WI: Wilhelm's son becomes King of Georgia?

Something I saw on Wikipedia that I felt had a lot of AH potential:

Prince Joachim of Prussia, youngest son of Kaiser Wilhelm II, was apparently on the short list of candidates to take the throne of Georgia after Georgia declared independence in 1917:

During the Easter Rising in Dublin, Ireland in 1916 some republican leaders contemplated giving the throne of an independent Ireland to Prince Joachim.[1][2]
After Georgia's declaration of independence following the Russian Revolution of 1917, Joachim was briefly considered by the German representative Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg and Georgian royalists as a candidate to the Georgian throne.[3]

What do you think would have been the end result of such a move? I would imagine it would have gone down about as well as when an Austrian prince was named King of Mexico, but was there a possibility that Joachim could preserve Georgian independence at least until World War II? And if he did, what would Georgia’s role in WW2 have been?
As said earlier, it really depends on what happens in WWI. If Germany looses WWI, the country gets reabsorbed into the Soviet Union after the Russian Civil War.
If Germany wins, however, Georgia becomes a state with the oil production and stability of otl Kuwait.