WI: Tolkien lives longer?

He lives to 2003, he'd live to see the Lord of the Rings films made... wonder if he's like them (or that they are regarded as some of the best movies ever made)
Most probably not.

If the matter had been still in his hands and if he had looked at the synopsis and concept art, he just wouldn't have allowed Peter Jackson to make it (as he didn't allow a cartoon adaptation in the fifties).
Most probably not.

If the matter had been still in his hands and if he had looked at the synopsis and concept art, he just wouldn't have allowed Peter Jackson to make it (as he didn't allow a cartoon adaptation in the fifties).

Although if somebody like Jackson who really loves the books and wants to make the films as much as for the sake of trying to create an in-depth visual of the world of LOTR ends up in charge of making them he might voluntarily approach Tolkein for a bit of imput regarding the script.
my guess is that, if it is Peter Jackson directing TTL's live-action films, and if he approaches Tolkien for input, we may well get our fell-beasts like they're supposed to look, with beaks rather than Howe's blunt-snouted ones
my guess is that, if it is Peter Jackson directing TTL's live-action films, and if he approaches Tolkien for input, we may well get our fell-beasts like they're supposed to look, with beaks rather than Howe's blunt-snouted ones

What about the Balrog, do you think Tolkien would appreciate the Jackson interpretation?
there dosent seem to be anything exceptionally wrong with the balrogs; tolkien described them as, in essence, looking like devils. horns? check. fire? check. shadow? check. whip? check. the only thing that he didnt include, iirc, were thee wings. the fell-beasts, in contrast, were specifically described as looking like featherless birds with bat-wings, and when asked about it later, tolkien admitted that they were very pterosaur-like even though he hadnt had pterosaurs in mind when he created them; iirc, he even offered the supposition afterwards that the fell-beasts may be the descendants of a relict population of pterosaurs