WI Stalin invades Poland first.


What if Starlin jumps the gun and invades Poland before Hitler. Will Britain and France declare war on Russia?
Think this is pretty unlikely, to be honest. Stalin would not front the Soviets into such a situation.

If we suggest something like Volshirov decides to hit Poland on what he thinks will be "Day 1" but it is actually "Day -7", Poland will DoW the Soviet Union and the UK and France are probably NOT going to DoW the Soviets on this spot--if Germany attempts to move in afterward, France and the UK are going to have to threaten war unless Germany pulls out. Now, given the situation, it is possible that Poland goes down before France and the UK actually DoW Germany, but the distinction doesn't mean much with the whole Sitzkrieg in the West in OTL.

The major change, however, is that Finland is going to recieve Allied Support and bombing Baku will go forward. If this results in a Triangle War, when Germany attacks the Soviet Union, I would expect Germany-Soviet Union to very quickly emerge as the nastiest of the three coalitions, and the one war that will not get peaced out of.

I'm still unsure how the Triangle would play out.
Shattered world did this scenario with an undetermined pod that made the world a whole less pro-communist. Germany ends up fight the USSR over Poland and gets Poland and Ukraine and somehow Sweden gets invaded.

Here's the timeline.
Neithe UK nor France are obliged to DoW Su. The treaties with Poland concerned only Germany and Polish western border. Romania will DoW Soviet Union as it was in defensive treaty with Poland.
The war will not be reflection of 1939 war with Germany, as Soviets had extremely poor command and tactics. Their attitude were numbers, but it would take far longer for them to conquer Poland, especially as the eastern border is far more defensible then the western one.
Of course it depends if Germany joins in.
This is perfect for Hitler.

He can side with the western allies,"liberate" Poland and then get his lebensraum in the East.

He'll be back in with the W/Allies,all will be forgiven and this will confirm appeasers arguments of Germany being a bulwark against Communism.