities to the Nazi invasion, both as mass atrocities and as war casualties.

Wow, conveniant and unsourced!

While no doubt the genuine body count of Nazi atrocites in Russia was huge, both as war crimes and purposeful mass murder (mostly aimed on the Jews, however) go, if the statistics of the Soviets were genuine, the Nazi soldiers would have been invincible war gods killing enemy peasants and soldiers 24/7. Giving the blame for Katyn to the Nazis was not an isolated occurence. One has to keep this in mind when claims about "fourth Belarusian" and such are uttered.

So where did all those Balrussians go? Are they hiding?

Hitler killed a lot of Belarusians, but so did Stalin. The unfortunate Soviet peoples had the terrible lose-lose choice of being trapped in between.

It took the Germans four years to kill 25% of the population. The Soviets had plenty more years than sixteen...

There were several potential successors (Speer, the vast majority fo the generals, probably Goring too) that didn't really care about implementing Hitler's and Himmler's lunatic Lebenstraum plans and would have preferred to keep the Slavs as vassals, if they had been giving the orders. In a victorious post-Hitler Nazi Germany, with the Heer racking the most of the prestige thanks to the victory, and the Nazi empire facing a lot of economic problems, it is most likely that the succession would have fallen to a moderate, pragmatic technocrat or general figure, which would have cut off the extermination programs like the horribly expensive, difficult, exhausting thing it was and switched to brual vassallage not very different from the WarPact. This fits the evolution pattern of totalitarian regimes when the charismatic founder figure dies.

Well, in the Soviet Union, the charismatic founder was followed by a man who was even worse... but I don't think this is all hugely relevant. The Nazis can do massive damage in short time. You're trying to claim that the Nazis attempting to exterminate people and then imposing very brutal regimes on them isn't any worse than the Soviets imposing somewhat less brutal regimes on them.

Despite the lunatic socio-economic theories of Hitler, it is very difficult to make your exploited work force any productive in a modern state if you keep them wholly debased and uneducated, and the pragmatic successor of Adolf would have been going to realize it.

Hey, we have no evidence except what was in fact planned.

If you listen to Soviet apologists, sure.

Tricky lying Russians!

Yeah, a tiny picking of useful generals, technicians, and scientists was pardoned when Barbarossa began, but it did not change the fate of millions.

Are you actually to say the Purges were some kind of Holocaust analogue.

Assyrians, Mongols...

What? The Mongols were better-off nationally than many because in their "independent" republic there was a motive to fill up proffesional and administrative positions with Mongols, so they didn't suffer the same directionlessness after the Soviet collapse.

Assyrians live in Iraq and Turkey...

Yeah, sure all the "enemy social classes" were actively fostering the social chaos and were caught within the ranks of the White armies. :rolleyes:

Where did I say that?

They do. It's just the rebuttal of your outlandish claim that the Nazis wanted to "destroy civilization". Like the Bolsheviks, they wanted to build a different civilization, one that unfortunately for the world would have been built on a pile of scapegoat corpses and doomed to collapse in the long run anyway.

I'm talking about the occupied western Soviet Union, where everything broke down on a level that never happened under the Soviet occupations.

The worse about the Nazi/Communist atrocities it is they were ultimately futile, since the society that they killed to build could not stand, even if they had conquered all of Eurasia. What may be blamed especially on the Nazis is the especially loony quality of the scapegoat choices they picked (if there ever was a "model minority", it would be the Jews).

The USSR could easily have survived if there had never been a Nazi Germany.

Believing Soviet claims on the demographic losses from 1917 to 1953 is bad for your health.

Burden of proof?

Rather gassed to death or worked to death.

Most people survived GULAG.

This is why I'm giving in. You make an incorrect statement, I correct it, and you make the same statement again

This is farcical. Stalin wanted to make all of Germany its exploited vassal, the Stalin note was a trap.

As proven by the brutal Soviet tyranny in Austria.

They tried hard.

What? When?

Mass rapes are so practical.

The Soviet command didn't try and stop such behavior in 1945, but they did in 1946. It was the result of men raised in a harsh totalitarian society ariving angry and horny in the enemy's land, not some systematic scheme,

The Poles had no excuse, they were ethnically cleansing to grab land that had never belonged to them for almost a millennium, with scarce a single Pole in it.

They had what had been done to them. That's no justification, but it's an excuse. It makes it obvious why it happened.

And so it happened. But neither the ethnic cleansings, nor the national division, nor the brutal Soviet occupation were any necessary. Japan had an almost as bad war record, and was rehabilitated fine without any of that.

1) Japan was bad, but was neither Nazi bad nor properly re-habilitated (damn you, MacArthur!).

2) East Germany as a "brutal Soviet occupation" is pretty damn dubious. There were Soviet troops stationed there, what with the whole "Cold War", but there were also East Germans. The regime was held together by a frighteningly sophisticated web of surveillance and string-pulling, not plain brutality.

Please, are you turning into an Hurgan clone, and going to claim that present Germany is secretely run by cabals of Neo-nazis ? Have you noticed that Germany is the European country where the far right is most shunned and reviled ?

My opinions on this issue were shaped by notorious Hurganpuppet and loather of all things German "Susano".

If the German people had been offered a conditional surrender humane peace, it is almost sure that teh German generals would have managed to get theri act together and off the Nazis in 1943, saiving a helluva lot of Jews and Slavs.

Stauffenberg had real nice things to say about the Poles, didn't he?

Making a D-Day in the Balkans liberates them first and foremost.

But where does that include "giving Germany land"?

So it was Generalplan Ost, its attempted implementation would have broken the back of Germany economically and militarly. or much more likely, it would been dropped like a hot potato as soon as Adolf succumbed to progressive neurodegeneration in the late 1940s.

The Nazis killed millions before they even had a chance to put down roots. The Allies refrained from doing anything at all.

Your grounds for calling that fellow a "psychopath" are flimsy indeed.

Just because someone advocates something on a message board--in which their behind will not have to cash the checks their mouth is writing--does not mean they have a personality disorder.

Re: Stauffenberg, let's not make the perfect the enemy of the good. And Stauffenberg in 1939, when he referred to Poland as a land of half-breeds, might not be the same man he was in 1944.

Re: the Morganthau Plan, the reason it wasn't implemented is because it got exposed and everyone was duly horrified by it.

Read "The New Dealer's War." The whole situation is a lot more gray than you'd think.

(For starters, Stalin refused to allow the Western Allies to use Soviet airfields to ship aid to the Warsaw rebels in 1944. I wonder why? And Morganthau didn't care that his plan would cause mass famine in Germany.)
FletcherofSaltoun said:
Someone wants you dead due to your race/nationality/ethnicity/political views etc.

Another person wants to send you to a camp in horrid conditions due to your political views. You think that is splitting hairs because you are out of the dictators way?
If I'm dead it doesn't matter if it was a NAZI because of my ancestry or a Soviet because I refused to work on a collective farm. Dead is dead and the Soviets were willing to pile bodies up as high as the NAZIs.

FletcherofSaltoun said:
The Soviets may have been nasty, but they were not on a par with the Nazis when it came to suppression. Under the Soviets, at least the ancient states of Europe continued to exist. Under the Nazis, they would be eventually be wiped out.
The ancient states existed largely in name only. Keeping a few nations around as a pretense for not being a dictatorship hardly makes the Soviets signifigantly better than NAZI's.

FletcherofSaltoun said:
Could you clarify this point please? I would hate to think it was advocating the use of nuclear weapons against a state that is not at war.
Just derailing the counter argument that victory against the Soviet Union was imposisble. The West had every advantage, better and untouchable industrial output, a population largely untouched by war, the Atomic bomb, a large relativly experianced army etc. We would have won if things had come to blows.

FletcherofSaltoun said:
What do you mean "removed from the earth"?
Render it inert, no longer existing. The Soviet Union as of today does not exist. It has been killed, slain, removed from the earth. I simply meant that both Nazim and Communism were forces that needed to be fought against, be it economically, politically,militarily etc in order to contain and eventually destroy. This can be done with war like the NAZI's or not as shown with the Soviets.
Worse in killcount, but as a person? They were both equally maniacal. It's like saying that getting mutiliated by a chainsaw is better than being covered in angry mosquitos. :rolleyes:

Let's compare totalitarianism to a sort of pandemic flu. In Hitler's Germany and occupied Europe, if you were a Jew, a Rom, a Jeovah's Witness or a political opposer, you have very high risk of death. If you are a Slav in an occupied country you have a high risk of death. If you don't fit in those cathegories (and you're not fighting) you're relatively safe, if not immune.
In Stalin's Ussr and occupied Eastern Europe, your risk of death is high, in any case. You could be everything you want: in any case a simple suspect can bring you to a sudden and cruel death. Membership of Communist Party, also, was not a safe heaven: historically, the largest number of communists was killed by Stalin because of internal struggles in the Party. Under Stalin's rule you were never safe. With a total of 47 million victims, almost every Soviet family was hit by terror. This is why I consider it the worst regime in History, ever.

An Allied vs Nazi-Soviet Pact could be a beautiful alternative history storyline in case of Allied victory. They could have wiped out both totalitarian monsters. In case of totalitarian victory, however, it could be the worst nightmare scenario, like Orwell's "1984".
I Blame Communism let us get down to the brass tacks.

I have shown you the USSR killed more than the NAZI's. I have shown they killed on a comparable time frame, famine or gas the USSR goverment decided those people would die, and what they did to East Europe likely wouldn't have been lightyears better than what the favored races would have lived in under NAZI Germany. Your only argument pertaining to our disagreement is one of intent. Namely Hitler gassed you because you were unclean while Stalin starved you or froze you to death in siberia as a means to an end. I will conceed Intentwise the Germans were worse but deeds and results far outwiegh such a trival concern. So unless you can bring forward evidence of the physical nature, a higher death toll than estimated, enslaving more people and longer than the USSR did etc I kindly ask you to conceed that the USSR was infinitly better than NAZI Germany.
I ahve established that I cannot be bothered arguing with people who are sufficiently opinionated to disregard arbitrary historical sources in defiance of burden-of-proof and people who are willing to contemplate nuclear war for reasons of strident ideology. I am not so insecure in my historical viewpoint that I need it to be validated by people on the internet and therefore I'm not wasting any more of time on thsi thread.

I will, however, concede that the USSR was infinitely better than Nazi Germany. :p

(You need to learn what that phrase means.)
If I'm dead it doesn't matter if it was a NAZI because of my ancestry or a Soviet because I refused to work on a collective farm. Dead is dead and the Soviets were willing to pile bodies up as high as the Nazis.
Before anything, why do you insist on capitalising the term Nazi?

Had you refused to work on a collective farm, then odds were you would have been sent to a Gulag. The odds of surviving a Gulag were infinantly better than surviving a Nazi KZ. That is just a point of fact.

I am not arguing that the Soviets were nice guys here, simply that the Nazis were one step beyond. You seem to be in the thinking that a famine worsened by Government policies means that the Soviets were worse than the Nazis who attempted to wipe out entire races. I have to ask you then, do you think that Lord John Russell, the British Prime Minister at the time of the Irish Potato famine was as bad as Hitler?
Mr.Nobody said:
The ancient states existed largely in name only. Keeping a few nations around as a pretense for not being a dictatorship hardly makes the Soviets signifigantly better than NAZI's.
You misunderstand me sir.

The populations of the ancient states of europe were around. Poland is mainly Polish today, Belarus is mainly Belarussian principally due to the fact that the Soviets did not have the same type of polices as the Nazis. Had the Nazis won the war, the populations of these states would either no longer exist or be as uneducated as those in the Sudan, living as slave labourers. That the nations of Eatern europe are around today is testement that the Soviets, although bad, were not as bad as the Nazis.
Just derailing the counter argument that victory against the Soviet Union was imposisble. The West had every advantage, better and untouchable industrial output, a population largely untouched by war, the Atomic bomb, a large relativly experianced army etc. We would have won if things had come to blows.
Why declare war at that point though?
Render it inert, no longer existing. The Soviet Union as of today does not exist. It has been killed, slain, removed from the earth. I simply meant that both Nazim and Communism were forces that needed to be fought against, be it economically, politically,militarily etc in order to contain and eventually destroy. This can be done with war like the NAZI's or not as shown with the Soviets.
You know, you almost sound like a genocidal madman.
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You know according to that link, the UK is up there with Attaturk, and above the dictatorship of Portugal.

Was that the great massacre of the queues at the Argos sale of '86 or something???????:rolleyes:

Oh, its a wonderfully unbiased site....

Like the way the IRA murders of civilians in N Ireland is counted as BRITISH kills....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Pardon me if I don't take it seriously....